The Variation of Composition of 40:60 Isoprene—Styrene Copolymers

Publication Date: December 1946. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 68, 12, 2726-2726. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article'...
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Recently Glasgow, Streiff and Rossini' have published a method for determining both the freezing point of a sample of a compound and the freezing point of the same compound with zero per cent. impurity from the same timetemperature cooling curve. We have applied this method to the determination of the freezing points of our phthalic anhydride samples. Temperatures were measured with a Bureau of Standards calibrated platinum resistance thermometer used in conjunction with a White Double Potentiometer. The re4stance of the thermometer was checked a t the ice-point before and after the work on phthalic anhydride. The. highest freezing point of any sample obtained was 130.97" with several samples freezing at 130.95'. Our average value for the freezing point of phthalic anhydride with zero impurity is 130.95 * 0.03'. This value is the average of those found for nine different samples of phthalic anhydride. Our valuc for the freezing point of pure phthalic anhydride is in much better agreement with the value given by Monroe (130 So) than with that given by Burriel-Marti (131.60 ") . Monroe has also published data for the system phthalic anhydride-phthalic acid. Our value for the freezing point (129.80"), and composition (1.65 mole per cent. phthalic acid), of the eutectic is in fair agreement with the values published bq Monroe (129.74' and 1.75 mole per cent. phthalic acid). (3) A R. Glasgow, Jr., A. J. Streiff and F. D. Rossini, J . Research Bdr. Slnndnrds, 36, 355 (1945).



The Variation of Composition of 40: 60 IsopreneStyrene Copolymers with Conversion' BY ELIZAE:ETH DYERAND DOROTHY LEVISMUNROE*

There is little published work dealing with the emulsion copolymerization of isoprene and styrene.:','I I11 ascertaining the effect of varying conditions on the emulsion copolymerization of a 40: 60 mixture of isoprene and styrene, an approximately equimolecular mixture, i t was observed thal. the initially formed copolymer contained about 807, of styrene. As the reaction was continued to maximum conversion, the styrene coiiteint decreased to approximately 60%. These results show that at this monomer ratio

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styrene enters the copolymer faster than does isoprene. This behavior is similar to that of styrene when copolymerized with acrylonitrile and with vinylidene chloride.6 The evidence also indicates that the copolymer is not homogeneous with respect to composition. Procedure .-The most satisfactory polymerization recipe in parts by weight was: isoprene, 40; styrene, 6 0 ; water, 200; potassium persulfate, 0.30; sodium oleate, 20; dodecyl mercaptan, 0.25. The esperiments were carried out with 10 g. of monomers in 50-ml. test-tubes6 which had been cleaned with concentrated nitric acid and which were seated on a rotating shaft and turned end over end in an insulated water-bath at 40 '. After agitation for the specified time, thr latex was steam distilled to remove unchanged monomers and the polymer was coagulated with 0.6 M hydrochloric acid. The tough, rubbery coagulum was cut into small pieces to facilitate removal of acid, then dissolved in benzene containing phenyl-@-naphthylamine in an amount equal t o 2% by weight of the polymer. The benzene solution was dried with calcium chloride, and the polymer further purified by several reprecipitations from benzene and methanol. The removal of most of the solvent prior t o analysis was done by the frozen benzene technique.' The samples were finally dried to constant weight a t 56" and a pressure of about 2 mm. The conversion was measured by drying a known portion of the acid coagulum to constant weight a t 80". The composition of the polymer samples in terms of percentage of styrene was determined from their iodinr numbers according to the method of Kemp and Peters8 i n which styrene = 100 -(lo0 X iodine value/R72.6). Results from two runs are shown in Fig. 1. The data of Run 20 were obtained from samples taken after reaction periods of three, eight, thirteen, twenty-one, and twentyfour hours, respectively, while those of Run 21 were from ten and sixteen hour samples.

Acknowledgment.-The authors are indebted to the Armstrong Cork Company for a fellowship in support of this investigation, and to Dr. P. 0. Powers, who suggested the problem, for advice and assistance. (5) Lewis, Mayo and Hulse, THIS JOURNAL, 67, 1704 (1945). (6) Fryling, I n d . Eng. Chent., Anal. Ed., 16, 2 (1944). (7) Lewis and Mayo, I n d . Eng. Chcm., Anal. E d . , 17, 135 (1945). (8) Kemp and Peters, I n d . Eng. Chem., Anal. E d . , 19, 456 (3043).


Ionization Constants of Some Weak Acids in Aqueous Tertiary Butyl Alcohol BV






Fig. 1.-Variation of styrene content with degree of conversion: (3, run 20; @, run 21; 0 , theoretical point. _



(1) From the Master's Thesis of Dorothy Levis Munroe, University of Delaware, 1946. ( 2 ) Armstrong Cork Company Research Fellow. (3) Copolymers o f styrene and isoprene were described by Fryling at the Atlantic City Meeting of the American Chemical Society, which was held after the completion of this thesis. (4) Soday, U . 5.2,317,857, April 27. 1943.

\ ~ I L I . I A X H. I i L I X C I I E R 1

The ohjertivc, of the work reportctl i i i this paper was to obtain reasonably accurate information regarding the ionization constants of ecrtain merreview captans and alkyl substituted phrtiols. of the literature failed to show any recorded work on the ionization constants of aliphatic mercaptans, although thiophenol and a number of its derivatives have been investigated by Schwarzenbach and Egli,2using cells with liquid junctions in 49 and 95% (by vol.) ethanol. (1) Present address: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (2) Schwarzenbach and Egli, Helu. Chirn. A c t a , '28, 360 (1939). 17, 1176 (1934).