The vitamins. I. The fat-soluble vitamins

I. THE FAT-SOLUBLE VITAXINS. VICTOR E. LEVINE. Creighton University School of Medicine,, Omaha, Nebraska. Editor's note-Recently Dr. Nicholas Dietz, J...
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The VITAMINS I . THE FAT-SOLUBLE VITAXINS VICTOR E. LEVINE Creighton University School of Medicine,, Omaha, Nebraska

Editor's note-Recently Dr. Nicholas Dietz, Jr., kindly brought to our attention a vitamin chart compiled by Dr. Victor E. Lm'ue and copyrighted i n 1934. T h s chart is, we belime, unique in that it i s at the same time so comprehensive and so concentrated, and, further, in that i t is as far as @ssible quantitative. I n the belief that the data so summarized would be welcomed by teachers of premedical and home economics students and by others who like to make use of available sciatifGc knowledge in meryday life, we have secured the permission of the author to present the following outline. Dr. Levine has kindly brought the materiel up to date. The second and concluding instalment u