Which design purifier is best? Theperformance of purifiers, scrubbers, sepa- rators and mist extractors is increased by careful selection of the prope...
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tion. Dept. IEC, Milton Roy Co., 1300 Mermaid Lane. Philadelphia 18. Pa. 5

Gate Valves Ductile iron gate vulves, sizes Va to 2 inches, are designed to take advantage of ductile iron's properties

basic salts, and in the presence of corrosive fumes. Fittings include 90 and 45 elbows, tees, couplings, and other fittings for either threaded-end or plain-end Bondstrand pipe. Dept. IEC, Amercoat Corp., 4809 Firestone Blvd., South Gate, Calif. 7

Shutoff Valves New series of screw stem shutoff valves designed to prevent leakage to atmosphere and clogging of activating threads by viscous fluids operate at up to 500 p.s.i. from - 4 0 ° to + 2 5 0 ° F. Dept. IEC, Anderson Brass Co., 102 Soxith Camphell Ave., Detroit, Mich. 8

Components of pump are shown here

Polyethylene Pump Design of this chemical pump permits effortless transfer of materials with wear-free smoothness. Entire pump is made from polyethylene. Dept. IEC, Trylon Chemicals, Inc., Lock Haven, Pa. 9

Valves are also available in 150pound class, sizes l / 2 to 2 inches

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