The Theory of Transition-Metal Ions. - Journal of the American

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has made quite a dent in this complex problem, in particular his contributions concerning the stability aspects. It is perhaps in this area of time-varying systems t h a t tlie flow of information and ideas may be from the control engineer to the networks designer. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING THECNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER GERALDI-I. COHEY ROCHESTER 20, X. 1’.

Vol. 83

theoretical chemists.” This last book, d-scribed in the preceding sentence partly by quotations from its preface and its dust-jacket, has now been written, and very mnsterfully written indeed, by J. S . Griffitn. After a brief introduction apparently in?endetl for physicists who know absolutely no chemistry for whose benefit, apparently, the book is also graced with n table of the names, atomic numbers and symbols of the elenmiis), tlie book proceeds to some chapters ostensibly directed to chemists who ktiow no physics. However, in tlie first of tnese chapters which cover relatively elemeiitary considerations of angular The Theory of Transition-Metal Ions. By J. S. GRIFtr’ITH, momentum and electronic structure of atoms, the author Professor of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania; remarks that while he “starts from the beginning” (which Serry-Ramsey Fellow in Mathematics, King’s College, is true) “it is rather desirable t h a t the reatler shouid possess Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 32 East 57th already a little knowledge of quantum meciiatiics: $9 1-22, 455 pp. 18 X Street, New York 22, S. Y . 1961. h 27, 42 and 43 of Prolessor Dirac’s book Quonlum_ 26 cm. Price, $17.50. probably cover all that is really necessary.” I chapters cover what a chemist knoxvirig no physics iroulc: S o field of chemistry has in the last decade been a n y more have to learn before tackling ligdld field theory se but it exciting in its decisive conquest of old problems, its development of new ideas, and its rise to new levels of sophis- seems no small understatement to say that t!ic3e chaptcrs tication than the chemistry of the transition elements, es- would be a very forinidable challengc for the t r These remarks will serve, I hope, t o convey 3 ! pecially their coordination chemistry. This revoiutionary sion of the general level of sophistication of the entire b d c . surge of vigor is due in considerable part, as practically Following the chapters ( 2 - 5 ) on atomic structure thcre everyone knows, to the rediscovery and practical extension by chemists of those theories developed by physicists such as is a n clegant chapter 011 group theory, only inarrc:i in spots by the unfortunate confusion of the terms c;yiiitnetry Bethe, Sclilapp and Penney and most particularly J . H. element aiid symmetry operation. Begiiining with Chapter Van Vleck during the 1930’s. K n o w today in its various 7 , ligand field theory per se is developed and interrelated forms as crystal field theory or ligand field incisively in three longish chapters. Chapter 10 gives a theory, it provides a powerful conceptual framework and, whirlwind resume of magnetic susceptiblity theory including mirabile dictu, cornputatioiially practical tools for the solupost-Van Vleck developments such as Kotani’s rnethod aiid tion of many problems of spectroscopy, magnetism, bondthe author’s own ingenious modific:ition of it. Cli:rpter 11 ing, structure, reactivity and thermodynamic stability of presents a relatively non-mathematical discLIssio11of tile optransition metal compounds and complexes. tical spectra. of complexes and should he of interest to i m n y But for the chemist t o use this new power he must pay a chemists, even those who would not get much benefit from price. That price is the acquisition of some more difficult earlier chapters. The final chapter is a rather long and thorand sophisticated physics a n d quanturn mechanics than he ough one on paramagnetic resomiice, covering both theory perhaps ever thought would be necessary for a chemist. and representative examples of its application. The book Rapid as it may have seemed in the last decade. the spread of closes with 6s pages of appendices mosr of which are tabuthe ideas aiid technique3 of ligand field theory has not latioiis of data, formulas a n d matrix elements useful in perbeen as rapid i s it might have been because the lack of forming computations. While this reviewer did not attempt textbooks, on any level, iliflated this price beyond the ret o check these tabulations for accuracy, if nile makes the sources of niany. likely assumption that they are relati\-eiy free of errors, I t seeins t o this reviewer t h a t for several years the need it can be said that they constitute a n extremely valuable has existed for three different books. For those whose goal (not necessarily their final one) is acquaintance with the feature of the book. The author has entirely omitted discussion of the f ” coiiimportant qualitative ideas and pictorially expressed cbnfigurations. cepts and therelationship of these to the better known experiThe entire bonk has the distinguished forinat typical of mental facts, a short catechistic book putting emphasis on Cambridge University Press publications and in over four results rather than reasons and principles is required. This months on my shelf iii muggy Massachusetts the covers need has recently been met by L. E. Orgel’s articulate monograph. On the next level, one would desire a book cover- have not buckled as covers on English books so often do. It has lately become one of the most tiresome cliches of ing basic principles and quantitative techniques written for book reviewers t o note in closing how outrageously a book is the willing but mathematically untutored and undistinpriced-right out of reason and reach. I n the present case, guished chemist-in short, a practical but unpretentious I can happily make just the oppoqite observation: this book book. Regrettably, no such book yet exists; it is t o be hoped t h a t one will appear soon. Finally, there has been a seems t o me t o be worth every bit of the $17.50 t h a t is asked for it. need for a mathematically sophisticated and rigorous book DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY presenting “a unified and deductive introduction t o that MASSACHUSETTS part of theoretical physics.. .known as ligand-field theory” IXSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY and directed “primarily t o mathematical physicists and CAXBRIDGE39, MASSACHUSETTS F. ALBERT COTTON
