Evelyn L. Rosen, Matthew D. Sanderson, Shanmuganathan Saravanakumar, and Christopher W. Bielawski. Organometallics 2007 26 (24), 5774-5777...
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of IV) was isolated as the di-n butylamine salt, which when recrystallized from acetone afforded 4.05 g. (94% yield) of glistening needles, m.p. 141-144", [ a ] $31" ~ (found for CzsHJgNOe: C , 77.96; H, 11.34; N, 3.26). The m.p. and optical rotation were unchanged by further recrystallization. Treatment of the salt with acetic acid in dilute ethanol? yielded, after recrystallization from ethanol-water, 2.42 g. (80%) of As'.abietadienoic acid (I11) (steroid-triterpene numbering) as fine plates, m.p. 160-162", [ a ] +55'. ~ The ultraviolet spectrum (only end-absorption in the low wave length region), the n.m.r. spectrum' in CDC13 (single vinyl proton, 4 . 5 5 ~ )and , the mode of formation support the assignment of structure 111.



:si'' 'COzH


I1 I

' -'C02H

' .'R


When heated a t 21 0 ' with potassiuui hytlroxidr. i n ethylene glycol, 111 was partially isomerized to palustric acid (4S~13-abietadienoic acid), A,, 265-266 nip (single vinyl proton in the n.rn.r. spectrum,' 4.547). The further isomerization of palustric acid to abietic acid1' and the conversion of abietic acid to neoabietic acid? and to dihydroand tetrahydroabietic acids'? have been reported previously. Interestingly, in the absence of an alcohol, the lithium-in-ethylamine reduction of dehydroabietic acid gave a mixture of non-aromatic aldehydic products in about 80% yield. From this mixture, A8-abietenal ( I T ) was isolated in 20% yield by alumina chromatography of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone (m.p. 158-139° ; found for C26H&40%: C, (36.69; H, 7.88; K, 11.85). The position of the double bond in V was verified by the spectrumT3of the 2,-I-DKP and by the method of Castells and Meakinsl'ias applied to the corresponding carbinol. issued June 12, 195f3),was subjected t o \Volff-Kishner reduction and hydrolysis. T h e resulting hydroxy acid. 1n.p. 186-187'. [ a ] D t 4 R ' c8ic; yield), was esterified (diazomethane) and converted via t h e corresponding hydroperoxide (6. T. F. Sanderson, U . S. Patent 2,750,367, issued June 1 2 , 1956) t o t h e phenolic ester ( i i ) , m.p. 149.5150'. 0-Methylation, ester hydrolysis, Benkeser-Birch reduction esterification (diazornethane), and then reaction of the resulting keto ester, m.p. 127-12S0 IC. C . Harris and T. F. Sanderson J . Ain Che?ii. .Cot., 70, 339 (1948); cf. ref. 31, with isopropylmagnesium bromide in benzene-ether, followed by dehydration and hydrolysis. furnished abietic acid.

IV, R = COzH V, R = CHO


Li.hen heated under reflux for 2 hr. in ethanol with concd. hydrochloric acid,? recrystallized I11 furnished, in S070 yield, abietic acid (11) of an s was isolated estimated purity of 8 0 - 8 5 ~ 0 , which as the diisoamylamine salt, 1n.p. 133-136", [Q]D -4'7" (decreased to - 61" ? after three recrystallizations from acetone), or as the di-n-butylamine salt, -33" (rotation not altered imp. 152-153", [.ID appreciably by further recrystallization ; found for CLsH.,9NO?:C, r i . 9 2 ; H, 11.30; N, 3.41). The physical properties of the regenerated, recrystallized? acid, including crystallization behavior,2 n1.p. and mixed m.p. (167-172"), optical rotation2 ([.ID -106'), infrared spectrum (CS? and KBr disk), ultraviolet absorption? [hmax 23; (6 21,500), 241.5 (23,000) and 250 mp (15,500)], and n.m.r. spectrum7 (two vinyl protons, 4.26 and 4 . 6 6 ~ ) , were identical with those of authentic abietic acid.?,9.10 -3

