THE WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES - C&EN Global ... - ACS Publications

Nov 11, 2010 - Eastman Organic Chemicals Dept., Distillation Products Industries , Rochester 3, N. Y., has made sharp price reductions in isotope ...
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Aeetanilid, TJSP, lb. $ 0.80 * 0.61 Casein, Argentine, lb. 0.16"/« 0.16 Citral, lb. 2.85 3.00 Copper metal, lb. 0.27*/J 0.24 V * Copra, coast, ton 222.50 220.00 Molasses, black strap, L. A., gal. 0.10*/, 0.10 Myrobalan extract, powd. 0.09 60%, lb.« 0.09Vi Oils, lb. Coconut 0.17 Crude, tanks, coast 0.16Va Refined, tanks, N.Y. 0.17 V4 0.17Vi Cottonseed, crude. 0.141/4 0.14V« So. E. Peanut Crude, tanks 0.231/4 0.23 V t Refined, tanks 0.27 0.26'/i Soybean, crude, Decatur 0.13 0.12V* Tankage, unit 5.00 5.50 Urea, 46% N., crystal, impt., lb. 0.06»A 0.06 > A


Eastman Organic Chemicals Dept., Distillation Products Industries, Rochester 3 , N. Y., has made sharp price reductions in isotope concentrates of stable C13. They apply to C13-enriched barium carbonate, potassium cyanide, methyl alcohol, and methyl iodide. Hereafter they will be offered only in 6 0 to 7 0 atom per cent excess C13. the natural abundance being 1.1 atom per cent. A nonradioactive isotope, C13 is used in tracer studies of human metabolism and where radiation safety precautions are impractical. New prices are: barium carbonate, $160 per gram excess C13; potassium cyanide, $300; methyl alcohol, $270; and methyl iodide,* x $385. Mathieson Chemical Corp., Baltimore, has made price reductions in its hydrazine products by 25 to 4 0 % . The hydrate has been reduced from $2.55 per pound to $1.35 per pound in quantities involving 50 drums of 240-lb. capacity, while anhydrous hydrazine has been marked down from $4.50 to $3 per pound. Reductions were made because of large increase in capacity, particularly at Mathieson's n e w plant at Lake Charles, La. Soya Products Div,, Glidden Co., 1825 North Laramie Ave., Chicago 39, has is(Continued on page 1049) OLUME

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Caustic soda, solid, f.a.s., cwt. $S 2.85 i 2.90 Cocoa butter, lb. 0.78 0.74 Dried blood, unit 5.85 5.50 Emetine hydrochloride, TJSP, oz. 35.00 37.00 Glycerol, crude, lb. Soap lye 0.31 0.30»/t 0.331 Saponification 0.324 2.55 Hydrazine hydrate, lb. 1.35 204.00 Mercury, flask 203.00 Oils, lb. Oiticica, carlots 0.26»/« 0.26 Red, tanks O.II1/4 0.1 OV* Quinine sulfate, oz. 0.561 A 0.42 Rhodinol, lb. 40.00 35.00 Stearic acid, lb. Single pressed 0.11 O.lOVi Double pressed O.lli/i 0.11 Treble pressed 0.13»/« 0.131/i Strychnine, oz. Alkaloid, NF., powd. 1.25 1.10 Sulfate, NF, powd. 1.00 0.85 1.11 Sulfate, crystals 0.96 0.1 IV* Zinc, metal, lb. 0.11V« 0.14 Zinc silicofiuoride, lb. 0.13 ° Plus duty.


