THE WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES - C&EN Global ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - Because of operation of a new acrylate plant at Houston, Tex., Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia 5, has made quite drastic reductions in pri...
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Norton Cone Roof Tanks

February 24, 1953 Advances CURRENT


Benzene, coke oven, Pitts., 0.308 0.36 gal. 0.60 0.608 Nickel acetate, lib 0.6625 0.673 Carbonate 0.3450 0.3485 Chloride 0.5850 0.5955 Formate 0.31 0.332 Nitrate 0.6325 0.6595 Oxide, black 0.2625 0.27 Sulfate Oila. lb. 0.131/4 0.13V* Corn, crude, tanks 0.1675 0.1715 Refined, tanks 0.147 0.15 Linseed, tanks The 80,000-bbl. tank illus0.22»Λ Peanut, crude, tanks 0.23 V· 0.12V8 Soybean, crude, Decatur trated above is used to store an 0.12»/« 0.31 Vs Tung 0.32 0.09 »/« 80 per cent solution of ammoValonia extract, 63 9o, lb. 0.10 Declines nium nitrate. It is insulated and Carnauba wax, lb. heated to keep the contents of S 1.32 No. 1 yellow $ 1.31 the tank in solution. 1.04 1.00 No. 3 N.C., cr-ude 1.10 1.04 Refined We fabricate and erect tanks 0.16V< 0.16 Casein, Arg., lb. 217.00 215.00 Copra, Coast, ton and plate work structures of carGum arabic, amber sorts, 0.12V* 0.13 lb. bon steel or corrosion resistant Karaya, powd., lb. 0.30 No. 1 0.28 0.26 No. 2 0.24 0.20 No. 3 0.19 Molasses, black strap, N. O.09V4 O., gal. 0.09 Vt Red, vermillion, mercury, 3.79 lb. 3.77 Atlanta 3 2130 Healey Bldg. 0.80 Styrax, Asiatic, lb. 0.75 -1 5 3 9 North Fiftieth SI. 0.04'/s Birmingham t Tallow, extra, lb. 0.04»/« Boston 1 0 1054—201 Devonshire SI.

metals for chemical plants. We are also equipped to supply structures made of stainless clad steel, steel clad with other corrosion resistant metals or carbon steel lined with corrosion resistant metals. Further information, estimates or quotations may be had by writing our nearest office.


Because of operation of a new acrylate plant at Houston, Tex., Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia 5, has made quite drastic reductions in prices of methyl and ethyl acrylates, or by around 7 cents per pound to 4 2 cents per pound in tank cars, and 43.5 to 4 4 cents in drum lots. Bulk shipments will b e made from Houston, while drum shipments will continue from Bristol, Pa. Industrial Chemicals Division, Ansul Chemical C o . , Marinette, "Wis., announces that its four dimethyl ethers of polyglycols are now available in production quantities, hence at lower prices. New prices range from 90 cents to $1.40 per pound, depending on which of the four is wanted, and i n what quantity. General Biochemicals, Inc., Chagrin Falls, Ohio, has issued its February price list of special products for research, per­ taining to biological, microbiological, bacteriological, biochemical, and nutri­ tional fields. Eastern Chemical Manufacturing Chemists, Newark 4, N. J., has added over 2 5 0 n e w compounds to its line of organic laboratory reagents, including many rare and unusual chemicals; such as, tert-butylamine, choloracetal, cycloheptanone, hexanediol, hydroxybutyric acids, methylnicotinic acid, n-octyl esters, pantoyl lactone, pinacolone, tartronic acid, tetraphenylbutadiene, thenoyltrifluoroacetone, a n d vanillic acid. A partial listing of these additions to their 1952 price list is available upon request.

