T H E SYNERGY O F CUTTING-EDGE AND I he diversity of molecular structures in natural products is a strong complement to what's available in synthetic chemical libraries. Moreover, natural product sources have a proven record of success in generating new pharmaceutical products. For instance, •
Approximately 7 0 % of anti-microbial and anti-cancer drugs were derived from natural products.
3 0 % of the best-selling small molecule drugs in 1 999 were either derived from or developed through a study of natural products.
AMRI's recently acquired Bothell Research Center has over ten years of experience and accomplishment in natural products technologies. Our extracts contain over 2,000,000 biologically derived c o m p o u n d s . Gain access to our diverse and global micro organism collection. Increase your chances of obtaining novel lead compounds. Integrated Technologies. Access to our libraries is part of a package of integrated R & D technologies, which include extensive capabilities in separa tions and structure elucidation, analytical and discovery chemistries, information-rich relational databases, molecular modeling, and development chemistry—all bundled with flexibility to meet your needs.
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Lead-Seeking Libraries N o w Available for Screening: Diversity Library: Access 80,000 primary fermentation extracts in 96-well plate format. Premium Library: Composed of 20,000 uniquely fractionated natural product samples. ChemoFocus Library: Over 1,000 pure natural products and semi-synthetic natural product derivatives. •
Botanical Collection: Limited supply of screening samples available from over ,000 extracts of medicinally active plants collected worldwide.
With post-genomic studies identifying dozens of novel small molecule targets, success requires the ability to quickly and broadly exploit chemical diversity in order to generate new drug leads. More than ever, natural products libraries represent another tool to gain a competitive edge. Contact us for more information.
Albany Molecular Research, Inc. 21 Corporate Circle, P.O. Box 15098 · Albany, NY 12212-5098 Phone: 518-464-0279 · Fax: 518-464-0289 · w w w . a l b m o l e c u l a r . c o n i