The Top Stories - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

AEC chairman, NSF director, and OS&T official resign; Nixon nominates replacements for two of the three positions 7. A Ralph Nader task force charges ...
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Chemical World This WeeK

The Top Stories AEC chairman, NSF director, and OS&T official resign; Nixon nominates replacements for two of the three positions 7

A Ralph Nader task force charges USDA with bowing to industry pressures in its regulations of agricultural chemical industry and meat and poultry industry 9

Second-quarter earnings of chemical companies show a mild upturn 10

Many chemical companies try to soften the blow of laying off employees by providing liberal notice, severance pay, fringe benefit packages, and counseling on job hunting 12

Japan's general trading firms are virtually the backing that holds the commercial carpet together 18

The drug industry, long a target of the Government, is now drawing fire from consumer groups. Major charges include irrational drug use, needless and reckless prescribing, high prices, and misleading promotion 24

ACS offers "Men and Molecules" tape cassette programs on popular chemical subjects 32

July 26,1971

THREE RESICN FEDERAL POSTS In a round of federal job changes that occurred over the past fortnight, three top scientists resigned from government positions to accept or return to university positions, and another scientist took leave of a professorship to make his mark in government. Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg resigned as chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission to return to his native California and his professorship at University of California, Berkeley. Dr. William D. McElroy, director of the National Science Foundation, will become chancellor of the University of California, San Diego. And Dr. Hubert Heffner has resigned as deputy director of the Office of Science and Technology to return to his duties at Stanford University. Before appointment to the government post in 1969, Dr. Heffner was professor of electrical engineering at Stanford, where he also had served as associate provost and dean of research. President Nixon has picked Dr. John D. Baldeschwieler, professor of chemistry at Stanford, to replace Dr. Heffner in OS&T. Economist James R. Schlesinger, now serving as assistant director of the Office of Management and Budget, is Mr. Nixon's choice as the new chairman of AEC. No replacement has yet been named for Dr. McElroy. Appointments for all three of the positions are subject to Senate approval. Dr. Seaborg's resignation came as no surprise, since he had previously disclosed that he desired to return to teaching and research. He has served for 10 years under three Presidents and has been chairman of AEC since March 1969. Dr. Seaborg, age 60, tells C&EN that he will return to California in October to continue research in his old field of transuranium elements. Before that, however, he plans to lead a U.S. delegation to the U.S.S.R. in August to visit research establishments and nuclear power plants; in





September to Geneva, Switzerland, for a conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy, and to Vienna, Austria, for the annual general meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Nominated to replace Dr. Seaborg, 42-year-old Dr. Schlesinger originally joined the Administration as assistant director of the Bureau of the Budget in February 1969. Before that he had been director of strategic studies at Rand Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., had served as consultant to the Bureau of the Budget on atomic energy matters, and had directed a study on the control of nuclear proliferation which Rand had undertaken for the Government. Dr. McElroy, age 54, was appointed by President Nixon in 1969 to a six-year term as director of NSF. He had served on the President's Science Advisory Committee JULY 26, 1971 C&EN 7