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Examines the college and university interface in fiber, textile, and polymer chemistry at one technical school. Keywords (Audience):. First-Year Under...
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W. Roberts Textile Department Clemson University Clernson, South Carolina 29631 Carleton

The Technical School College and university interface in teaching fiber, textile, and polymer chemistry

In the decade of seventies we are witnessing increasing demands in the colleges and universities for descriptive and "relevant" educational experiences in the hard sciences. Pressures are also present for "opening" the college experience t o technology oriented and practically motivated students. Some of these immediate pressures are being felt from Technical Education Centers and from an industry desirous of having more highly trained applicants for fist-line manaeement ~ositions.The College-University Technical ~ c h o i linterface is symptomatic and symbolic of these pressures for flexibility and change. This article will attempt to show how one university's academic department is meeting these challenges. First, what is meant by the Technical School? There are more than 900 2-yr post-high school community colleges, junior colleges, technical institutes, schools of technology, etc., in the United States; limiting this discussion to those schools which give 2-yr associate of arts or associate of arts and sciences degrees in technology-oriented programs, the number to consider is reduced. If we in turn limit ourselves to those schools which have viable 2-yr programs leading to AAS degrees in chemical technology or chemical engineering technology, even fewer qualify as sources of students wishing to enter 4-yr technology programs at the junior level. There has been a steady growth of four-year institutions initiating 4-yr bachelor of technology degree programs (Table 1).For instance, in 1971, three schools, the Universities of Southern Illinois and Dayton and the Pennsylvania State University graduated 19 students with bachelor of science degrees in chemical technology (Table 2). In the engineering science and technology areas growth has been faster. In the same year, 32 institutions graduated 597 4-yr bachelor-level technologists. Fifty-seven schools in 1971 graduated 397 students at the 2-yr level with AAS degrees in chemical technology, as chemical technicians, or as chemical engineering technicians. Of these 57 institutions, only 15 graduated 10 or more each. The demand for many of these students has increased as the level of industrial sophistication in production, control, research, development, technical service, and customer service has increased in the chemically oriented production process and, the "modifier and user" industries. The lack of uniformitv in curricula in the 2- and 4yr technician and technology-oriented institutions and the increasine inclusion "~iecesand hits" of chemistry a t various level'of difficultybrompted the American Chemical Society to investigate chemical education in these institutions. As a result of the Biennial Education Conference in 1964, the Society initiated a series of steps in the area of Chemical Education and Society involvement with the technician and eventually with the technologist..The "Roberts' Committee" laid out curriculum guidelines which the Board Committee on Education and Students chose to accept. These were used as a basis of the present ChemTeC writing program to prepare textual material for use hy the schools having 2-yr technician and technologist programs. The National Science Foundation funded

Table 1. Technology Degrees Reported by Institutions Having at Least One Curriculum Accredited by ECPD, 1954-1971"

Associate De ee ProgramsF



Bachelor'sDegree Programs

YearEnded Number Number June 30 of Schools Graduates of Schools Graduates 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954

63 52 46 44 38 37 33 32 32 32 33 34 35 35

8,543 7,740 6,536 6,264 6,144 5,270 5,695 5,507 5,489 6,035 6,284 7,639 6,418 5,928

11 5 2 1

1,144 720 173 30

No Survey

No Survey

29 21 21

5,499 4,365 3,927

aData for 1954-65 were gathered by Donald C. Metz, et al., far ASEE. Data for 1966 to date were surveyed by the EMC. 31neludes accredited . programs leading to certificate at several . schools. Table 2. Technology Degrees by Curriculum and Level, 1970-1971

Curriculum Aircraft Air Conditioning Architectural Automotive Chemical Civil Computer Drafting Electrical Electronic Industrial Manufacturing Mechanical Other Pre-engineering Total Women US Negroes

Associate Degree

Bachelor's Degree'

657 136 630 449 397 2,047 703 1,696 2,295 4,755 916 253 3,232 828 3,374 22,368 369 380

391 5 26 136 19" 354 59 182 521 685 1,810 103 597 116 5,004 37 131

aEMC Data. OSouthern Illinois University, 5; Univ. of Dayton, Tech. Inst., 10; Penn. State Unwersity, 4.

