THE THERMAL SYNDICATE LTD. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 3, 2012 - THE THERMAL SYNDICATE LTD. Anal. Chem. , 1954, 26 (5), pp 15A–15A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60089a716. Publication Date: May 1954...
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ANALYST'S C O L U M N tary (who is also a member of the committee) reported on invitations for future symposia. I t was the sense of the meeting that Syracuse would be suitable for the 1955 meeting; that further information should be obtained about the adequacy of facilities at Miami University before accepting its invitation for 1956; and that consideration be given to a meeting farther west. In the latter connection, Dr. Huffman suggested that at some time the meeting might be held in Denver.

VITREOSIL® (Vitreous Silica) l a b o r a t o r y w a r e surpasses in effectiveness b o t h p o r c e l a i n a n d glass a n d in m a n y cases is also an adequate, economical replacement for p l a t i n u m . Superior to o t h e r ceramics because o f its e x c e p tional chemical purity a n d u n u s u a l resistance t o h e a t shock, VITREOSIL t o d a y is an important, universally accepted material for numerous analytical applications.

Many names were suggested to assist the chairman in selecting members for the various committees. For the nominating committee the specific suggestions were Messrs. Laitinen, Bright, and Huffman, with the first named as chairman. The secretary announced t h a t in addition to the chairman-elect and the secretary, it would be necessary to elect one councilor to replace Dr. AÎber and one alternate councilor to replace Dr. Swift, both to serve from 1955 through 1957. It was agreed t h a t two news letters would be sent to the membership during the year. The first, in May, would contain, in addition, a nomination ballot and a notice to those whose 1954 dues had not been received. A letter was read from Dr. Alber of Arthur H. Thomas offering $500 to underwrite the next directory. It was thought t h a t this might come out in 1955 (3 years after the last one). The chairman was authorized to appoint Mr. J. R. Churchill to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Huffman as alternate councilor. In the event that Churchill refused, Mr. II. F . Beeghly was mentioned as an alternate choice. T h e committee approved the $25.00 financial support of the Pardee Committee on Uniform Application Forms promised by the secretary and chairman. It was reported that the division was sponsoring two symposia at the fall meeting in New York: Air Pollution, joint with Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry



Other topics mentioned for future meetings were: Sampling Determination of Trace Elements in Petroleum Products J U S T a reminder that the Summer Symposium at the University of Minnesota, June 18 to 19, from all advance reports promises to be a good meeting, so you will not want to miss it, particularly if you reside in the mid-west area. For details see the March issue of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, page 21 A.

with and upon

For further information, circle number 15 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 41 A


Paper Chromatography, joint with Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry The secretary read a letter from Dr. Galin W. Ewing, who suggested a Symposium on Teaching of Instrumental Methods of Analysis to be sponsored jointly by the Division of Analytical Chemistry and Division of Chemical Education. This was thought to be good and the secretary was authorized to pursue the matter. It M'as suggested too that he indicate to Dr. Ewing and to Dr. Smith (Chemical Education) that this could be a round table just as well as a symposium.

Bulletin N o . 18 specifications prices, sent request.



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