The Systems Chromic Ammonium Sulfate-Ferric Ammonium Sulfate

The Systems Chromic Ammonium Sulfate-Ferric Ammonium Sulfate-Water and. Chromic Ammonium Sulfate-Aluminum Ammonium Sulf ate-Water at 25 O...
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blap, 1948


m. p. 5", was fractionally distilled and the middle fraction boiling close to 80' was used. Six determinations were made a t varying bubble rates with an average deviation from the mean of less than one part in a thousand. Saturating the nitrogen gas with benzene vapor before entering the capillaries had no effect whatever on the values. Values given by the original unpurified benzene differed but slightly from those given by the purified product. The chloroform used was prepared from the C. P . analyzed grade by washing with water, drying over calcium chloride, and finally fractionally distilling. The portion boiling close to 61 ' was used. The surface tension values obtained at 25.0' using dried nitrogen were: 26.47, 26.49, 26.52, 26.57, 26.56, 26.54; average 26.53 dynes per cm., average deviation from the mean