The Xanthophyll Composition of Biofortified Maize - American

Jul 11, 2008 - Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of WisconsinsMadison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, and Department of Crop Sciences, ...
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J. Agric. Food Chem. 2008, 56, 6745–6750


The Xanthophyll Composition of Biofortified Maize (Zea mays Sp.) Does Not Influence the Bioefficacy of Provitamin A Carotenoids in Mongolian Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) CHRISTOPHER R. DAVIS,† JULIE A. HOWE,†,§ TORBERT R. ROCHEFORD,# SHERRY A. TANUMIHARDJO*,†


Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of WisconsinsMadison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, and Department of Crop Sciences, University of IllinoissUrbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801

Maize has been targeted for biofortification with provitamin A carotenoids through traditional breeding. Two studies were conducted in gerbils to evaluate factors that may affect provitamin A activity. Maize diets had equal theoretical concentrations of vitamin A (VA) assuming 100% bioefficacy. Study 1 (n ) 57) varied the ratio of β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene but maintained the same theoretical VA. Study 2 (n ) 67) varied lutein and zeaxanthin. Other treatments were oil, VA, or β-carotene doses. Serum and livers were analyzed for VA and carotenoids. In study 1, total liver VA did not differ among the maize groups. In study 2, total liver VA of the VA and maize groups were higher than controls (P < 0.05). Conversion factors were 2.1-3.3 µg β-carotene equivalents to 1 µg retinol. Twice the molar amount of β-cryptoxanthin was as efficacious as β-carotene and the proportion of β-cryptoxanthin or xanthophylls did not appreciably change the VA value of biofortified maize. KEYWORDS: β-Cryptoxanthin; bioefficacy; biofortification; carotenoids; maize; vitamin A; xanthophylls


Vitamin A (VA) deficiency is a major health concern worldwide, and is especially prevalent in impoverished regions of Africa and South-East Asia. Vitamin A is required for the proper functioning of the visual and immune systems, as well as cellular differentiation. Ideally there would be sufficient VA from the diet to maintain adequate VA status. However, in regions most susceptible to deficiency, supplementation programs have been implemented (1) because sources of VA are scarce or unaffordable for those with the greatest need. Additionally, staple foods (e.g., rice, wheat, and maize) generally lack provitamin A carotenoids. In order to find a more sustainable and cost-effective solution to this problem, efforts to biofortify staple foods with provitamin A carotenoids have increased (2). The primary carotenoids found in maize are lutein, zeaxanthin, β-carotene, R-carotene, and β-cryptoxanthin (3, 4). The xanthophylls lutein and zeaxanthin are naturally abundant in maize, but these cannot be converted to VA. Provitamin A carotenoids in most typical yellow maize are low and range * Address correspondence to this author at 1415 Linden Dr., UWsMadison, Madison, WI 53706 [telephone (608) 265-0792; fax (608) 262-5860; e-mail [email protected].]. † University of WisconsinsMadison. § Present address: Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849. # University of IllinoissUrbana-Champaign.

from 0.07 to 1.46, from 0 to 0.70, and from 0.07 to 1.05 µg β-carotene, R-carotene, and β-cryptoxanthin/g, respectively (4). Maize biofortification efforts have surveyed diverse germplasm sources, performed selections, created new hybrids, and enhanced the provitamin A carotenoid concentrations to 15 µg/g (2). For comparison, typical orange carrots have ∼130 µg/g fresh weight (5). This level of maize biofortification may be adequate to maintain or increase liver VA reserves in humans when maize is consumed as a staple food (6, 7). β-Cryptoxanthin is a xanthophyll that has provitamin A activity and contributes to the VA value of biofortified maize (6, 8). β-Cryptoxanthin supplements were more effective than β-carotene at improving total liver VA in Mongolian gerbils when provided on an equivalent theoretical VA basis and conversion rates based on mass were similar, i.e., 2.74 µg β-cryptoxanthin and 2.52 µg β-carotene were equivalent to 1 µg retinol (8). In order to effectively guide maize biofortification efforts, it is necessary to determine the relative contribution of β-cryptoxanthin to the VA value of maize and determine the interaction with other carotenoids. Although lutein and zeaxanthin do not provide VA, they may be involved in maintaining human health. They are preferentially transported into the eye and accumulate in the macula, retina, and the iris, where they are thought to protect against oxidative damage from short wavelength blue light (9). The protection from free radicals may reduce the risk for age-related macular degeneration (10, 11); however, the impact of dietary intakes remains inconclusive (12). Carotenoid interactions during

10.1021/jf800816q CCC: $40.75  2008 American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/11/2008


J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 15, 2008

Davis et al.

