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• ••and it M E A N S 2 3 0 v o l t s If your power lines d o n ' t supply the correct voltage, you are in trouble. Electrical equipment is designed to operate a t the voltage specified on the nameplate . . . and t h e specified voltage m u s t be constant. Low, high and fluctuating voltages mean poor performance, shortened life, work stoppages and costlier operation. For constant input voltage regardless of line or load changes, use STABILINE Automatic Voltage Regulators. T h e y provide t h e answer t o end "VARYING VOLTAGE TROUBLES." We'll b e pleased t o give you more facts. Contact your electronic parts distributor or a n y of these Superior Electric sales offices: 1 4 6 6 3 Titus St., V a n Nuys, C a l . · P.O. Box 9 4 6 , 2 8 8 1 El Camino Real, R e d w o o d City, C a l . · 4 5 3 - A Eglinton Ave., West, Room 2 0 2 , Toronto 1 2, O n t a r i o , Can. 2 2 1 7 Biscayne Blvd., M i a m i , Florida · P.O. Box 4 8 , 7 2 1 So. Blvd., O a k Park, III. 4 0 2 5 - 4 0 3 3 W . Rogers Ave., Office # 2 Tippett Bldg., Baltimore, M a r y l a n d . 2 5 0 Park Ave., Rms. 5 0 2 - 5 0 4 Postum Bldg., N e w York 1 7 , N.Y. · P.O. Box 1 3 2 , 101 Public S q „ M e d i n a , Ohio · 4 5 1 5 Prentice St., Room 2 0 1 , Dallas 6 , Texas.


VARYING VOLTAGE TROUBLES INCLUDE: s h o r t e r lives f o r m o t o r s , e l e c t r o n i c tubes, fluorescent lamps · increased rejects · process recycling · inspection slip-ups • moulding and infrared heating " t r o u b l e s "

...iitf ! STABILINE type EM6220Y holds output voltage constant . . . ends the troubles caused by voltage variations.