The WALL STREET of CHEMISTRY - C&EN Global ... - ACS Publications

The Dow Chemical Co. directors have declared dividends of 1.25 per cent on preferred stock and 75 cents per share on common, payable February 15 to ...
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VOL. 18, NO. I

New Department of Chemical Engineering Department of Chemical En­ A NEW gineering will be established Febru­ ary 1 in the Division of Engineering and Architecture, Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, Manhattan, Kansas. The initial personnel of the department will include W. L. Faith, professor and head, J. W. Greene, assistant professor, and J. £ . Hedrick, instructor, all transfurred from the Department of Chemistry. Chemical engineering instruction and research work previously have been handled in the Department of Chem­ istry.

Then and Now New plant of American Cyanainid & Chemical Corp.

American Cyanamid's N e w Plant

0 the newest plant of American Cyana\ DECEMBFR 18, in Kalamazoo, Mich.,

mid & Chemical Corp. was officially opened. In addition to the local staff, Harry L. Derby, president. J'»hn F. Fredriksson, vice president, and Arthur J. Campbell, general sales manager, were in attendance. L. K. Verdon, malinger of the Kalamazoo District, will also be in charge of the new plant.

Southern Regional Research Laboratory HE cornerstone of the Southern ReTgional Research Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, New Orleans, La., was laid on December 29, 1939. Honorable Harry L. Brown, former Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, presided, and the program included addresses by Honorable Marvin Jones, chairman of the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives, and Honorable Theodore G. Bilbo, Senator from Mississippi.

Recent Advances in Physics (Continued from page SÎ) (9) Harrison. G. R.. J. Optical Sœ. Am., 25, 1C9 (1935). (10) JJanofT, Α.. Xature, 143, GS2 (1939). (11) Majumdar. R. C , and Kothari. D. S.. Ibid., 143, 790 (1939;. (12) Montgomery, C G., Ramsey. \V. E.. Cowie, D. li., and Montgomery, D. D., l'hys. /fer., 56, 635 (1939). (13) Nordhcim, L. W., Ibid., 56, 502 (1939). (14) Kordheim, L. \\\. and Hebb, M. H.. Ibid., 56, 41*4 (1939). (15) Rabi. I. I., MUlman. S.. Kuerh. P.. and Zacbarias, J. R., J bid.. 55, 520 (1939). (16) Smith. N. M.. Jr.. Ibid., 56, 548 (1939). (17) Ssiiard. L.. and Zmn, W. H . Ibid.. 55, 799 (1939).

The new plant is located oi a 106-acrc tract southeast of the city limits. The building of the plant was made necessary by the expanding business of the corpora­ tion in the Knhmazoo territory. Two new plants have recently been built in the South to take care of the expanding business in that territory. Twenty-seven plants are strategically lo­ cated throughout the country.


of American chemistry is il-

* lustra ted by the fact that 108 technical and c. P. chemicals imported from foreign sources by Eimei and Amend, 18th Street and 3rd Avenue, New York, Ν. Υ., before last September 1 are now being made in America. The present situation contrasts sig­ nificantly with that during the World War. Then, supplies of many reagent grade chemicals were practically unob­ tainable at times, whereas now the shift from imported materials to others of domestic manufacture has been accom­ plished without disturbance to consumers.

The WALL STREET of CHEMISTRY The Dow Chemical Co. directors have declared dividends of 1.25 per cent on preferred stock and 75 cents per share on common, payable February 15 to stock­ holders of record at the close of business February 1, 1940. The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. and subsidiaries for the fiscal year ended Octo­ ber 31 show net profit of $6.722,046 after depreciation, interest, federal income taxes, etc., and after deducting $1,650,000 for foreign exchange adjustments. After dividend requirements on 6 per cent cumu­ lative preferred stock, this is equal to $2.03 a share (par $10) on common, and compares with $5,258,041 or $1.27 a share on common in the preceding year. Net sales for the year ended October 31, 1939, amounted to $160,119,022, the largest in the company's history, compared with $141,8S2,682 in the preceding year. Gross margin of profit on sales for the year was 7.5 per cent, against 4.9 per cent in the preceding year. As a protection against high tariffs and to take care of expanding demand the company has started construction of tire factories in Bombay and Sào Paulo, Brazil, which are scheduled to go into production early in 1940. Stockholders of the General Aniline & Film Corp. and its subsidiary, Agfa Ansco

Corp., have approved merger of the two companies. The Hercules Powder Co. has declared the regular quarterly dividend of 1.5 per cent on preferred stock, payable February 15 to stockholders of record on February 2 The Seiberling Rubber Co. has filed a registration statement with the SEC, covering a proposed offering of 2 8 , 0 0 shares of $2.50 cumulative convertible r i o r preference stock of no-par value, The maximum gross proceeds of the offering are estimated at $1,400,000. The statement also covered 15,000 shares of common stock to be reserved for exercise of stock purchase warrants and an unstated number of common shares to be reserved for conversion of the preference stock.


The Southern Phosphate Corp. for 10 months ended October 31, 1939, shows net income of $81,384 after depreciation, depletion, federal income taxes, etc., equal to 37 cents a share (par $10) on stock. The West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. and subsidiaries for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1939, show net profit of $1,095,389 after depreciation, depletion, interest, federal income taxes, etc., equal, after dividend requirements on 6 per cent cumulative preferred stock, to 18 cents a share on no-par common.

Reviews on botany and tntomolosy will appear in the January 25 issut.