Table 1. Composition of Experimental Dietsa Fed to Mongolian Gerbils Differing by Percent Maize g/kg feed 45% maize

50% maize

450 160 3 110 117 50 65 35 2 0.8 5 0.0044 0.2 2.5

500 155 3 110 78 49 60 35 2 0.7 5 0.0044 0.2 2.5

maize vitamin-free casein L-cystine sucrose maltodextrin cottonseed oil cellulose mineral mixb CaCO3 MgO vitamin mixc vitamin D vitamin E choline bitartrate a

Provided by Harlan Teklad, Madison, WI. b Mineral mix (AIN-93M-MX). c Vitamin mix provided the following (mg/kg feed): biotin, 0.4; calcium panthothenate, 66.1; folic acid, 2; inositol, 110.1; menadione, 49.6; niacin, 99.1; p-aminobenzoic acid, 110.1; pyridoxine-HCl, 22; riboflavin, 22; thiamin-HCl, 22; vitamin B-12 (0.1% in mannitol), 29.7; ascorbic acid (97.5%), 1016.6.

absorption, particularly between xanthophylls and carotenes, may alter bioavailability (13–15). The primary goal of biofortifying maize with carotenoids is to increase the VA value. It is therefore important to determine how xanthophylls, which also could change during biofortification, affect the VA value of maize. Mongolian gerbils are an appropriate model for studying β-carotene (16, 17), R-carotene (18), and β-cryptoxanthin (8). Two studies were conducted to evaluate factors that may affect the bioefficacy of the provitamin A carotenoids in biofortified maize using a gerbil model. In study 1, the objective was to assess the relative contribution of β-cryptoxanthin to VA reserves by feeding gerbils maize diets with theoretically equal VA (assuming 100% bioefficacy), but varying the ratio of β-cryptoxanthin to β-carotene. In study 2, the impact of lutein and zeaxanthin on the VA value of maize was determined by varying their concentrations. MATERIALS AND METHODS Maize and Diets. Eight different genetic stocks of maize were used to prepare the powdered maize diets for two studies. Upon receipt, the maize kernels were stored at -20 °C (white maize) or -80 °C (all other maize varieties). Prior to feed preparation, maize kernels were ground to pass a 1-mm screen (particles 0.05). Conversion Factors. The conversion factors in study 1 were 2.5, 3.3, and 2.1 µg β-carotene equivalents to 1 µg retinol (1.3, 1.8, 1.1 mol β-carotene equivalents to 1 mol retinol) for the low, medium, and high β-cryptoxanthin groups, respectively. In study 2, after mitigating two high outliers from the control group, the conversion factors were 2.6, 3.2, and 2.4 µg β-carotene equivalents to 1 µg retinol (1.4, 1.7, 1.3 mol β-carotene equivalents to 1 mol retinol) for the low, medium, and high xanthophyll groups, respectively. The conversion factor was 4.6 µg β-carotene to 1 µg retinol (2.4 mol β-carotene to 1 mol retinol) for the β-carotene oil-based supplement. DISCUSSION

Two studies were conducted to investigate factors that may affect the VA value of carotenoid biofortified maize. In study 1, Mongolian gerbils were fed diets containing theoretically equal concentrations of VA but different proportions of β-cryptoxanthin to β-carotene. The results indicate that β-cryptoxanthin is bioavailable from maize and contributes to liver VA reserves of VA-depleted Mongolian gerbils. In study 2, the large variation in xanthophyll concentrations in maize diet had negligible effect on the bioefficacy of the provitamin A carotenoids. These results are important for maize breeders and geneticists who are developing allele specific molecular marker selection methods to breed for levels of specific carotenoids. These recent advances enhance the ability to select more specifically for increased levels of β-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin, as well as to select for higher total carotenoids (20–22). Both studies in this report support previous findings (6, 8) for the potential of carotenoid biofortified maize to decrease the prevalence of VA deficiency in countries where maize is eaten as a staple food (7). At this stage of biofortification efforts, maize breeders