( 7 ) This determination was obtained through the courtesy of Professor Ernest Wenkert a t Iowa S t a t e University. (8) Calculated on t h e basis of the observed extinction at 241.6 mp.2 T h e presumed impurity, AB-abietenoic acid ( I V ) , arising from a small amount of over-reduction of I, is reported t o have m.p. 174-176', [ a ]+104' ~ [E. E. Fleck and S. Palkin, J. A m . Chem. Soc., 19, 1593 (1937)l. A 4 : l mixture of pure abietic acid and IV ([aID 4-85"), obtained b y partial hydrogenation of 111, showed spectral a n d optical rotational properties virtually identical with those of the acid isomerization product of 111. (9) Kindly supplied by Dr. R a y V. Lawrence, Naval Stores Research Laboratory, Olustee, Fla. We thank Dr. Lawrence for this courtesy a n d also for sending a supply of WW gum rosin f r o m which additional pure abietic acid was isolated.? (10) An alternative pnthway from dehydroabietic acid t o abietic acid almo h a s been realized in our Laboratories: The acetoxy keto eater (i), m,p. 120-130°, [ a ]4 ~6 O , prepared by chromic acid oxidation of mrthyl deltydroabietatc (T, F, Sandetaon, U, 8 . Patent 8,76O,a88,

Vol. b3




'C 0,C H3 (i)





Kecently, we have learned t h a t a similar sequence, based on t h e transformation of desisopropyldehydroabietic acid [E. Wenkert and J . W.Chamberlin, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 81, 688 (1959); cf. M . Ohta and L. Ohmari, P h a r m . Bull. ( T o k y o ) , 5 , 91, 96 (195711 t o t h e phenolic ester (ii). also has been carried o u t in the Iowa S t a t e Laboratories (private communication from Professor Wenkert, with permission t u quote) (11) V. M. Loeblich, D. E. Baldwin and R . V . Lawrence, J . A m . Chem. S o c . , '77, 2823 (1955). (12) Cf.J . L. Simonsen and D. H. R. Barton, " T h e Terpenes." Vol. 111, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, N . Y., 1952. pp. 407-418 (13) We thank Dr. James N. Shoolery for this determination. (14) J, Castells and G. D. Meakins, Cheinistvy b I?tduriry, 248 (1956). (15) T h e senior author gratefully acknowledges the inspiration and encouragement of Professors Gilbert Stork and D . H. R . Barton. We both thank t h e University of Kansas for a grant from the General Research Fund. DEPARTMENT O F CHEMISTRY THEUNIVERSITY O F KANSAS ALBERT u'.BURGSTAHLER~~



LVe wish to report the synthesis of a series of orthoamides, I. These materials are the first examples of compounds having three basic nitrogens attached to a single carbon at0m.l They are ( 1 ) Bredereck, el a i , Be?., sa, 329 (1959)' and 93, 1398 (19601, recently have reported t h e preparation of a series of triacylaminomethanes. T h e chemistry P f tbsm m s t d n l s is quits diserent from t h a t ot tba arthoamldco.

June5, 1961


particularly useful because of their ready conversion to formaniidinium salts, an extremely interesting class of compounds. HX Ar Ar ,CH



