THE WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - THE WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (1), pp 75A–75A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60194a774. Publication Date: January 1963...
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: the EDITOR'S ' column

Announcing the NEW 1963 Edition WELCH PERIODIC CHART OF THE ATOMS Atomic Weights Based on Carbon 12

* L.T. Hallett, Editor





been directly concerned with higher education since the first Morrill L a n d - G r a n t Act a century ago. However, the role played b y the Government has increased greatly in the years since World W a r I I . Congress authorized the U. S. D e p t . of H e a l t h , Education, and Welfare to study and report on Federal programs in higher educa­ tion, the effects of these programs in 36 institutions of higher learning, and to m a k e observations and recommendations on the Federal program. T h e Government both gives to and receives much from the n a ­ tion's colleges and universities. I n the former, direct assistance is given for construction of research facilities, grants are given to aug­ ment research staffs in special fields, and loans are given for s t u d e n t housing and facilities. I n addition, financial assistance is given to stu­ dents through loans, fellowships, veterans benefits, and special schol­ arships. On the other hand, the Government relies on the resources of these institutions for the opera­ tion of Government-owned research laboratories, performance of basic research, advisory service of faculty experts in Government programs, and provision of special educational services for Federal employees and visitors from other countries. More t h a n 15 different Federal departments and agencies conduct major programs, with no single co­ ordinating agency. These pro­ grams emphasize research and grad­ uate education. Between 1955 and 1960, about 7 5 % of all Federal in­ come reported by colleges and uni­ versities was for research and de­ velopment. Participation classified as re-

Lithographed in 6 Colors on heavy Chart Stock with Protective Coating to prevent glare— With Revised 48-Page Key Booklet. No. 4854. CHART OF THE ATOMS, 1963 Edition, Each $7.50 Available for immediate shipment!

THE WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1880 1515 Sedgwick St., Dept. A-1, CHICAGO, ILL, U.S.A. Manufacturers of Scientific Instruments and Laboratory Apparatus


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Circle No. β on Readers' Service Card VOL.

35, NO. 1 , JANUARY 1963


75 A