J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 15, 2008

Figure 1. Study 1: Serum retinol concentrations (µmol/L) (A), liver vitamin A concentrations (µmol/g) in retinol (B), and total liver retinol reserves (µmol/liver) (C) in Mongolian gerbils. Measurements were taken at baseline (Base), or after 4-week treatment in which the gerbils were fed 45% low, medium (Med), or high β-cryptoxanthin (βCX) maize diets and dosed with cottonseed oil, or fed 45% carotenoid-free maize diets with oil doses of vitamin A (VA) or cottonseed oil (Control). VA in oil was equalized to the maize treatment diets based on intake of provitamin A carotenoids on the prior day assuming 100% bioefficacy. Treatment effects were observed for serum retinol (P ) 0.025), liver VA concentrations (P < 0.0001), and total liver VA (P < 0.0001). Values are means ( SD; n ) 10/group except for baseline (n ) 7). Means with different letters are statistically different, P < 0.05.

should be encouraged to breed for higher carotenoids in general and not be overly concerned about the ratio of xanthophylls to carotenes. This is fortuitous as inexpensive visual selection for total carotenoids, deeper yellow and orange color intensities, can be performed alone or in conjunction with molecular marker-based selection. Many factors affect the bioefficacy of provitamin A carotenoids (23). Interactions between carotenoids may occur at several points during the processing of provitamin A carotenoids and their conversion to VA. Study 1 was designed to focus on the implications of the species of provitamin A carotenoid in the maize. No differences were observed between the liver VA reserves of gerbils fed diets with varying proportions of VA from β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene. This shows that twice the molar amount of β-cryptoxanthin is as efficacious as β-carotene from maize, because the proportions of β-carotene and β-cryp-

Davis et al.

Figure 2. Study 2: Serum retinol concentrations (µmol/L) (A), liver vitamin

A concentrations (µmol retinol/g) (B), and total liver retinol reserves (µmol/ liver) (C) in Mongolian gerbils. Measurements were taken at baseline (Base) or after 4-week treatment in which the gerbils were fed 50% low, medium (Med), or high xanthophyll (Xan) maize diets and dosed with cottonseed oil, or fed 50% carotenoid-free maize diets with oil doses of β-carotene (βC), vitamin A (VA), or cottonseed oil (Control). β-Carotene and VA in oil were equalized to the treatment maize diets based on intake of provitamin A carotenoids on the prior day assuming 100% bioefficacy. Values are means ( SD; n ) 10/group except for the low xanthophylls (n ) 8), control (n ) 8), and baseline (n ) 6) groups. Treatment effects were observed for liver VA concentrations (P < 0.0001) and total liver VA (P < 0.0001), but not for serum (P ) 0.61). Means with different letters are statistically different, P < 0.05.

toxanthin were the only changes in the VA component of the maize diets. Furthermore, the high β-cryptoxanthin group was the only treatment group to have both significantly higher liver VA concentrations and total liver VA than the control group. This would indicate that β-cryptoxanthin may be more efficacious than β-carotene, which is supported by a supplement study (8). Compared with neutral hydrocarbon carotenoids, polar carotenoids may be more easily incorporated into micelles allowing more efficient transfer into enterocytes from the lumen, leading to increased bioavailability (24). The xanthophylls and carotenes compete for incorporation into micelles in the small

