The Willard Gibbs Medal Award - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 4, 2010 - B.B. Freud, chairman of the Chicago Section, presided, and before introducing the speakers gave a short summary of the history of the me...
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News Editor: HARRISON Ε. H o w s Assistant to Editor: Ν . A. PARKINSON

Industrial and Engineering

Chemistry Published

EDITORIAL OFFICE, 706 Mills BIdg., Washington, D . C.

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Chemiea I

PUBLICATION O F F I C E , Easton, P a -


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E. P . P A R T R I D G E

ADVERTISING I>BPT., 419 F o u r t h A v e . , New York

Entered a s second-class m a t t e r a t the Post Office a t Easton, Pa., u n d e r t h e Act of March 3 , 1879, a s 40 times a year. Industrial Edition monthly on the 1st; News Edition on t h e 10th and 2 0 t h ; Analytical Edition on t h e l o t h of J a n u a r y , April, July, and October. Acceptance for mailing a t special rate of postage provided for i n Section 1013, A c t of October 3 , 1917, authorized July 13, 1918. Subscription to INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, $7.50 p e r year; ANALYTICAL E O I T I O N only, S i . 5 0 p e r year; N E W S E D I T I O N only, SI.50 per year (single copies, 10 cents). Subscriptions should b e sent t o Charles L·. Parsons, Secretary, Mills BIdg., Washington, D . C

Volume 7

JUNE 10, 1929

The Willard Gibbs Medal Award The Willard Gibbs award on Friday evening. May 24, w a s a very dignified, and a t t h e same time, festive occasion. I t was attended b y about 250 people, among t h e m a large number of women. Β. Β. Freud, chairman of t h e Chicago Section, presided, and before introducing t h e speakers gave a short summary of the history of the medal. H e pointed o u t that the purpose of William Converse in donating the medal w a s to bring annually t o the Chicago Section a man w h o had accomplished notable things in chemistry. His hope has been that this annual meeting would be an inspiration to the chemists of Chicago, and in t h a t he has not been disappointed, for the presentation of this medal is always regarded as the event of t h e year in the Chicago Section. T h e presentation of the medal was made b y William Lloyd Evans, of Ohio State University, a nice compliment, inasmuch as Doctor Hudson had presented the Nichols Medal t o Professor Evans somewhat earlier in the year. Professor Bvans told in detail of Doctor Hudson's work, and gave a thorough picture of its significance. I n accepting t h e medal, Doctor Hudson spoke informally about his early work in science and the influences which caused him to t a k e up the study of sugar chemistry. His early training in physics, in which he specialized in his university days, has been of inestimable benefit t o him in his subsequent work in chemistry. After Doctor Hudson's short address of acceptance, President Scott, of Northwestern University, congratulated the Chicago Section upon its selection of the medalist, a n d the latter o n t h e honor which had been bestowed upon him. A second response was made b y J. H. Mathews, representing the University of Wisconsin Section and t h e other sections cooperating with the Chicago Section in t h e publication of the Chemical Bulletin, who spoke a few well-chosen words of con­ gratulation. T h e last speaker was Dean Gordon J. I,aing, of the University of Chicago, who spoke humorously and very entertainingly, representing the non-scientists' appreciation of the work of the chemist. The scientific address, "New Aspects of Emil Fischer's Cyanohydrin Synthesis of Sugar," was given t h e following Saturday morning a t the University of Chicago to a very large and inter­ ested audience. I n this address, Doctor Hudson reviewed the structure of the sugars as worked out by his predecessors in this field, and then outlined the additions made a s a result of his work. The official guests of the section a t the dinner were Doctors Baekeland, Stieglitz, and Harkins, medalists in past years; George Hubert Jones, donor of the chemistry laboratory at the University of Chicago; President H. M . Raymond of Armour Institute: Mr. and Mrs. William A. Converse; and t h e speakers of the evening.

Seventh Colloid Symposium

Number 11

The following program has been arranged : Frederick O. I>ontian, University College, London. "The Scattering of Light in Sols and Gels." S. E . Sheppard a n d J. G. Medially, Eastman Kodak Co. "The Anisotropy • of Gelatin Gels." Harvey A. Neville an