The Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of the p-Nitrophenyl, Methyl, and

Figure 1. The trypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl. - -benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysinate at pH 2.66, 0.05 M citrate buffer; E0 = 7.40 X 10-s M; So...
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concentration from T, the “initial burst” of p-nitrophenol, as a function of the substrate concentration, Values of T were determined by graphical extrapolation, to f = 0, of the differencesbetween the steady-state extrapolated lines and the absorbances at time t (Table 1). By plotting l / d G as a function of 1 / S 0 we obtain a straight line (using the value of l/K,(app) from the steady-state kinetics as an additional point). The intercept of this plot on the ordinate gives6 r0 = Eo/(l (k3/k&2, and thus Eo = 6.45 X M , indicating a purity of the enzyme, by weight, of 50z. Since our system of equations is redundant, we can calculate Eo in an independent way: from kl and k3, we can calculate kcat, and then from the experimental value of kcatEo, EO = 7.40 X 1 0 - 6 M (57% purity by weight). The agreement of the two Eo values seems reasonable, considering the experimental difficulties and the complexity of the calculation^.^ The observation of “initial burst” of p-nitrophenol and of the kinetics of both the presteady-state and steady-state reactions are satisfactorily described by the three-step mechanism of eq. 1. These observations are consistent with the conclusion that, within experimental error, the totality of the tryptic hydrolysis of pnitrophenyl a-N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysinate hydrochloride involves a single reaction pathway with the formation of an a-N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysyl-trypsin intermediate. This substrate is the most specific substrate of trypsin, based on its kcat(lim) = 170 sec.-I, the fastest known trypsin catalysis. Studies of the pH dependence of this reaction show that kcatis dependent, as usual, on a single basic group of pK, 6.80 ( I = 0.05) from pH 2 to pH 7.4, indicating that the results obtained here at pH 2.66 may be reasonably extrapolated to neutral pH. Thus, the present observations must be pertinent to the pathway of trypsin catalysis.









Time (sed


Figure 1. The trypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl a-N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysinateat pH 2.66, 0.05 M citrate buffer; Eo = 7.40 X 10-8 M; SO = 2.03 X lO-* M, 1.29z (v./v.) acetonitrile-water, 25“. Cary Mode1 14 spectrophotometer, 8 in./min. recording chart speed, noise level = 5 X l W 4 absorbance unit.

fied in this system. Therefore, for the calculation of the individual rate constants, we have used a combination of the presteady-state data together with data from the steady state, detei mined under identical conditions. Table I. The Presteady State of the Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of pNitropheny1 a-N-Benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysinateHydrochlorides

so x



n X


106, M


106, M

56.5 38.5 20.3 13.7 9.78

18.2 13.4 9.44 7.88 5.71

5.36 4.74 4.57 4.03 3.62

Eo = 7.40 X

M . For other conditions, see Table 11.

From the Lineweaver-Burk plot for the steady state, kcatEoand K,/kzEowere determined from the intercept and the slope, respectively. Equation 2 may be rearranged to eq. 3. The quotient of Ks]kzEo divided by

the intercept of a plot of the left side of eq. 3 vs. So, Ks/kzk3Eo, yields ka. The product of the slope of this plot ( l / k p k ~ Eand ~ ) kcatE, (= kzk3Eo/(kz k3)) yields (k, k 3 ) and thus k,. Knowledge of the k2/k3 ratio (27.6) then permits the calculation of K, from K,(app) = KJ(1 (kz/k3)). The rate constants are summarized in Table 11.




Table 11. The Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of pNitrophenyl a-N-Benzvloxvcarbonvl-L-lvsinate Hvdrochloride“ kz ka


0.395 set.-' 1.43 X sec.-l 7.95 x 1 0 - 4 M

25.0”, 1.29% (v./v.) acetonitrile-water, pH 2.66, 0.05 M citrate. 2 X crystallized, lyophilized bovine trypsin (TRL 6256); age of solution: >20 min. and “nonactivated” methyl or ethyl esters and the amide; kBE = k M E )is in the expected nucleophilic order and and (3) the small spread of reactivities expected in the indicates that deacylation is not completely rate conseries of esters of argument 1 above casts doubt on the trolling; the Km(app) values are also in the expected validity of the argument. Therefore experiments were order (KmNPE