this writing project; the original ten-volume texts are in the final stages of rewriting and editing for full publication under aegis of the American Chemical Society. This textual material has been used experimentally in the 12 ChemTeC nilot schods for two vears now: results are gratifying. he-rear accomplishment7is the preparation of a total 2-yr textual and lahoratory program for schools Volume 50, Number& August 1973



whose faculty has neither the time nor the facilities to produce materials uniquely suitable for their courses. As of July 1, 1972, 73 schools have chemical technician core programs; 18 schools have chemical engineering technician programs, and 30 schools offer post-high school chemistry-oriented curricula. The last are not defined sufficiently to determine their equivalency to the ChemTeC type program or those approved by the Engineer's Council for Professional Development. This background should help lead to an understanding of what we mean by the technical school graduate who is contrasted to the student who is participating or has participated in direct transfer programs from junior colleges or community college curricula. More to the point is the concept of dual track technology and/or science oriented programs. The first is a direct equivalent of the first two years of a 4-yr curriculum in chemistry, physics, engineering, etc., leading to the 4-yr BS degree and permitting direct access to graduate school. colleges The second track in 2-yr institutions-junior (to only a limited extent), community colleges to a greater extent, and technical education centers to a very great extent-aims almost completely at what was called, erroneously, terminal educational experiences. Some of these experiences are strictly in the Trade school mold. Some schools set u p curricula to satisfy local, rather than national, demands for post-high school education. A few schools tried to give first and second years of truly college experience level instruction to produce technically indoctrinated and/or trained personnel for industry, private and government laboratories, and to a limited extent, university support positions.

A look a t the textile and chemically related support, supplier, and user industries in the southeastern United States as a reflection of notential for careers in these science-based businesses for graduates from Clemsou's Textile Department (Table 3) will show the need for technology graduates. Clemson offers two basic bachelor of science programs, in textile science (Table 4) and textile chemistry (Table 5). The textile science curriculum prepares the bachelor's degree candidate in basic science and textile technology. 'The first two years are devoted primarily to the study of chemistry, physics, mathematics, and English. In his third and fourth vears. the student is introduced to the basic and applied-science and technology necessary for development and production of fibers, woven textiles, non-woven textile systems, and synthetic polymers. The curriculum prepares the candidate for research and Table 3. United States' Basic Chemical Caoacitva

The Technical School-University Interface

Where does Clemson University and its Textile Department fit into the total education picture where the University interfaces with students who apparently do not interface with the presently presented 4-yr curricula?

Type of Industry

South East*

Organics Acetic Anhydride Dimethyl Terephthalate Ethylene Oxide Formaldehyde Vinyl Chloride Man-Made Fibers Acrylic Cellulose Nylon Polyester Palyolefins Rayon Plastic Resins Polypropylene Polyvinylehlaride

19 15

"As percent of total. (C. & E N . , August 16, p. 47 (1971).) *Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia.

Table 4. Textile Science Curriculum-Clemson

Ch 101 General Chemistry Engl 101 English Composition Hist 204 Western Civilization Math 106Anal. Geom., Cal. I Text 122Introd. to Textiles AS or M S or Elective

4(3,3) 3(3,0) 3(3,0) 4(4,0) 1(1,0) 1 16

Engl 203 or Engl204 Math206Anal. Geo., C d . III Phys 221 Ther. & Elec. Phen. Phys 223 Engr. Phys. Lab. TC 303 Textile Chemistry TC 305 Textile Chem. Lab. AS or MS or Elective

3(3,0) 4(4,0) 3(3,0) l(0.3) 3(3,0) 1(0,3) 1 16


3(2,3) 3(2,3) 3U.3) . . . 9


Freshman Year Ch 102 General Chemistry Engl 102 English Composition IM 299 Computer Pro amming I Math 205 Anal. Geam., &I. ll Phys 122 Mech. & Wave Phenomena AS or MS or Elective Sophomore Year Math 208 Engr. Mathematics1 Phys 222 Optics & Mod. Phys. Phys 224 Engr. Phys. Lab. TC 304Textile Chemistry TC 306 Textile Chem. Lab. Eeon 201 Princ. of Economics AS or MS or Elective 16 Junior Year Engl 304 Advanced Composition Teat 302 Fiber Processing ll Text 312 Fabric Dev. I1 Text 322Prop. ofText. Struct.

Senior Year

16 534


Journal of Chemical Education

132 Total Semester Hours

Table 5. Textile Chemistry Curriculum-Clemson University




Freshman Year

Teat 122Introd. to Textiles AS or MS or Elective Ch 102 General chemistrv Engl 102 English ~omposi6on IM 299 Computer Programming I Math 205Anal. Geom., Cal. Il Phvs 122 Mech. & Wave Phenomena AS-O~MS or Elective Sophomore Year Ch 223 Organic Chemistry Ch 225 Organic Chem. Lab. Engl 203 or Engl. 204 Math 206Anal. Geom., Cal. III Phys 221 Ther. & Elec. Phen. Phys 223 Engr. Phys. Lab. AS or MS or Elective Ch 224 Organic Chemistry Ch 226 Organic Chem. Lab. Math 208 Engr. Mathematics I Phys 222 Optm & Mod. Phys. Phys 224 Engr. Phys. Lab. AS or MS or Elective Electives

Ch 331 Physical Chemistry Econ 2ul Principles of Econ. TC 315 lntru. to Puljmrr h e n c e & Engr.

TC : I l l l'uljmerd. Flber Lab. Electives Engl :I04 Advanced Cumppvsrlion Ch :