Nov 5, 2010 - Chem. Eng. News , 1952, 30 (50), pp 5321–5327 ... General Aniline & Film Corp. has made price reductions ranging to 50% on its PVP, ...
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THE WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES December 8, 1952 Advances CURRENT


A m m o n i a , a n h y d . , fert., tanks, t o n a $ 82.00 $ 80.00 A m m o n i a c a l liquor, tanks, tona 90.00 86.00 A m m o n i u m sulfate, synth., ton«> 49.50 47.00 Benzol, coke, Bethlehem, tanks, gal. 0.38V* 0.37 Benzol, tanks, Birming­ h a m , gal. 0.38 0.35 B e n z o y l c h l o r i d e , lb. 0.21»/» 0.20V» C o c o a b u t t e r , lb. 0.73 0.72 Copra, coast, ton 185.00 180.00 n i v c e r o l , c r u d e , s o a p lye, 0.28 lb. 0.28Ά G u m rosin, W W . , S a w . 7.60 rwt. 7.65 Nitrogen solution, tanks. tonc 123.00 120.00 Oils Coconut, crude, tanks. coast, lb. 0.14V* 0 14 C o r n , c r u d e , t a n k s , !b. 0.14 V : 0.14V Cottonseed, crude, So. 0.13V* E.. lb. 0.13V» Oiticica, lb. Ο 23· Carlots 0.26V* 0.22»/ Tanks 0.25Vi Peanut, lb. 0.23 Crude, tanks 0.24 3 0.2ÔV» Refined, tanks 0.28 A Soybean, crude, Decatur, 0 12· 4 lb. 0.12Ve e 1.04'/, P y r i d i n . réf., l b . 1.14V« Sodium tetrasulfide. 40%, 0.03»/* lb. 0.03» j Tallow, fancy, lb. 0.05»/» 0.05»/·


,*~iS 1 -. !








Declines 2-Bromopyridine, lb. Camphor, synth., lb. Powdered 100-lb. lots 1 0 0 0 - l b . lote

$ 17.00

$ 25.00

0.59 0.58 0.57

0.62 0.61 0.60

0.92 0.91 0.90 0.18V» 5.35

0.95 0.94 0.93 0.19»/* 5.80 0.04

2000-lb. lots Tablets

100-lb. lote 1 0 0 0 - l b . Iot« 2000-lb. lots Casein, Arg., lb. H y d r o x y c i t r o n e l l a l . lb. N a p h t h a l e n e , 78°, imp., lb. Oils T u n g , c r u d e , t a n k s , lb. Shellac, bleached, bone dry, lb. Liquid, gal. Orange, 4-lb.. c u t 4>/t-lb.. cut M b . , cut White. 4-lb., cut 4 » / » - l b . , cut 5-lb. f c u t e

a Effective January S i n g l e producer.






0.43 2.05 2.20 2.30 2.15 2 30 2.40

2.15 2.30 2.40 2 25 2A0 2.50

1953. t> Ι Ο Β


when you want it promptly Check with Michigan Chemical for your continuous, fast supply of calcined magnesite, magnesium oxide, and related products. You can bt sure of exceptionally high purity, uniform production, and prompt service. Strategically located in the midwest industrial area, Michigan Chemical is a basic producer of these magnesium compounds for general industrial and pharmaceutical use. This, together with favorable transportation facilities, assures you of a most satisfactory source. Just as a trial, place your next order with Michigan Chemical. You'll get results that surpass promises.


General Aniline & Film Con'· lias made price reductions ranging to 5 0 % on its PVP, or polyvinylpyrrolidone, of which the company is the sole manufacturer in the western hemisphere. It has reduced Plasdone, the pharmaceutical grade, from $12 per pound to $6. This includes Plas­ done G, the blood plasma expander grade. The nonphannaccutical grade, PVP type ΝΡ, has been marked down from $6 per pound to $3, involving quan­ tities in 100-lb. lots, or greater. The pharmaceutical grade is also used as a binder for tablets, as a retardant, in protaine-penicillin suspensions, and else­ where, while the nonphannaccutical grade is of interest as a thickener, solu­ biliser, detoxifies*· and stabilizer, partic­ ularly in the cosmetic and food industries. For the first time in many weeks the number of price advances recorded in the C&EN department. Week's Price (Continued


3 0,

on page







CORPORATION Soinl loul», Michigan SALES OFFICEt «30 P«* Av.nut Ntw Vork 17. New York






