the total information

LABORATORY. Speedy readoutof total Information with precision, stability and repeat- ability makes Model 46 the perfect nucleus of a total spectrophot...
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linear absorbance

introducing the total information spectrophotometer

Coleman Model 46


cell compartment temperature

new, direct digital presentation spectrophotometer opens new areas of analytical information TOTAL INFORMATION Combining proven optics with the most recent advances in solid-state electronics, Coleman Model 46 is the modern TOTAL INFORMATION spectrophotometer. Highly visible, 7-bar electronic digital display presents transmittance, linear absorbance or concentration over the entire spectral range of 1 95 to 800 nm. A new photodetector, especially selected for wide range, high sensitivity, and low noise levels, eliminates problems of marginal response at either end of the spectrum. Cell compartment temperature is continuously monitored and displayed at the turn of a switch. PRECISION OPTICAL SYSTEM A Littrow-type monochromator with a diffraction grating provides constant

dispersion throughout the entire wavelength range. Resolution is better than 0.2 nm and wavelength reproducibility is better than ±0.1 nm over the entire spectrum. Slits are continuously variable for selection of a wide range of energy levels and bandwidths. SIMPLE OPERATION Operation in all modes is straightforward. Simply turning the selector changes modes from % T to A with exact correlation. In the concentration mode, a sample of known concentration value is inserted and the value is set with the concentration calibration control. Unknown samples from 0.000 to 1999 may then be read directly on the digital presentation. Readings are exact, eliminating charts or mathematical conversion; this makes the Model 46 ideal for routine as well as research laboratory use.

NUCLEUS OF A TOTAL SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC RESEARCH LABORATORY Speedy readout of total information with precision, stability and repeatability makes Model 46 the perfect nucleus of a total spectrophotometric research laboratory. Many different accessories are offered forthe Model 46 — including fluorometer, flame photometer, sample changer, spectral energy recorder, diffuse reflectance accessory, long path cells, micro cells, flow cells, and many other attachments. Model 46 can perform more photometric techniques than any other instrument in its price range. Phone or write your Coleman dealer for a demonstration.

Request Bulletin A-336

" V i s i t Booths 2 8 0 - 2 8 1 — N a t l . Chem. Expo—Chicago"


Coleman Instruments Division, The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 42 Madison Street, Maywood, Illinois 601 53. (31 2) 345-7500 Circle No. 30 on Readers' Service Card