THE WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - Schenley Laboratories, Inc., announces) prices of its Aquacillin, or procaine penicillin. Its Aquacillin, A. S./600 (600,- 000 units per...
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THE WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES September 15» 1952 Advances CuiUELKXT


$ 8.00 $ 8.25 Blood, d r i e d , u n i t 0.18»/« 0.19»/> Casein, Arg., lb. 0.65 0.70 o-Chloroaniline, lb. 131.00 140.00 Copra, coast, ton 0.06 0.06 Va Grease, choice white, l b . Oils, l b . Corn 0.14 0.14V8 Crude, tanks 0.17 0.17V 4 Refined, d r u m s , N . J. 0.13Ve Cottonseed, crude, Texas 0.133/e 0.157 0.1 G2 Linseed, tanks M e n h a d e n , refined 0.123 0.125 A l k a l i refined 0.161 0.1G3 K e t t l e bodied 0.108 0.11 L i g h t pressed 0.0488 0.0511 Tar, pine, conim. 0.0655 0.0678 Warehouse, Ν . Υ. 0.42 0.43 Potash, muriate, unit0 O.6OV4 0.64V4 Quinolin, l b . 0.05 0.05l A Tallow, special, lb. Declines A l b u m e n , e/rg, flake, l b . P o w d e r , lb. Butyl chloride, lb. Calcium chloride, powd. 7 7 - 8 0 % , ton Cocoa butter, l b . Ergot, l b . Geranylacetote, lb. α-Ionone, reg., l b . Methyl Isobornyl acetate, lb. Menthol, Brazilian, l b . M e r c u r y , flask Molasses, blackstrap. t a n k s , N . O., g a l . Oleostearin,lb. Pean' >il, c r u d e , t a n k s , So. ^ . . l b . Phenylethyl acetate, lb. Semicarbazide hydrochlo­

ride, lb.

Sodium perborate, imp.. lb. Styrax, Asiatic, l b . Valonia e x t r a c t , ex dock, lb. b ° B y t w o producers.

$ 2.44 2.48 0.37 »/s 31 0 0 0.611A 3.70 1.60 3.75 3.90 0.60 5.70 183.00


2.55 2.59 0.43» A

35.65 0.65 4.00 1.70 5.00 4.10 0.70 5.75 185.00 0.15 0.11 Va

0.13V2 O.IOVÎ

O.I6V2 1.20

0.17 1.45



0.16 0.85

0.17 0.95

0 . 0 9 V* & D u t y extra.




Schenley Laboratories, Inc., announces) prices of its Aquacillin, or procaine penicillin. Its Aquacillin, A. S./600 (600,000 units per injection) is priced to the| distributor at 68 cents; to the hospital or druggist, at 85 cents; and to the physi cian, at 99 cents. Corresponding pricesl for its A. S . / l million (one million units per injection) are 96 cents, $1.20, and $1.40. These are two new high-potency dosage forms, both supplied in a disposable syringe that can b e assembled, ready] for use, in 4.5 seconds.


ANSUL METHYL CHLORIDE Y o u can save m o n e y by u s i n g A N S U L M E T H Y L CHLORIDE in the methylation of amines, p h e n o l s , alcohols, hydrocarbons, etc. Based o n CH 3 -groups available for reaction, other m e t h y l a t i n g agents are considerably more expensive than Ansul Methyl Chloride. Also A n s u l Methyl Chloride can be conveniently w e i g h e d or metered for positive control of the methylation process. W h e n methyl chloride is used for methylation, no pumps are necessary for transferring it. Methyl chloride, a liquefied gas, provides its o w n pressure and facilitates handling greatly.

^X^rite for your copy of Bulletin No, 1001 an Ans u l Technical Staff publication. \€ you wish specific Information regarding methylation processes, proda c t s of methylation or products you -wish methylated give particulars in your letter, O u r Technic a l S t a f f w i l l willingly cooperate with you.

Falk Div., Cargill, Inc., Pittsburgh 30 ; in its market letter of Aug. 2 9 , states that sellers of linseed oil were then asking 16.2 cents per pound for warehouse stocks, and // you have a product to be methylated and you do not have 16 cents, tank cars, Minneapolis. How- the capacity or the facilities to handle it, Ansul may be able ever, the confusion over the price of meal to do it for you. Facilities for Methylation are available at Please give com· has made it almost impossible to set fair the Ansul plant in Marinette, Wisconsin. plete particulars regarding product and quantity involved. prices for the oil. As to soybean oil, F o r your SULFUR DIOXIDE re· xiirements use AttSUL SULFUR D l · 11.75 cents per pound prevailed on that >XIDE. date, with confusion in this commodity,! too, largely because of OPS price rulings. Good pressed fish oil sold on that date at 11 cents per pound, N e w York, or 0.5| cents higher than previous quotations.





It is customary for all insecticide manu INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS DIVISION facturers to withdraw prices at the end A N S U L M E T H Y L MARINETTE ο WISCONSBN CHLORIDE is availof the season and to issue new prices for| able in T A N K CARS, 6& E. 4 2 n d S t . , N e w Y o r k the coming season about Nov. 1. It is MULTI-UNIT CARS, llncoln-Libcrty BIdg., DRUMS and CYLINexpected that the same practice will DERS. Broad & Chettnut 5t., Philadelphia 7, Pa. continue for the 1953 season. ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF REFRIGERANTS > REFRIGERATION PRODUCTS· DRV CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS VOLUME

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