THE WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - Capryl alcohol has been reduced in price by Rohm and Haas for the third time since August 1951. The 9 5% grade, said an announcement ...
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For largeramounts of fèvte* oraanics

18, 1952

Advances CURRENT


$ 77.50 Bone meal, eteamed, ton $ 80.00 0.70V2 0.71 i/s Cocoa b u t t e r , l b . Dimethoxy e t h a n e , inh., lb. 3.85 4.29 Furfural, lb. 0.19 0.195 Alcohol, t a n k cars 0.1057 0.108 Technical, t a n k c a r s 0.04 /s 0.05 Vs Grease, yellow, lb. M e n t h o l , lb. Chinese a n d Japanese 8.75 9.20 Oils, l b . 0.13 Corn, crude, t a n k s , coast 0.131/4 0.121/4 0.12 V* Soybean, crude, D e c a t u r 0.06 Vs 0.06 '/a Tallow, fancy, lb. Declines $ 1.96 Albumin, egg, edible, lb. $ 1.86 Powder, l b . 2.00 1.90 1.07 1.03 Technical, l b . 0.80 0.77 Amyl salicylate, lb. 1.60 1.40 Anethol, cans, l b . Gap'ryl alcohol, lb. O.2OV4 0.15 9 5 % , t a n k cars Ο.171/2 0.13Vi 8 5 % , t a n k care C a r n a u b a wax, no. 1, yel­ 1.20 1.15 low, lb. No. 3 N . C o u n t r y 0.95 0.90 Crude 1.02 0.98 Refined 0.30 0.29 Casein, d o m . , s t a n d . , lb. 2.50 2.25 C i n n a m i c alcohol, l b . 6.00 6.75 Citral, l b . 1.16 1.12 Egg yolk, lb. 2.40 2.10 JEucalyptol, l b . 2.20 2.10 Geraniol, extra, lb. 2.20 2.10 Geranyl a c e t a t e , lb. Glycerol, refined, l b . 0.43 V J 0.38V"» Dynamite, tanks 0.44 0.38V* Carlots, drums 0.44 Vt 0.39V4 Less carlots, d r u m s 0.44 V* 0.39 USP, C P 9 5 % , t a n k cars 0.44 8 A 0.39 V» Carlots, d r u m s 0.45V4 0.40 Less carlots, d r u m e O.42V2* 0.38 V* Synth., t a n k s , dlvd., lb. G u m a r a b i c , a m b e r sorts, lb. 0.16 0.15 V» Gum rosin, cwt. 8.70 8.60 Β to Ν 9.70 9.60 W a t e r white W i n d o w glass 9.55 9.35 lonone, ce, lb 8.00 5.05 7.05 5.85 Beta, l b . 7.75 7.50 M e n t h o l , Brazilian, l b . ; Molasses, blackstrap, La., 0.28 Vs 0.28 gal. NonylphenoU -tanks, l b . 0.32 Vs 0.32V4 Oils, lb. O.llVi Coconut, crude, t a n k s 0.11 Lard, winter strain, 0.13 0.10 Va tanks 0.192 0.187 Linseed, t a n k s , lb. 0.17 0.16 V» Palm, d r u m s 0.12 0.10 Tallow, acidless, t a n k s O.I41/4 0.13V4 Olein, white, tanks, l b . P o l y v i n y l alcohol, t o n lots, lb. 0.81 0.72 V2 Tetraglycine hydroper---, 4.65 4.50 iodide, lb. * Texas

thalle A d i f » » " * "


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New Text

Capryl alcohol has been reduced in price b y Rohm and Haas for the third time since August 1951. The 9 5 % grade, O I L RECLAIMER SYSTEMS TO K i l l said a n announcement issued Feb. 13, is now 15 cents a pound against 20V* LUBRICATING A N D SEALING O I L ! cents previously, in tank lots. The 8 5 % grade is down to 13Va cents, tanks, from Ψ&ΕΈ. © F S O L I D S Θ G U M S β W A T E I 1 the former price of 17 / 2 cents. These prices are f.o.b. Philadelphia plant. A N D GASES The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago 54, THE HILC© OIL RECLAIMED announces price advances in furfural and furfuryl alcohol, effective Feb. 15, in IS COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC tank car lots, prices in drums and cans being unchanged. New tank prices on 1 * WR1 TE MADE furfural are 10.8 cents per pound, Cedar N ^%ToBUcS oNVoυRPARτ Rapids, Memphis, and Omaha, as against 10.5 cents previously; on the alcohol, *~ϊ \ _." '"• "- Γ,' " t j 19.5 cents, Niagara Falls, as against 19 r t t t cents previously. The Shell Chemical Corp. has discon­ tinued making 1,2,3-trichloropropane. In Canada — Upton-Bradeen-James, Ltd., 990 Bay St , Toronto — 3464 Park Ave., Montreal




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