Oily T q r - O x y q u i n o l i n e Oil, tar, ex-warehouse, Ν . Υ lb. 0.0655 Rectified or N F , wks., 55-gal. d r u m s , extra, l.c.l gal. 0.67 Tung, t a n k s a n d drums, c.l... . l b . 0 . 3 5 - 0 . 3 6 H Wheat germ, pure, 5-gal. drums, wks., 2,000 gal. and under 15 gal gal. 9 . 2 5 - 1 3 . 50 Wintergreen, synthetic (see Methyl salicylate) Olein, white (see Acid, oleic, doub. dist.) Oleostearin. bbl lb. 0 . 0 8 3 ^ - 0 . 0 9 Orange, chrome, 250 lb. min., bags, wks lb. 031 Cadmium lithopone, 400-lb. drums lb. 1.52 Dinitroaniline s t d . drum lots, wks lb. 130 Mineral, see under Lead Molybdate, 250 lb. min., bags, wks lb. 0.44 Oxamide, ΙΟ-lb. units lb. 4.95 Oxygen, 15,000 cu. ft. monthly, cyl., wks 100 cu. ft. 1 30 Oxyquinoline, see Hydroxyquinoiine

Bemis Now Offers You

to give your printed brand "MORE SELL"

* Nominal. t Freight allowed. % Freight equalized.

T h e W e e k ' s Price C h a n g e s ( Continued

from page 5321 )

Changes, exceeds the number of declines. This is d u e in part to more liberal atti­ tude of OPS in removing price ceilings and to the greater industrial and busi­ ness activity noted the past several weeks, all of which tend to make many items a seller's rather than buyer's market. American Cyanamid Co. will discon­ tinue sale of all grades of casein in Janu­ ary "in order to better market and serv­ ice t h e w i d e line of chemicals that w e manufacture for the paper industry," as expressed b y John M. Walsh, manager of t h e company's paper chemicals depart­ ment. However, the company will con­ tinue to accept orders for December de­ liveries. Cyanamid has for 40 years been the exclusive United States distributor of casein for River Plate Dairy Co., an Argentine firm. This firm has named Tupman Thurlow Co., Inc., 155 East 44th St., N e w York, as its distributor, effective Jan. 1, 1953. The price of Argentine casein, duty paid, American ports, declined recently to 18.5 cents per pound from 19.25 cents. Price quotations of allcthrin, as carried in C&EN, issues of Nov. 3 and Dec. 1, 1952, were apparently incorrect. T h e correct quotations are: 100% basis, $32 per pound; 9 0 % , $28.80. Producers point out that the 1 0 0 % grade is theoretical and that practical grades involve certain percentages of strength, of which 9 0 % is typical.

Y o u c a n g e t t h e sales b e n e f i t s of Q U A N T A C O L O R in your branded bags F R O M B E M I S O N L Y . It adds n o t h i n g t o y o u r bag cost. T h i s is an­ other extra B e m i s service t o make y o u r b r a n d sell better a n d more profitably.

different Q u a n t a s are displeasing to­ gether. Very slight changes, s o m e ­ t i m e s scarcely noticeable, will p u t a color into t h e Q u a n t a t h a t agrees with its c o m p a n i o n colors.

What is Quantacolor?

I t has proved i t s sales v a l u e in m a n y t y p e s of packaging and merchandise.

Quantacolor is a scientific yardstick for m a k i n g certain that t h e colors c o m b i n e d in any design or product are in h a r m o n y . . . that they look right together. Nature creates colors in four Q u a n t a s . . . and there are all colors of the spectrum in e a c h Quanta. Colors from t h o s a m e Quanta are pleasing together. Colors from

Whether you use Bcmin Paper Bags, Cotton Bags, Burlap Bags or Plastic Bags... you will benefit from Quantacolor. Auk for detail*.

Hooker Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N . Y., on Dec. 1 raised prices of its benzoyl chloride and sodium tetrasulfide, 4 0 % . T h e former, in carboys and drums, earlots, is now priced at 21.5 to 24.5 cents per pound, and in less than earlots, 22.5 to 25.5 cents. Sodium tetrasulfide was raised a quarter cent to 3.5 cents for earlots and 4 cents for less. V O L U M E

3 0,





Does Q u a n t a c o l o r actually help sell?

Does Q u a n t a c o l o r mean you must redesign your brand? N o t a t all. M a y b e y o u r brand colors are in perfect h a r m o n y now. If s o , Quantacolor will confirm it. I f not, a slight c h a n g e of a color will prob­ ably suffice.

B E M I S B R O . BAG CO. 408 Pine S t . , B o x 15» St. L o u b 2, M o . Give m e details a b o u t Quantacolor and how it will help s a l e s . Name Company— Address———— City, Zone» State-



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