THE WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES - C&EN Global ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - The J. T. Baker Chemical Co. , Phillipsburg, N. J., has issued a November price schedule on fine and industrial chemicals. Victor Chemic...
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WEEK'S CHANGES November 19, 1951 Advances CURRENT

A n t i m o n y , m e t a l , lb.b $ Oxide & Oils, lb. Castor No. 1 tanks NO. 3 t a n k s Corn Crude, tanks, Chicago Refined, t a n k s , Ν . Υ . Linseed, tanks, lb. Peanut Crude, tanks. So. E a s t Refined, tanks, N\ Y p-Nitroaniline, lb. Sodium phosphate, pyro, t e t r a , cvvt. Dibasic, anhyd. Tripol3rphosphate, c w t . Starch, potato, cwt. Zinc peroxide, tech., l b . Zinc sulfate, 3 6 % , lb. Zinc sulfoxylate formalde­ hyde, lb.

0.50 0.48



0.42 0.44Ά

0.333 4 0.33>/2

0.323/4 0 . 3 2 V*

0.15»'β 0.1905 0.204

0 . 1 5 »A 0.1890 0.199

0.163'4 0.47V*

0.153/4 0.19 0.45V2

7.50 7.25 7.85 6.00 0.716 0.0995

7.40 7.15 7.75 5.75 0.70 0.9925





your processing calls for boiling acids, alkalies or salts . . . ."• :-*§ï


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Declines Casein, Argentine, lb. $ 0.35 $ 0.35V3 0 . 5 2 V2 0.52 C o c o a butter, lb. 172.00 170.00 Copra, ton" F a t t y acids, l b . 0.191/4 0.19 C o c o n u t , s i n g , press'd Cottonseed, sing. dist. 0.121/3 O.IIV2 S o y b e a n , sing. dist. 0.13V2 0.14V3 0.151/4 0.14 S t e a r i c , s i n g , press'd Glycerol, crude, soap lye. 0.39 0.38 lb. Crease, lb. 0.06 Yellow O.O6V4 0.087/8 0.08» s White, choice G u m rosin, Ν . Υ . , c w t . 10.00 9.90 Β to Ν 10.50 10.30 Water white 10.40 10.20 W i n d o w glass O.I91/2 I s o b u t y l alcohol, lb. 0.17»/a 9.40 9.25 M e n t h o l , Brazilian, lb. Oils, lb. Coconut 0 . 1 2 V* 0.12 Crude, tanks* 0.20 0.19 Double dist., tanks Cottonseed Crude, So. East 0.141/4 0.13V4 0.11 0.10 Distilled, tanks 0.133/4 Soybean, crude 0.13V4 0.30V* Tung, crude, tanks 0.38V4 220.00 215.00 Q u i c k s i l v e r , flask 3.94 3.91 R e d , vermillion, lb. Tallow, lb. Extra 0 . 0 8 Ve 0.08Vs 0.085/8 0.083/e Fancy . O.I61 ' 0.15 W h i t e olein, tanks, lb. ° Coast. & Effective N o v . 21.

The J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillips burg, N . J., has issued a November price schedule on fine and industrial chemicals. Victor Chemical Works, Chicago 4, announces increases in its prices of an­ hydrous monosodium phosphate. For 20,000 pounds or more the n e w price is $8.30 per 100 pounds; for lesser quanti­ ties', $8.70, f.o.b. Morrisville, Pa. The company has also raised b y 10 cents per 1 0 0 pounds the following: sodium tripoly phosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, tetrabasic, and sodium phosphate, dibasic, anhydrous. American Cyanamid Co. announces a price reduction on its recently introduced aerosol OT-B wetting agent by about 15%. This is a concentrated quick-dis­ solving powder, shipped economically in nonreturnable fiber drums instead of the usual stainless steel drums. It is said to b e rapidly replacing the liquid in several industries. The Baker Castor Oil Co. has raised b y one cent per pound, effective Nov. 15, prices on its refined, processed, and d e ­ hydrated castor oils. V O L U M E

2 9,



T h e Foote Mineral Company, a leading producer of metal­ lurgical salts for the past 75 years, has standardized on Haveg tanks, agitators, pipe, valves, pumps and other equipmentfor the digestion of ores with boiling hydrochloric acid. The Haveg equipment shown plays an important part in the processing done by this outstanding metallurgical firm. If your processing calls for the use of corrosive acids, alkalies, salts or solvents, be sure to check on the advan­ tages Haveg equipment offers you.



FACTORY: MARSHALLTON,. DEL DEL. - TEL. W I L M I N G T O N 3 - 8 8 8 4 . 10S AMGlliS 13 SEA1TU 1 (01 W Fifth St Vioct lldt Maml I S » thwt 0190

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