The WALL STREET of CHEMISTRY - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Although a moderate improvement occurred in the second half of the year, the volume of the company's business showed a substantial decrease as compare...
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aries report net profit of $3,769,337 for the year ended December 31, 1938, after depreciation, federal taxes, etc. This is equal to $1.47 a share on no-par common and compares with $7,326,835 or $2.85 a share in 1938. Current assets as of December 31, 1938, were $17,616,731 and current liabilities were $2,510,727, compared with $19,531,899. and $4,276,360, respectively, at the end of 1937.

sidiaries f o r t h e year ended December 31, 1938, show net income of $2,479,748 after depreciation, interest, taxes, etc., equal, after dividend requirements on 7 per cent prior prefeiTed stock and under participat­ ing provisions of first participating pre­ ferred stock, to $7.19 a share on 7 per cent first participating preferred stock and 26 cents a share on no-par common. This compares w i t h net profit of $4,461,227 or $2.04 a share on common in the year ended December 31, 1937.

dividends on 6.5 per cent preferred stock, to $1.33 a share on no-par common. This compares with $3,232,373 or $4.47 a share in 1937. Current assets a s of December 31, 1938, amounted t o $13,076,758 and current liabilities t o §1,666,130, compared with $14,666,158 and $2,712,064, respectively, a t the end of 1937. PROCTER





have authorized payment of a stock dividend on the common shares on t h e basis of V76 common share without par ALLIED CHEMICAL & D Y E CORP. and value for each outstanding share of comsubsidiaries for the year ended December COLGATE-PALMOLIVE-PEET C O . and sub­ mon, payable M a y 15 to stock of record 31, 1938, show net income of $13,111,024 sidiaries f o i tiie year ended December 31, April 14. They also authorized redempafter depreciation, federal income taxes, 1938, show net profit of $4,921,921 after tion of 50 per cent of the companjrs etc. This is equal t o $5.92 a share and inventory adjustments, depreciation, fed­ 5 per cent preferred stock at $110, t o b e compares with $24,770,845 or $11.19 a eral income taxes, etc., equal, after 6 aid June 15 t o holders of shares as of share in 1938. Although a moderate per cent preferred dividends, t o $1.77 a l a y 24. Payment of the stock dividend improvement occurred in the second half share on no-par common. This compares will be made out of treasury stock and of the year, the volume of the company's with $782,250 or $3.21 a share on pre­ payment of the redemption of preferred out business showed a substantial decrease ferred in 1937. Consolidated net sales of funds of the company appropriated for as compared with 1937. were approximately the same as in 1937, the purpose. Regular quarterly dividends and the improved showing in net profit AMERICAN COMMERCIAL ALCOHOL CORP. of $1.25 on preferred and 50 cents on and subsidiaries for the year ended Decem­ is reported, a s due to more stable raw common were voted. material prices, increased profit margins, ber 3 1 , 1938, show net loss of $535,457 T E X A S G U L F SULPHUR C O . for the and economies effected in all branches of after appreciation, interest, taxes, etc. year ended December 31, 1938, shows net the business. This compares with net profit of $1,043,117 income of $6,963,632 after depreciation, in 1937, equal to $4.00 a share on common. COLUMBIAN - CARBON Co. and subsidi­ amortization, federal income taxes, etc., Current assets as of December 31, 1938, aries for t h e year ended December 31, equal t o $1.81 a share on no-par common. amounted t o $10,787,659 and current 1938, show net profit of $2,757,540 after This compares with $11,589,281 or $3.02 liabilities t o $6,246,297, compared with depreciation, depletion, interest, federal a share in 1937. Current assets as of $11,494,753 and $7,195,730, respectively, income taxes, etc., equal t o $5.13 a share December 3 1 , 1938, amounted t o $28,at the end of 1937. Inventories were on no-par conomon. This compares with 940,265 and current liabilities to $1,755,$5,749,225, compared with $6,180,121. $4,466,249 or §8.31 a share in 1937. N e t 096, compared with $29,585,266 and $2,sales for t h e year were $12,709,617, com­ 996,061, respectively, at the end of 1937. AMERICAN CYANAMID C O . and subsidi­ pared with $15,736,247 in 1937. For the aries for the year ended December 3 1 , first two morttbs of 1939 sales showed a U N I O N CARBIDE A N D CARBON CORP. 1938, show net income of $2,452,912 after gain of more tiian 15 per cent over 1938. and subsidiaries for the year ended Decemdepreciation, depletion, interest, federal ber 31, 1938, report net profit of $25,173,taxes, etc., equal, after dividends on 5 FANSTEEÎIJ METALLURGICAL CORP. 412 equal t o $2.77 a share on common, per cent preferred stock, to 91 cents a shows a net profit of $11,739 for the after federal income taxes, etc. This comshare on Class A and Β common stocks calendar year 1938. During t h e first 8 pares with $42,782,128 or $4.75 a share in (par $10). Including equity in undis­ months v o l u m e of business dropped to 1937. Current assets as of December 3 1 , tributed net income of associated com­ 49.4 per c e n t o f that for the corresponding 1938, amounted t o $107,535,901 and curpanies, net profit for the year was $2,787,period of 1937, and operations showed a rent liabilities t o $17,588,746, compared 171. In 1937 net profit was $5,268^255 loss in excess of $60,000. Improved with $89,404,833 and $25,692,997, reor $2.09 a share on Class A and B. Cur­ business since September has overcome spectively, at the end of 1937. rent assets as of December 3 1 , 1938, the loss a n d left a small profit. During During the year t h e outstanding first amounted t o $33,653,471 and current the first t w o and one-half months of 1939 mortgage bonds of a subsidiary and t h e liabilities to $5,513,595, compared with business heas continued on the same profit15-year 3.5 per cent debentures of t h e $32,999,710 and $6,756,426, respectively, able basis- Foreign shipments suffered corporation, totaling $19,301,325, were at the end of 1937. substantially «during 1938. retired, and $40,000,000 of 15-year 3 per The company's annual report includes AMERICAN POTASH & CHEMICAL CORP. cent sinking fund debentures were sold. a review of the sit-down strike of 1937 and and subsidiaries for the year ended Decem­ Sales volume for 1939 has been running of the Supreme Court decision. ber 31, 1938, show net income of $2,642,somewhat ahead of business recently. GLIDDEM C O . Sales during the second 983 after federal income taxes, deprecia­ U N I T E D CHEMICALS, I N C . , and subsidihalf showed a n increase of about 10 per tion, etc., equal to $5.00 a share on no-par aries for the year ended December 3 1 , cent over the first six months of 1938, and common. This compares with $2,336,319 1938, show net profit of $42,290 after profits for t h e quarter ended January 31, or $4.42 a share in 1937. depreciation, depletion, federal income 1939, showed decided improvement over AMERICAN ZINC, L E A D