Nov 5, 2010 - The Aluminum Co. of America has applied to OPS for permission to raise certain aluminum products to compensate for higher production cos...
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THE WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES June 21, 195£ ! ί

Advances» CURRENT

Carnauba wax, lb. Xo 1 yellow Xo. 3 N . C . crude No. 3 N . C . refined a Casein. Argentine. l b . Di-ier/-amyl phenol, lb. Mercaptobenzothiazole.



nitrogenous, proc. tank, unit Peanut oil. lb. Crude, tanks. S o . E . Refined, tajiks Tributylamine, lb. Declines Amyl acetate, pentane. lb. S Amyl alcohol, pentane. lb. Carbon tetrachloride, tech.. lb.

Cocoa butter, lb. Copra, coast, ton Cresylic acid. impt. A D F gal. Dichloropentanes. réf., lb. Di-2-ethyl butyl phthalate Dried blood, unit Ergot, lb. Grease, white, lb. Gum turpentine. S a v.. gal. Isobutyl acetate, l b . Menthol, lb. Brazilian Japanese Mercury, flask Oils. lb. Coconut, crude, tanks. coast, lb. Corn Crude, tanks, coast Refined, drums Cottonseed, crude. So.E. lb.

Red.tanks Soybean, crude. F>ecatur Olein. white, tanks, lb. Red. vermillion, toercury. lb. Sabadilla seed. pwd.. lb. Stearic acid, carlots. lb. Single pressed Double pressed Tallow, fancy, lb. Triacetin. lb. Turpentine, wood, dest.. dist., N.Y. warehouse. ga). '* Nominal


$ 1.32 1.00 1.05 0.17Vs 0.30 >A

1 2S 0.97 1 1.02 1 0.16Vr 0.29

0.35 4.50

0.34 4.30

0.16V4 0.19V« 0.73 Vs

0.15 0.1S 0.71V*

? 0.20 0.20 V s

0.21 v 0.22 J

0.0847 0.72»/» 1 25.00

O.OSiiO ! 0.73 135.00

0.80 0.05 0.35V* 6.00 4.00 0.06*/· 0.53 Vs 0.14

0.85 0.06 I 0.39 Vs 6.25 4.50 0.06Vs 0 . 5 4 »/s 0.16

6.15 7.35 1 88.00

6.25 7.50 189.00



0.12 V* 0.15Vs

0 ι·-*/ β ! 0.15 V*

0.12Vs 0.1 IV* 0.11 0.14 V* 3.58 0.70

0.12*/ s ' 0.12V* 0.11 V* 0.14V* 3.62 0.75

0.11 V= 0.12 0.06 V« 0.42'Λ

0.12 0.l2Vs 0.06V? 0.55


0 64

The Aluminum C o . of America has applied to OPS for permission to raise certain aluminum products to compensate· for higher production costs. It would like to raise p i g aluminum from the present 18 cents to 2 0 cents per pound and fabricated and semifabricated prod­ ucts by 109c. At the close of the last war the price w a s 15 cents, rising to 16 cents in June 1948; to 16.5 cents in May 1949, and to 1 8 cents in September 1950.


when you want it promptly .. .for your

The D u Pont Co. has increased prices of all acetate yarns 2 to 8 cents per pound due to advances in production costs. The most commonly used t y p e of yarn —UT-denier, eight-filament—was in­ creased 7 cents to $ 1 . 0 3 ; 100-denier, 3 2 filament, u p 7 cents to 9 3 cents, and 150denier, 16-filament, u p 4 cents t o 7 6 cents. The heavier deniers—300, 4 5 0 , 6 0 0 , and 900—were advanced 2 cents a pound.


M i c h i g a n C h e m i c a l i s a leading producer o f m o n o - B r o m o b e n z e n e . . . highly versatile intermediate i n a w i d e range o f pharmaceuticals. For a supply t h a t meets your specifications a n d your s h i p p i n g date, write, wire o r call Michigan Chemical C o r p o r a t i o n .

The J. T . Baker Chemical C o . , Phillipsburg, N . J., h a s issued a price schedule, eight pages, o n fine and industrial chemi­ cals, dated July 1952. MICHIGAN



Saint Louis, Michigan Armour Chemical Division sent out a SALES OFFICES: 75 East Wocker Drive 230 Parle Avenu· price sheet on fatty acids, dated July 17, Chicago 1, Illinois N«w York 17, New York 1952, including animal and vegetable BASIC MANUFACTURERS OF INDUSTRIAL PHARMACEUTICAL, AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS fatty acids. VOLUME

3 0,




2 8,