Chemical. Laboratory and. Installation Use! ... in the laboratory because of itsversatility and capability of handling so ... monitor of the Applied P...
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oratory glassware items, including tubing and rod. Prices are included on both unit and quantity bases. Kimble Glass Co. (Cat. SP-75). 609

Pick the Vacuum Pump that Fits Your Needs!

Differential Thermoanalysis. Illus­ trated 4-page brochure describes the Model L 160 DTA apparatus imported from Germany. Some of the applica­ tions are listed, and various compo­ nents of the apparatus are discussed. William J. Hacker & Co. 610



Specifically formulated for Chemical Laboratory and Installation Use!



Excelon RLB 1060 has gained wide acceptance in the laboratory because of its versatility and capability of handling so many of the chemicals encountered in this work. The loss factor through glass breakage is completely eliminated and its flexibility lends itself well to repeated use with fittings and intricate bending.

Thermobalance. Illustrated 4-page brochure describes an imported thermobalance which continuously records weight changes of substances at constant or variable temperatures. Usable temperature range is from - 6 0 ° to +2600° C. William J. Hacker & Co. 611 Environmental Equipment. Illus­ trated 128-page catalog describes the company's complete line of controlled environment equipment, including ovens, furnaces, baths, walk-in rooms and chambers, incubators, sterilizers, and others. Hotpack Corp. (Cat. C-61). 612 Lab Coater. Four-page folder de­ scribes the T-Line Lab Coater for applying coatings to paper. Each of the various parts is described and keyed to a partially cut away drawing of the unit. Talboys Instrument Corp. 613

Gas Chromatography. Silicone ma­ terials useful as stationary phases for gas chromatography are described in the Applied Science Laboratories News­ letter (Dec. issue). 614 Vibrating Reed Electrometer. De­ scription of the Cary Model 31 elec­ trometer and accessories appears in Applied Physics Corp. bulletin. 615

C H E M I C A L INSTALLATIONS Excelon RLB 1060 is designed to provide superior resistance to strong oxidizing and reducing acids and excellent resistance to mineral oils. It has extraordinary electrical characteristics. Excelon finds many applications in plants. It is easily sliced to size and will give positive sealing under the toughest conditions. Write for chemical resistance chart and sample of RLB 1060 Excelon Tubing— all free of cost or obligation.

THERMOPLASTIC PROCESSES, INC. VALLEY ROAD · STIRLING, NEW JERSEY Tel: M l l l i n g t o n 7-1003 · Mitchell 3-4600 N . Y.—COrtland 7-6220 TWX MLG 1568U Circle No. 165 on Readers' Service Card

Tritium Monitor. A four-page bulle­ tin describes the Cary Model 34 tritium monitor of the Applied Physics Corp. 616

Gas Chromatography. The Chromatogram Quarterly (Fall 1961), issued by Barber-Colman Co. lists several "hints and kinks" in gas chromatogra­ phy. 617 Thermocouple Catalog. A new 56page catalog describes the line of indus­ trial application thermocouples pro­ duced by Barber-Colman Co. Descrip­ tion and engineering information con­ cerning usage and application are given. 618



are designed to fit almost every application better and at less cost . . . in the laboratory, industry and school. Ten different models to choose from... capacities from 21 to 1400 liters per minute . . . ultimate pressures from 2xlO-2mmHg down toi x l M m r a H g and better . . . two-stage and singlestage mechanical pumps with vented exhaust, and mechanical and diffusion combination pumps. Over the years, Welch Duo-Seal Pumps have built a world-wide reputa­ tion for best performance, greatest reliability and quietest operation. When you use a Duo-Seal Pump, you're using the best! For complete specifications and prices, ask for Duo-Seal Catalog





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