The Vitamins. Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology. Volume II. - Journal

Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology. Volume II. Philip L. Harris. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1955, 77 (13), pp 3678–3679. DOI: 10.1021/ja01618a095. Publicatio...
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Vol. 77


reaction of I V indicates the participation of the iodoform reactive group of VI in the cyclization. There are three C-CH3 groups present. These data make structure I V likely for this compound and VI1 most probable for the product of base treatment of VI. The above partial structure contains recurring head to tail units and such a unit seems probable c !I ('



throughout and giving structure I for dihydroerythronolide. From previous information regarding the position of desosamine i t can now be placed a t C-3 or C-G in I. The definite placement in erythroinyciii of desosamine, cladinose and the ketonic carbonyl function a t three of the few possible positions (C-3, (2-5. C-6 and C-9) of I reiliains. Evidence conccrniiig these points will be forthcuining. LILLYRESEAKCII

in VI due to the three G C H ! groups prcseiit. 'Thc very logical assumption can be made t h a t VI would fit into I to give a recurring propionate unit

Organic Syntheses. Collective T'olunie 3 . A revised Edition of Annual Volumes 2 - 2 9 . By E . C . HORNING, Editor-in-Chief. John LViley and Sons,Iiic., 440 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, S.Y . 1955. x 890 pp. 16 X 23.5 cm. Price, $15.00. T h e material contained in the auiiual Volumcs of Orgniiic Syntheses 20 through 29 is here collected, edited and revised t o date. Seven new and improved procedures have bceii added. T o bring t h e section 011 Metho

1'."~Vl, 1'. \ Y I L E Y /- \V. PI. SEBRELL, J R . , Director, S a tiona! I:i>titutcs of Health, Rethesda, hlarylatid, antl ROBERT S. IIARRIS,Professor of Biocheniistry of Nutrition, Massachusetts Institute of Teclinology, Cambridge. Massachusetts. .katlemic Press, Inc., Publishers, 125 East 23rd Street, Neiv York 10, S.Y . 1954. siii 766 pp. 16.3 X 23.3 c n i . Price, 816.30. T o o\vn this volume (the second of tlirev) a11c.i to be able t o refer to i t for iiifoririatioti concerning the chemistry, physiology anti patholog)- of vitamins n :tiid K , iiiaciii, pantothenic acid, choline, inositol a n d the essential f a t t y acid. Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry. Etlitetl b y J , O ' p I . \vi11 he most ren.arding. I t is iLutlioritativc, up-to-tlntc, antl ROCKRIS,D.Sc., Ph.D., I>.I.C., I;.I