The thinking man's alcohol - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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(dicyclopentenyl alcohol)

The thinking man's alcohol Dicyclopentenyl alcohol, readily available from Velsicol, is for the product development chemist who is thinking about: • An alcohol that's practically insoluble in water, but organically soluble. • An available monofunctional alcohol that can re­ place other alcohol intermediates. • An economical source of production quantities of di­ cyclopentenyl alcohol for new products or processes. • Test samples of dicyclopentenyl alcohol for new product or new process development projects. It's the alcohol that uniquely fits process requirements of today's "thinking" product developer, compound screener, or pilot production manager.

Looking for a better way to produce existing or new products? Call or write us for the complete story on dicyclopentenyl and how it can fit your present and anticipated process requirements. Velsicol Chemical Corporation 341 East Ohio Street · Chicago, Illinois 60611 I'd like to know more about the thinking man's alcohol. Please send me Π literature Π test samples Π have a representative contact me NAME





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