The WT Lippincott symposium: prospects and retrospects in chemical

Lsguwski (Editor-designate Journal of Cl~ernicol Education and University of Texas), Anna Harrison (Mount Holyoke), and Tnm 1.inninrrrt.t.. ~. ~~. ~ ~...
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The W. T. Lippincott Symposium: Prospects and Retrospects in Chemical Education In June 1979 Tom Lippincott will step down after twelve years of exemplary service as Editor of the Journal uf Chemical Education. Tu mark this occasion a symposium entitled "Prospects and Retrospects in Chemical Education" is scheduled for April 3,1979 at the Honolulu meeting of the American Chemical Society. The speakers will be Linus Pauling, Peter Farago (Editor: Chemistry in Rritoin), Robert Parry (University of Utah), Bassam Shakhashiri (University of Wisconsin), Robert Hrasted (University of Minnesota), George Pimentel (National Science Foundation and University of California), Ben Luberoff (Editor Chem Tech), William Kieffer (Former Editor Jaurml of Chemieol Education and College of Wooster), Joseph Lsguwski (Editor-designate Journal of Cl~ernicolEducation and University of Texas), Anna Harrison (Mount Holyoke), a n d Tnm 1.inninrrrt.t.. ~ ~- ..~ ~ , , ~ Ir I-.m r rxpcctarwn rhat many of these talks will lend to nrtirlei which wdl he puldiihed in n ~ p r c i diiwr c f the .JOllliNAI.. Since r w m could nu1 he f w n d on t h pru:rsln ~ for d l of Tom'r man? frwndi 3 4 d m l r e r we imite them 1,. n m s d e r sulmilt~nyrnnnurwipt~fur poss~hlcinclu&u i n thts special valcdictorv islw In . ? q r l l I . 1979. ~


Derek A. Davenllort Purdue University West Lafayette, I N 47907

768 / Journal of Chemical Education

J. J. Lagowski University of Texas Austin, TX 78712