The water supply - ACS Publications

The water supply is an admirable topic to be studied by a city high- school chemistry club. It is now being studied by the Chemistry Club of the North...
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The water supply is an admirable topic to be studied by a city highschool chemistry club. I t is now being studied by the Chemistry Club of the Northeast High School of Philadelphia. The first step taken by the club under the supervision of two members of the faculty was to divide its members into committees. Eight committees were suggested: (1) a committee to study the history of the water supply, (2) a committee to study the sources of water supply, (3) a committee to study the distribution of water, (4) a committee to study the health problem, ( 5 ) a committee to study the analysis of water, (6) a committee to study the contamination of water, (7) a committee to study the purification of water, (8) a committee to supply the club with pictures desired by various other committees, (9) a committee to prepare a map showing the location of the various stations of the water bureau, and (10) a committee to study the relation of the water system of Philadelphia to the water systems of other large cities. Each committee is to prepare a report covering its field of study. Committees number 8 and 9 are of course exceptions. The reports are to be edited under the guidance of the faculty advisors and published in pamphlet form. If the work is well done the pamphlet will be used by the chemistry classes of the school. Material for reference may be obtained from the public libraries and from the state and government printing offices. Additional and most important information was obtained by interviewing the chief of the water bureau and obtaining his permission to visit the plants and laboratories, and to have access to any references owned or published by the water bureau. This project has been carried out by several other schools with great success and due to our sources of information we are confident that our work will be valuable to us and the succeeding classes of the school.

* Winner of five-dollar award in the student contribution contest closing November 15, 1928.