THE WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 25, 2012 - THE WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (3), pp 95A–95A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60196a800. Publication Date: March 1963...
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the EDITOR'S \ column •


L.T.Hallett, Editor





signed in 1875 by the represen­ tatives of 28 nations, provided in­ ternational agreement on the metric system, and established the I n t e r ­ national B u r e a u of Weights and Measures on the outskirts of P a r i s , F r a n c e . T h e Bureau, expenses for which are m e t by the member nations (currently 37 n a t i o n s ) , con­ ducts research in m a n y measure­ ment areas, m a i n t a i n s physical pro­ totype standards, and cooperates with the national s t a n d a r d s labora­ tories in promoting measurement accuracy, a n d agreement. E v e r y six years the General Con­ ference on Weights a n d Measures meets in P a r i s to t a k e official a c ­ tions, such as the adoption of new or improved standards. T h e last General Conference was in 1960. T h e executive body, the I n t e r n a ­ tional Committee, includes 18 mem­ bers from as m a n y nations. This committee has advisory committees in six areas of measurements, meets annually, a n d m a k e s recommenda­ tions to the General Conference.

A Laboratory Glass Cutting Unit Weld, HOT-WIRE GLASS-TUBING CUTTER Produces Clean, Straight Breaks Cuts Hard or Soft Glass with equal facility Glass tubing, bottles, or jars up to 'S inches in diameter can be cut neatly and quickly with this cutter. Soft glass, Pyrex-Brand Glass, or other hard-glass tubes can be cut with equal ease. The article is l.rst encircled with a scratch made by a cutter wheel conveniently mounted on the side of the transformer, the scratch is heated by contact with the hot wire, and then cooled quickly by applying water or by blowing on it. No other equipment is required. The cutting wire is supported on two insulated posts and is heated by current from a lli-volt trans­ former serving as the base. Xo. 24 (B & S gauge) nichrome wire is used and is easily replaced. Three extra wires are included. By means of an adjust­ ment on the transformer, the current can be con­ trolled to give the optimum heat of whatever type of glass may be used. An instruction plate is mounted near this control. The unit operates on 115 volts, 50 or 60 cycle A.C. Over-all dimensions are 6 χ 4'/a x 9 inches high.

Each, $42.50

No. 5210

THE WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1880 1515 Sedgwick Street, Dept. A - 1 , Chica g o 10, Illinois, U. S. A . Manufacturers of Scientific Instruments and Laboratory Apparatus

Call on us for A PERIODIC C H ARTFUL

Advisory Committee on Thermometry T h e Advisory Committee on T h e r m o m e t r y made six tentative proposals for presentation a t the 1966 General Conference of Weights and Measures. 1. Incorporate the T-, 8 (He 4 ) and T 6 2 ( H e 3 ) scales into the I n t e r n a ­ tional Practical T e m p e r a t u r e Scale (IPTS). 2. Define for the practical scale the equilibrium boiling point of hydrogen to bo about 20.267° K. and the boiling point of oxygen to be about 90.17° K. T h e term " a b o u t " suggests t h a t new results m a y change these values between now and 1966.

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INDUSTRIES, INC. · 3880 PARK AVENUE · METUCHEN, N. J. Circle No. 92 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 35, NO. 3, MARCH 1963


95 A