cH)y=cH-N( BR-








XI -



The sodium salt of N-methylaniline on treatment with gaseous chlorodifluoromethane in 1,2-dimethoxyethane produced Ia ( h r = C6H5; R = CHs),m.p. 263-265" dec. (anal. Calcd. for C22H&3: C, 79.72; H, 7.60; N, 12.68. Found: C, 79.43; H, 7.65; N, 12.82) in 58y0yield. Similarly were prepared Tb (-4.r = C6H5; R = CzH5), m.p. 183186" (217,) (anal. Calcd. for C25HS1N:,:C, 80.38; H, 8.37: N, 11.25. Found: C, 80.13; H, 8.38; N, 11.03) and IC (Ar = P-N02C,jH4;R = CHn), m.p. 260-265" dec. (23%;) (anal. Calcd. for C22H22X S O ~ :C, 56.64; H, 4.76; K , 18.02. Found: C, .?6.30; H, 4.96; N, 17.i3). The orthoamide Ia (Ar = C6H5; R = CH3) also was prepared by heating ethyl orthoformate and N-methylaniline a t reflux (21%) and by the reaction of I1 (Ar = C6Hb; R = CHa; X = I) with the sodium salt of N-methylaniline. The orthoamides I react smoothly with strong acids, alkyl halides and acyl halides to produce formamidinium salts. I I a = C6H5; R = CH3; X = BFd), m.p. 117-119" (anal. Calcd. for CI5Hl7N?BF4:C, 37.72; H, 5.49; N, 8.98. Found: C, 57.90; H, 5.29; N, 8.98) was prepared in 75y0 yield by heating 30 g. of I (Ar = CsHs; R = CH:,) with 200 cc. of water and GO cc. of 48y0 fluoroboric acid, then diluting and crystallizing. In a. similar manner were prepared I I b (Ar = p-N02C6H4; R = CHa; X = BFI), m.p. 139-161" and IIc (Xr = C6H5; R = CH:,; x = I), n1.p. 162-164". The formamidinium salts undergo a variety of reactions, most of which involve attack of nucleophilic species on the central carbon atom.

Nitration of IIa gave a 63y0 yield of IIb, an extremely interesting result in view of the fact that only para substitution was observed. Other reactions of the orthoamides and formamidinium salts are being examined and will be reported in a later issue of THISJOURNAL. ROHMAND HAASCOMPANY DAVIDH. CLEMENS PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA WILLIAMD. EMMONS RECEIVED MAY1, 1961


Sir : We have found the C=S group in fluorothiocarbonyl compounds has exceptional ability to undergo a variety of addition reactions. This reactivity is best exemplified in hexailuorothioacetone (I), the simplest member of a new class of compounds, the perfluorothioketones. S I1 CFaCCF3


The remarkable reactivity of fluorothiocarbonyl compounds is illustrated by the ease with which hexafluorothioacetone (I) combines with olefins possessing allyl hydrogen atoms. For example, I reacts very rapidly a t - 78" with tetramethylethylene to give the allyl sulfide 11, b.p. 61' (20 mm.), n Z 5 D1.3960, infrared bands a t 6.1 1.1 (C=C) and 11.3 p (terminal CH?), (Anal. Found: S, 11.82).







For example, on stirring I I a (Ar = C6H5; R = CH.,; X = BFL) with sodium methoxide, isopropoxide or t-butoxide the corresponding diaminoalkoxymethane I11 is formed in good yields. Treatment of IIc (Ar = C6H5; R = CH3; X = I) with phenyllithium produced IV, m.p. 127-130", identified by an analysis in agreement with formula and by hydrolysis to benzaldehyde. It is interesting that reduction of I I a (Ar = C6H6; R = CH3; X = BF4) to V, m.p. 33-34' (reported2 35") was achieved easily with sodium hydride in 1,2-diniethoxyethane. (2) J. V. Braun, Ber., 41, 2147 (lQ08).

H/ 'CF,





In many of the reactions of fluorothiocarbonyl compounds, the C--C group behaves as though the sulfur is more electrophilic than the carbon, a situation opposite to that of a C=O group. For example, hexafluorothioacetone reacts in a reverse manner with aqueous bisulfite ion to give a Bunt6 salt, isolated as the tetramethylammonium salt 111, m.p. 196-198" (Anal. Found: F, 33.91; N, 4.26; S, 18.92).



Another example of reverse addition is reaction of hydrogen chloride with I, which gives the disulfide IV, b.p. 67" (48 mm.), n% 1.3598 (Anal. Found: C1, 8.69; S, 16.08). CFa


