The water encyclopedia, 2nd ed. ( van der Leeden, F.; Troise, F.L.

The water encyclopedia, 2nd ed. ( van der Leeden, F.; Troise, F.L.; Todd,D.K. Editors). Malcom M. Renfrew. J. Chem. Educ. , 1991, 68 (2), p A48...
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T h e Water Encyclopedia, 2nd ed. F. van der Lesden. F. L. Troise. and D. K. Todd. Ed.. Lewis ~ublishers:Chelsea. MI. 1990. Vlll 808 pp. Figs. and taoles. 22 X 26.5 cm. $125 U.S.lB147 foreign.


Fire a n d Polymers: Hazards Identiflcatlon a n d Praventlon GordonL. Nelson. Ed.. American Chemlcal Society: Washington, DC, 1990. XI1 627 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm.


Chemlcal Data S e r l e s No. 35 Complled by Kosuke Iluhu. Blackwell Scientific Publications: Boston, MA, 1990. 166 pp. 21.6 X 35 cm. $36.00.


Here is a hook that includes essentially everything about WATER except the molecular structure and that anguished line spoken by anancient mariner: "water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink." I t provides a convenient compilation of statistical information for professionals in environmental science and also for our students at work an term papers and water problems. The haok succeeds the original of 20 years ago that was widely used and still provides an historical record. Here now is a complete update of information on climates, hydrology, surface and ground water, usage, water quality, resource management, regulatory agencies, and legislation (into the late eighties). A new chapter, Environmental Problems, will he helpful to chemistry students who undertake experimental studies of local water quality in relation to disease and the toxic effects of chemical pollutants. But the scope is worldwide, including the projected rise of sealevels resulting from "green house" warming. Most of the information is tabulated, and time-dependent data are identified. A chapter on constants and conversion factors will he helpful to those unfamiliar with such terms as "time required to supply one acre with one inch of water" a t different flow rates hut many are gratuitous. (In fairness only a few of the 800 pages are devoted to standard conversion). The oroofreadina ius. . tifies high marks. Malcolm M. Renfrew University of Idaho MOSCOW. ID 83843

The flames from a fire commonly provoke meater fear than the accomuanvine smoke. i u t most of the 6000 deathaannualiv in this country that result from fires are caused hy smoke inhalation rather than by burn*. All smokes are umc. There ere differences in the tonic potencies of the various materials employed in construction and in consumer products, hut toxic potency is only one of the several factors which determine the threat to life in a fire. The present haok offers timely reports on the behavior of commonsynthetic and some natural materials in fires with information on testing procedures and risk factors. I t derives from an ACS Symposium in Dallas in 1989 that brought together an international body of experts. The hook could he a useful reference in courses dealine with current urohlems in puhlic health and saiery. 11 is aimed more at acientiuts and engineers rhnn nr fire chiefs, but it will he helpful toour chemistry fnculty when meeting with fire chiefs. Malcolm M. Renfrew university of Idaho ~



MOSCOW. ID 83843

A Hlstory of Lactlc Acld Maklng: A Chapter in t h e H Y o r y of Biotechnology H. Benninga. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, MA, 1990. ui 478 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23 cm. $79.00.


This volume places the history of lactic acid chemistry and preparation in a general historic context. I t starts with the transition from phlogistonian chemistry to modern organic chemistry, the discovery of lactic acid by Scheele in 1780, the fermentation experiments of Braconnot, and the first elementam analvsis and Pelouze in . hv. Gav-Lussac . 1833.

Pasteur played a large part in the elucidation of the role of bacteria in lactic acid fermentation, a role which was not recognized in the theories (of Liehig, for instance) that "explained" the first large-scale lahoratorv and pharmaceutical preparation of the acih. Included is the evolution of the industrial production of lactic acid from the first process, introduced by Avery in 1883, through such well-known companies a s BoehringerIngelheim and E. Merck, Darmstadt in Germany, DuPont and Monsanto in the United States, Rh8ne Poulenc in France, and Croda in the United Kingdom. ~

Titles of Interest

Add-Base Dlssociatlon Constants In Dlpolar Aprotic Solvents: IUPAC


4 e v i e w e d in This Issue F. van der Leeden, F. L. Troise, and D. K. Todd, editors, The Water Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition Gordon L. Nelson, editor. Fire and Polymers: Hazards. Identification and Prevention Titles of Interest New Volumes in Continuing Series Monographs



of Chemical Education

Revlewer Malcolm M. Renfrew


Malcolm M. Renfrew
