The Torison Balance Company

Torsion's new line of weight-loading dial balances retains all the proved advantages of the unique Torsion principle which eliminates knife edges...
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Torsion's new line of weight-loading dial balances retains all the proved advantages of the unique Torsion principle which eliminates knife edges and guarantees long-lasting accuracy. Since Torsion introduced the "fine weighing" dial over a year ago, users have reported substantial savings in weighing time. Now Torsion has added a "weight-loading" dial which enables the user to "dial in" additional weights as described in the specifications for each new balance. Both dials can be used without arresting the balance. By using two dials, one for weight loading and one for fine weighing, Torsion has cut weighing time even more. With Torsion's new two-dial feature, the time-consuming handling of small, loose weights has been eliminated. In addition to faster weighing, Torsion's new dial balances with weight loaders minimize the possibility of weights becoming inaccurate from rough handling. Ask your laboratory supply salesman for a demonstration or write for complete specifications.

The Torsion Balance Company Main Office and Factory: Clifton, New Jersey Sales Offices: Chicago, III., San Mateo, Calif. Circle No. 15S on Readers' Service Card

A T O R S I O N MODEL D W L - 3 C a p a c i t y : 2 0 0 grams W e i g h t - l o a d i n g D i a l : up to 9 grams by 1 gram increments Fine W e i g h i n g D i a l : 1 gram by .02 gram graduations (Readability: .005 g) Β TORSION D W L - 5 C a p a c i t y : 5 0 0 grams W e i g h t - l o a d i n g D i a l : up to 9 0 grams by 10 gram increments Fine W e i g h i n g D i a l : 10 grams by .1 gram graduations (Readability: .02 g) C TORSION D W L - 2 C a p a c i t y : 120 grams W e i g h t - l o a d i n g D i a l : up to 9 grams by 1 gram increments Fine W e i g h i n g D i a l : 1 gram by .01 gram graduations (Readability: .002 g) TORSION DWL2-1 Specifications are same as the DWL-2 except that this model has scoop for seeds or other bulky material.