Chicago 4 Cleveland 15 Detroit 2 6

2 1 3 7 McCormick Bids. 2229 Midland Bldg. 1545 Lafayette Bldg. 402 Abfeu Bldg. Plenb in: B I R M I N G H A M , C H I C A G O ,


«f the new 1953 ffiif CATALOG? This new catalog presents our complete line of balances and weights, including the new Industrial Models. Our products are available in all weighing standards and lend themselves to a wide variety of industrial, and laboratory weighing applications. W e are sure it will be valuable in solving your weighing problems. $


Organic Hesearch Chemicals, Ltd., Bucks, England, has issued à 1953 price (Continued on page 968) V O L U M E





Houston 2 2153 C & I Life Bide. Los Angeles 17 1537 General Petroleum Bldg. New York 6 3321—165 Broadway Bids. Philadelphia 3 1 6 3 9 — 1 7 0 0 Walnut Street Bids. Sen Francisco 4 1 5 3 5 — 2 0 0 Bush St. Seattle 1 1 3 5 9 Henry Bids. Tulsa 3 1 6 4 2 Hunt Bids. S A L T L A K E CITY and G R E E N V I L L E , P A .







Heavy^andjfune Chemicals; Natural aria-S|to!iwtie^R&insi'f Gum*/ yfakèfSlGMsi? PharmacpufîciskriSoiYënhf: Î%esf? Pigmertts; for the, * Chemical * and , Rwess" Jn^ustÉès^

. . . selectively chelates metallic ions . . . stays stable at high temperatures These a r e some of t h e t h i n g s Versene can do in electroplating: 1. Complex metallic impurities in high speed or bright plating baths. 2. Suppress floe formation in cleaning baths. 3. Improve cathodic alkaline cleaning baths. 4. Permit alkaline derusting baths without use of cyanides. 5. Extend length of time between dummying operations. Versene a n d t h e new chemistry of Chelation c a n solve many electroplating p r o b l e m s t h a t a r e complicated by cation contamination. G u a r a n t e e d quality and uniformity of complexing power give you mole-for-mole control o v e r cations in s o l u t i o n . Investigate n o w . "Write D e p t . A f o r sample a n d Technical Bulletin N o . 2 . Chemical Counsel Available. Vo *Trade Mark Registered 0



TARTRONIC ACID ISOBARBITURIC ACID DIETHYL CHLOROMALONATE Custom Syntheses — Fine Organic Chemicals Carbou-14 Compounds BETA LABORATORIES, I N C £05 N . 3rd S t , " ..Phil·;» 6 , · Ρ · .

TZïWfi ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ £ / Abietic A c i d ; Acetoin; Aconitic A c i d ; Amygdalitis Anisil; Anisoin; Ascorbic Acid Oxidase; Ascorbyl Palmitate; A z o sulFamide; Benzpyrene; CafFeic A c i d ; Chlorogenic Acid; Chorionic Gonadotropin; Clupein; Colchicine; Cyclopentanol; Cyciopentanone; Cysieic A c i d ; Cytidylic A c i d ; Dehydroascorbic A c i d ; Desoxyanîsô*»/ Epinephrine; N-Elhyjpiperidine; Galactosamine; Germanine; Càîucose Pentaacetate; Glyceraldehyde; G l y ceric A c i d / Gi'ycolic A c i d cryst.; G o l d Sodium Thiosulfate; Hordenine; Humulon; Isoascorbic A c i d ; Isopropylarterenol; Itaconlc Anhydride; Ketogluconic A c i d ; Kynurenic A c i d ; Lactonitrile; Lanthanum and Salts; Lanthionine; Lead Tetraacetate; Linoleic A c i d ; Linolenic A c i d ; Lipase; Maltese; Meleziiose; Mesobilirubinosen; Methacrolein; Methacrylic A c i d ; Meth·* allyl Alcohol; Methallyl Chloride; Methylindole; Myanesine; Neocupferron; Neodymium and Salts; Pantothenyl A l c o hol; Phloridzin; Phosphorylase; Phthalid«; Pipeline; Porphyrindene; Praseodymium and Salts; Protocatechuic A c i d ; P y rimidine; Quaternary Salts; Rare Earth M e t als a n d Salts; Resorcylic A c i d ; Ribonic A c i d ; Saccharic A c i d ; Salmine * Semicarbaside; Sodium Chlorite; Sulfacetamide; Tetrazine; Thioacetic A c i d ; Thioslucose; Thionyl Bromide; Thymidine; Trigonellin; Triphenyltetraxolium Chloride; Tyrosinase; Tyrothricine; Uridine; Vitellin; Xanthosine

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