BOOKS The Tropospheric Transport of Pollutants and Other Substances to the Oceans. National Research Council. xi 243 pages. Printing and Publishing Office, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20418. 1978. $1 1.75, paper. Can air pollutants, carried out to sea through the lower layers of the atmosphere come to rest in the oceans, and pollute them? The answer, unfortunately, seems to be “yes,” and this workshop report explains the mechanisms by which such pollution occurs. Metals, radionuclides, organics, and other materials are covered. Certain recommendations are set forth.
Sourcebook on the Environment: A Guide to the Literature. Kenneth A. Hammond, et al., Eds. 6 13 pages. The University of Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637. 1978. $20, hard cover. This book provides explanations of the literature, and guides to where to find desired information on environmental perspectives and prospects; modification; case studies; air quality; water quality; research aids; and many other .related topics. In-depth commentaries on the many fields are provided. Planning for Water Reuse. Duane D. Baumann, Daniel M. Dworkin, Eds. xii 198 pages. Maaroufa Press Inc., 6 10 North Fairbanks Court, Chicago, I L 606 1 1 . 1978. $22.95, hard cover. Water reuse is a necessity for the future. But is it economical? Will health requirements be met? These questions are examined closely, and topics of industrial water reuse, practices, and prospects are covered extensively.
Water Treatment Plant Design for the Practicing Engineer. Robert L. Sanks, 845 pages. Ann Arbor Ed. ix Science Publishers Inc., P.O. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. 1978. $39.9 5 , hard cover. This book is intended for use by practicing engineers, even those whose experience in the field may be somewhat limited. Predesign studies, mix units, sedimentation, chemical feed, sludge, filtration, and pumping are among the many relevant subjects discussed.
Environmental Science & Technology
Pollution in Horticulture. D. P. Ormrod. xi 260 pages. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., P.O. Box 21 1, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N Y 10017. 1978. $39, hard cover. One task of horticulture is to develop safe, nutritious fruits and vegetables. But if the land on which they are grown is contaminated, will these product be safe? The author provides up-to-date knowledge on the potential and extent to which food plants may take up pollutants.
Third Ave., New York, N Y 10016. 1978. $29.50, hard cover. Mathematical modeling is a great help to many endeavors, including water pollution control. This book offers specific modeling equations, and their derivations, for many aspects of water pollution control, including algae, nitrification, dissolved oxygen, filters, sedimentation, cost-effectiveness, and many other aspects of the field.
Unit Operations for Treatment of Hazardous Industrial Wastes. D. J. De Renzo, Ed. viii 920 pages. Noyes Data Corp., Mill Road at Grand Ave., Park Ridge, N J 07656. 1978. $42, hard cover. This book contains the latest information of chemical, physical, and biological techniques for handling hazardous industrial wastes. Selection guides are also given. Hazardous wastes take on new importance in the light of the initiatives to enforce the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA).
Water Pollution-11. Stanton S. Miller, Ed. ix 443 pages. American Chemical Society, 1 155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036. 1978. $20, hard cover; $12, paper. This volume contains 136 articles that appeared in the ‘‘Outlook,’’ “Feature,” and “PAT Report” departments of ES& T from mid-l 973 to the end of 1977. They update articles in the predecessor volume, “Water Pollution.” Articles are classed in specific categories, such as government, regional, business, industry, technology, specific pollutants, monitoring, and issues.
Marine Outfall Systems: Planning, Design, and Construction. Robert A. Grace. xxiii 600 pages. PrenticeHall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N J 07632. 1978. $35, hard cover. Just plain dumping of wastewater into the oceans is now a “no-no.” Rather, it must be done with the soundest of environmental protection, and engineering practices borne in mind. This volume examines these needs and how to meet them, as well as related oceanographic and hydraulic data.
Coal Cleaning-An Option for Increased Coal Utilization. 145 pages. Susan Armstrong, Battelle’s Columbus Laboratories, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, O H 4320 I . $18. One option is to clean coal; another is to desulfurize flue gas. These options, and combinations thereof, as well as related systems technology, financing, reduction to commercial practice, and related topics, are discussed. The book is addressed to those who produce and use coal.
Understanding Congress: A Seminar on 252 the Legislative Process. iii pages. The Washington Monitor, Inc., 499 National Press Building, Washington, DC 20045. 1978. $30, looseleaf binder. Do you plan to address yourself to Congress concerning environmental (or other) matters? I f so, you are well advised to know exactly how the legislative process works. This book provides that knowledge.
