the warner & swaseυ co. - ACS Publications

be obtained with the. Li6-sandwich spectrometer. The following publications are avail- able from the Clearinghouse for Federal. Scientific and Technic...
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The historical developments relating to the discovery and isolation, as well as the properties and reactions of tech­ netium and rhenium are presented. A chapter entitled "Analysis" discusses gravimetric and spectrophotometric methods, and a note on the proper handling of these elements in the labora­ tory is included.





Spectral Data and Physical Constants of Alkaloids. J. Holubek and 0. Strouf. Heydon & Son, Ltd., Spec­ trum House, Alderton Crescent, London N. W. 4. I960. Issue 1, 200 cards, $69, Issue 2,100 cards, $21.

MODEL 10 Feedback-Controlled Infrared Radiation Source

The ultraviolet and infrared spectra of 300 compounds are presented to­ gether with formulae and physical con­ stants. Optical Rotatory Power: la—Ster­ oids. Tables of Selected Con­ stants, Vol. 14. J. Jacques, H. Kagan, G. Ourisson, S. Allard, editors. 1032 pages. Pergamon Press, Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long Island City, Ν. Υ. 11101. 1965. $60. This volume contains the structures based on a nomenclature in line with the International Commission of the Inter­ national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Fusion points and a bib­ liography containing 6300 references are included. Introduction and notes are in English and French.

Designed for use as: a) A secondary standard of absolute ra­ diant power by calibration against a primary blackbody standard; b) A stable high intensity source of in­ frared energy for absorption meas­ urements.

U. S. Government Publications

FEATURES • Radiation will stay within 0.1% of the initial setting for a minimum of 200 hours. • Radiation will return to within 0 . 1 % of the initial setting after unit is turn­ ed off and on (with controls locked). • Radiating element in water-cooled housing may be remotely located from controller.Thermal overload switch pro­ tects unit if water flow is interrupted. • Controls can be set to obtain tempera­ tures between 1000°C and 1225°C. • Fast warmup and response to change in temperature settings. Gentlemen: Please send me more information on the Model 10 and other Warner & Swasey spectrometry instruments for the study of kinetic phenomena. Name Address City


The following publications are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402, or from local U. S. Department of Commerce Field Offices.




CONTROL INSTRUMENT DIVISION 32-16 Downing Street · Flushing, New York 11354

Quantitative Separations: Titrimetry, Gravimetry, Flame Pho­ t o m e t r y , S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r y , Gas E v o l u t i o n a n d Isotopic P r e p a r a ­ tions, July 1 9 6 4 to June 1 9 6 5 . Oscar Menis, editor. NBS Technical Note 275. 73 pages. December 1965. 50 cents.

The determination of the most ac­ curate values for the chemical composi­ tion of more than twenty-five standard reference materials is described. This includes the determination of gases in ferrous alloys, stoichiometry of uranium oxide, and high precision and sensitivity analysis of elements in ferrous, nonferrous alloys, and ceramic materials.

Homogeneity Characterization of N.B.S. Spectrometric Standards II: Cartridge Brass and Low-Alloy Steel. H. Yakowitz, D. L. Veith, K. F. J. Heinrich, and R. E. Michaelis. NBS Miscellaneous Publica­ tion 260-10. 28 pages. December I960. 30 cents. Methods of preparing cartridge brass and low-alloy steel for homogeneity characterization with an electron probe microanalyzer are presented along with the analytical results verified by interlaboratory comparisons. Calculation of the Density and Vis­ cosity of Sucrose Solutions. .',.'> pages. Oak Ridge National Labora­ tory. Union Carbide Corp. for the AEC. June 1965. Order K-1635N. $2. Equations developed for calculating the density and viscosity of sucrose so­ lutions are used in computer program­ ming to find the sedimentation coeffi­ cients. P r o c e e d i n g s of S y m p o s i u m o n L o w Energy X - a n d Gamma-Sources a n d Applications Held a t Illinois Insti­ t u t e of T e c h n o l o g y R e s e a r c h I n s t i ­ tute. 376 pages. Union Carbide Corp. for the AEC. November 1965. Order ORNL-IIC-5. $4.

Beta-excited x-ray sources, gammaand x-ray emitters, compilation of betaexcited spectra, and materials with lowenergy radiation are presented, as well as instrumentation and methods of anal­ ysis. N e u t r o n D e t e c t i o n a n d Spectroscopy w i t h S e m i c o n d u c t o r D e t e c t o r s . 117

pages. Edgewood Arsenal, Md. vember 1965. Order AD-623

$4- · The use of semiconductor detectors has been extended to include the ob­ servation and energy measurements of neutrons. Good resolution over a wide energy range can be obtained with the Lie-sandwich spectrometer. The following publications are avail­ able from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, U. S. Department of Commerce, Spring­ field, Va. 22151. Improved Data Handling Techniques for Spectrometer Data. 25 pages. Delta Data Systems, Inc. College Park, Md., for NASA. I960. Order N-65-33362. $2. (microfiche 50 cents.) A mathematical method to improve resolution and select solar emission lines Circle No. 209 on Readers' Service Card

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No­ 722.
