A new approacn to quantity proouction οτ a variety
l'at-x ι ο ι a ( Λ KHI Ν Ι s H..on s ι i.oo 1 \ruol>. 100 kilo 1 Ciirtianlui w a x . \«>. 1 1 (Ml 1 vol l e w . It.. » mu o.L'.y . 1 C a s e i n , d o m . . It>. O.lMVs 0.24»Λ 0.20 I , In,l»· 1 Cnst«>r oil. N - : _ Through u s e of these new ra.-w njiaterlals y o u may find a simpler^ more economical Jiiethod of £>roi* oh. Xylene derivatives which formerly required, difficult iscirâ1 g r a c i o n s may n o w b e p r o duced readily and; In h i g h p u r i t ^ ^rnfthe desired Oronite Xylene r Isomers!- \':r " - ^ v~--.~ - V :-\[/^^': ',·,.. """--_ O r t h O ^ X y l e n e . - 90%~. AvaiJablelndmms and tank cars. (Specified purity, 88% rninimuifi.)-Ά' raw materikl for t h e production o f phthalkranhydride, aromatic aldehydes"and acids, xylenols, resins__ and intermediates for golyesxers a n d polyamides, dyestuffs., lacrquers,.plasticizersi"et€^-//'?;'-- h -_--'^- > , . " · ; ,J .Available in_driiaas and tank cars.- {Specie x fied purity, 9 5 % miniuâûm.)xA desirable raw material for. p r o d u c i n g t e r e p h t h a p c acid,,2?~„ 5-xyÎenol r .^-t:ohiic acid, àncF inter- ; .mediates .for polyesters, polyamides, alkyd.resins,;dyes, ! -iaseçjd~-\ ^cides, : ;pharmaceuticals arid rrianypother products. , _ _ c_'"y :--. \~f~ir~
Declines ( i u m rosin, ewtfr W i n d o w glass W a t e r white Rutin, gram V i t a m i n A. s y n t h e t i c . per million unite α Savannah. * Nominal.
$ 5.01 5.65 0.02· ι
5 5.71 5.71 0.03' .
META XYLENE: 95% . A vailabU in pilot plant quantities bnfy-. I ^Specified] purity, 95%^ minimum* Suggested:for sianufac-./ *;> t u r i n g ^ m a n o î ^ diBasicàfoœatîc âci^jrësîfïsf l % e - ~