Mathematical Models in Water Pollution Control. A. James, Ed. xi 420 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605
Minority Entry into Environmental and Natural Resource Professions. 36 pages. Urban Environment Foundation, 1302 18th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036. 1978. $ 2 . Minorities comprise few of the professionals in environmental work, and probably do not constitute even as much as 7%. Here is a publication which helps to devise ways of bringing more minority professionals into the field, and to make environmental issues and practice more compatible with what minorities perceive to be their interests.
Demineralization by Ion Exchange. 24 pages. Water Quality Association, 477 Butterfield Road, Lombard, IL 60148. 1978. $2, paper. This booklet is intended to assist those who may need water with less than 1.0 mg/L dissolved solids, and wish to become familiar with the technology involved in achieving this level. Systems and how they work, equipment operation, and other pertinent matters are covered. The Politics of Cancer. Samuel S. Epstein. 583 pa,ges. Sierra Club Books, 530 Bush Street, San Francisco, C A 94108. 1978. $12.50, cloth. “The control and prevention of cancer will require a concerted national effort,” says the author. He also notes that 70-90% of all cancer may be of environmental origin. But he charges that efforts to regulated cancer-causing substances are often subverted by political pressures, and offers documentation to support his thesis. SYNERJY. Periodical. S Y N E R J Y , P.O. Box 4790, Grand Central Station, New York, N Y 10017. Volume 5, 1978. S 1 O/year for individuals, $15 for institutions. This volume contains over 5000 entries concerning solar, and other alternative energy sources. Volumes 1-4 are also available. Application of Solar Technology to Today’s Energy Needs: Volume 11. Office of Technology Assessment. 756 pages. Superinrendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D’C 20402. 1978. $8.75. Stock NO. 052-003-00608- I . This volume represents a study by the OTA of solar energy which is at the point of use in homes, apartment buildings, office buildings, factories, and small communities. I t presents detailed cost comparisons for a variety of solar and “conventional” energy equipment. Equipment performance data is derived from computer studies. Principles and Methods for Evaluating the Toxicity of Chemicals. Part 1.272 pages. W H O Publications Centre USA, 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, N Y 12210. 1978. $15.40. This part presents the broad principles and more general aspects of toxicity testing. General aspects of toxicity evaluation, definitions, doseeffect relationships, laboratory data interpretation, and standards establishment are covered, as are a number of related topics.
Geological Aspects of Waste Disposal Edited by HAROLD D. PALMER and M. GRANT GROSS This volume provides an up-to-date geological and oceanographic perspective on the fate of wastes dumped in the marine environment, a topic of great importance to all environmental studies associated with marine waste disposal practices. Ocean Dumping a n d Marine Poiiution presents. in part, a collection of papers offered at a Symposium on Geological Aspects of Waste Disposal, held in Washington. D . C . in June 1977, Additional articles have been combined with those presented at the symposium, and offer together extensive field and laboratory data on pathways and sinks for particulate matter released to the marine environment. This work provides information critical to rational decision making in waste control efforts .and waste management. impact assessment, and the planning of mitigation strategies. It will be of great value to oceanographers, marine geologists. marine biologists, sedimentologists, ecologists, engineers. planners, and others concerned with the management of waste products. 7079 288 p p 518 00 / S B N 0-K-787200-0 Published by Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross. Distributed worldwide by Academic Press, Inc.
Edited by JAMES R BOLTON Soiar Power a n d Fuels comprises the plenary lectures and discussions presented at the First International Conference on the Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy held in London Canada August 24-28 1976 Destined to stand as an important reference in its field for several years to come the book examines in detail the photochemical conversion of solar energy to electricity and the storage of solar energy by chemical means In each chapter the contributors review their subject indicate areas in which additional research could prove fruitful and speculate on the development of practical economic devices ‘977 ’ i ? nu 5’600 / S B h 0 12 112350 2
INTRODUCTION TO THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT B y R A BAILEY H M CLARK J P FERRIS S KRAUSE and R L STRONG CONTENTS Introduction Energy Atmospheric Composition and Behavior Energy and Climate Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Coal Soap and Detergents Pesticides Polychlorinated B I phenyls and Other Chloro-Organic Compounds Third Generation Insect Control Principles of Photochemistry Atmospheric Photochemistry Photochemistry in the Biosphere Polymers and Plastics Chemistry in Aqueous Medla The Environmental Chemistry on Some Important Elements Natural Water Systems The Earth s Crust Nuclear Chemistry of the Environment i Q 7 8 62 f pi, 520 00 / S D N 0 I2 073050 2 S c n d payment wi’? order and save postage and h a n c i i n q c h a r ,c p r ccs 7 e S L o ecl to cI - n q e 14 roLii nol cc
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