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Feldspar, E n a m e l — F u s t i c Extract Feldspar, enamel, wks ton 20 00-22 OO N . C , 200-mesb, c.l ton 18. 50 semi-gran ton 17 50 Ferric acetate, soln. U S P I X . cby. lb. 0 16 demijohns lb. 0. 17 liquor, 2 8 % , bbL, c.L, wks lb. 0.09 A miaonium citrate, gran., dr. . . . l b . 0 . 5 5 - 0 . 5 8 Oxalate lb. 0. 2 5 H - 0 . 2 8 H Chloride, tech., a n h y d r o u s drums. c.L. wks.. t 100 lb. 6. 25 1.0.1.. wks 1O0 lb. 7.50 Cryst., tech., bbL. wks.. . . 100 lb. 5. 2 5 - 5 . 75 l.c.1.. bbL, wks 100 lb. 5. 7 5 - 8 . 25 U S P . lump, bbl lb. 0 . 0 7 H - 0 . O 9 Soln., 42° Be, c.l.. I.e.!. X lb. 0 0 7 ^ - 0 . 0 7 ' 4 C i t r a t e , gran., d r u m s lb. 0 77-0 82 Glycerophosphate, N F , p o w t L . l h . 4.55 Hypophosphite, drums lb. 2 80 Iodide, b o t lb. 3 . 6G-3. 73 N a p h t h e n a t e . liquid, 6 % F*\ drums, t *h0 2ZH N i t r a t e , cryst.. 25-lb. Klass j a r . lb. 074 Oxalate, grain, drums lb. 0. 8 5 - 0 . 87 Potassium oxalate, fine gran.. drums lb. 0 3 0 }£-0 33 \$ P h o s p h a t e , soluble, N F , gran.. cases lb. 0 6 4 - 0 . 6 9 Insoluble lb. 0 3 9 - 0 . 45 Pyrophosphate, soluble, N F VII, jrraEt., d r u m s lb. 0. 78-0 81 Resinate, precip., 6 2 £ % F«\ drums, t *b0.26^ Stearate, d r u m s , c.l lb. 0.37 ton lot« lb. 0 38 less t h a n t o n lots lb. 0 39 Sulfate, anhydrous, bags, c.L, and l.c.L, wks ton 3 0 0 0 - 3 1 . 0 0 Tallate, 6 % F e lb. 0 18 Ferrous sulfate, U S P , exsic.. 100-lb. and 25-lb. d r u m lb. 0 . 2 1 - 0 . 26 Chloride, 100- and 400-lb. drum, wks lb. 0 03 H>~0 05 Sulfide, tech., l u m p . 500-lb. dr.. . l b . 0 09 Film, scrap, colored, 1,000 lb. cases E a s t wks lb. 0 15 Water-white cases, wks lb. 0 20 Fluorspar, metallurgical grade, 7 0 % C a F i content, dom. m i n e s . . . . net t o n 43.00 Acid grade, 9 7 % net t o n 60.00 Imported met. grade, d u t y p a i d . . net ton 3 8 . 0 0 - 4 0 . 00 Formaldehyde, N F , d r u m s , c.l. and l.c.1 lb. 0 . O 6 K - 0 . 0 6 % tanks, f 1*>. 0.042 Methanol-free, t a n k s , w k s lb. 0 395 Soln., t a n k s lb. 0. 42 Formamide, l.c.L, Belle. W. Va., drums lb. 0. 12 t a n k s , same basis lb. 0.10U Fuller's earth, f.o.b. Georgia or Florida, 30-60 mesh ton 38. 50 Furfural, t a n k cars, C e d a r Rapids. la. a n d Memphis, T e n n lb. 0.108 520-lb. d r u m s and c.L, Cedar Rapids l b . 0. 13-0 15 9, 4 5 and 90-lb. e a n s . Cedar Rapids lb. 0. 22 Fusel oil, refined, d r u m s , c.l. and l.c.1., dlvd lb. 0 . 1 6 M - 0 . 1 7 \$ tanks, dlvd lb. 0.15 Fustic extract, cryst., N o . 1 bbl., Lc.L lb. 0 . 4 7 Y2 No. 2 , bbL, Lc.l lb. 0 . 4 5 V2 No. 3 , bbl., Lc.l lb. 0 . 4 3 K« Liquid No. 1, bbL, Lc.l lb. 0. 22 \$ * Nominal. t Freight allowed. t Freight equalized.

( Continued from page 1043) sued a price list for small quantities of steroids and sterols for research, effective Feb. 16. Chemical Division, Armour & Co., Chicago, reduced its price of fatty animal acid, double distilled, a half cent per pound to 9.5 cents on Feb. 25. Charles XL,. Huisldng & Co., Inc., Brooklyn 5, has issued a price list on drugs, chemicals, and alkaloids, dated Feb. 15, 1953. V O L U M E

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