Xanthophyll Composition in Biofortified Maize intestine (25). The gerbil is an appropriate model for this point of interaction between different species of carotenoids. Another point of interaction is the enzymatic central cleavage by β-carotene 15,15′-oxygenase of provitamin A carotenoids to retinol, which occurs largely in the intestine through a monooxygenase mechanism (26). In humans, bioefficacy of β-carotene to retinol is dependent on dose size (23, 25) and vitamin A status (7). Therefore, β-carotene 15,15′-oxygenase activity may be more efficient for diets with lower concentrations of provitamin A carotenoids, as would be the case for the low β-cryptoxanthin group. Because this group had the lowest number of provitamin A molecules, the β-carotene that moved into the enterocytes was mostly converted to VA. This is supported by lack of quantifiable β-carotene in the gerbil livers from study 1. Incorporation of retinyl esters and provitamin A carotenoids into chylomicra (27) are potential sites of interaction as well. The gerbil has proven to be a good model for investigating the interaction and bioefficacy of the provitamin A carotenoids. Carotenoid transporters on the apical surface of enterocytes (28) compete for carotenoids and therefore carotenoid species would interact at this point. We hypothesize that the gerbil does not have a transporter for the dihydroxycarotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. This is supported by two studies which found that lutein is not appreciably stored in Mongolian gerbils (14, 29), and is a recognized limitation of study 2. The provitamin A carotenoids are most likely facilitated by a different transporter than the dihydroxycarotenoids (28). We have proposed that presence of quantifiable β-carotene in the liver is a marker of adequate VA status (6). β-Cryptoxanthin was not quantifiable in the gerbil livers in these studies. Therefore, this would limit the applicability of this hypothesis to the carotenes. Most likely, gerbils have a binding protein in the liver (30) that allows uptake and storage of R- and β-carotene similar to that found in the ferret (31), but more specific to the hydrocarbon carotenoids. A study feeding VA-adequate gerbils higher doses of β-cryptoxanthin could confirm or refute this observation. Conversion factors ranged from 2.1 to 3.3 µg and 2.4 to 3.2 µg β-carotene equivalents to 1 µg retinol in the maize treatment groups in studies 1 and 2, respectively. These conversion factors are similar to other published data in VA-depleted gerbils, i.e., 2.3-3.5 µg β-carotene to 1 µg retinol from supplements and food (6, 15). The β-carotene group had a similar but slightly higher conversion factor than the treatment diets; therefore, the maize matrix did not reduce the bioavailability of the provitamin A carotenoids. Additionally, large oil doses of β-carotene quickly transit through the intestine of gerbils with 45 ( 19% of the recovered dose reaching the cecum at 3 h escaping absorption (14). Carotenoids consumed in the maize may have been more efficacious because they were consumed throughout the day, in contrast to the large doses of β-carotene administered. Serum retinol concentrations in healthy animals and humans are under homeostatic control until liver reserves fall below 0.07 µmol/g liver. Some differences in serum retinol concentrations were observed between groups in study 1, but all values were in the normal range, i.e., >0.7 µmol/L. The medium β-cryptoxanthin and the baseline groups were significantly higher than the high β-cryptoxanthin group. The medium β-cryptoxanthin group was also higher than the control. None of these treatment groups had liver VA near the deficiency cutoff, and their statistical relationships do not reflect the relative intakes of each group. While extremely low liver reserves will cause a decrease in serum retinol, factors that affect subtle changes or differences in serum retinol concentration during normal status are largely

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 15, 2008


unknown. Serum retinol concentrations in study 2 were not different between any of the groups. Both of these studies provide additional evidence that maize biofortified with provitamin A carotenoids maintains VA status in depleted Mongolian gerbils (6, 8). The factors evaluated are important for maize biofortification efforts. Study 1 demonstrated that maize with differing proportions of VA from β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene contributes equally to liver VA stores of depleted gerbils, which would suggest that β-cryptoxanthin is as efficacious as β-carotene at providing VA on a theoretical basis. Additionally, there was some evidence that maize with high proportions of theoretical VA from β-cryptoxanthin could potentially increase VA stores more effectively. In study 2, it was found that varying concentrations of xanthophylls in maize diets did not reduce the bioefficacy of the provitamin A carotenoids over a 4-week treatment period. Maize breeders are encouraged to develop varieties and hybrids of maize containing substantial quantities of β-cryptoxanthin. Although dihydroxycarotenoids, particularly lutein, may alter the bioavailability of β-carotene (13), varying concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin in the maize diets did not have a significant effect on the bioefficacy of the provitamin A carotenoids when consumed as a staple food by gerbils. Additional studies should investigate the relationship between xanthophylls and the bioefficacy of provitamin A carotenoids in humans, and the bioaccessibility of β-cryptoxanthin from additional food matrices. SAFETY

Use of a fume hood for volatile organic solvents is recommended. ABBREVIATIONS USED

βC, β-carotene; βCX, β-cryptoxanthin; Med, medium; VA, vitamin A; Xan, xanthophylls. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

We thank Amy Petersen and Emily Nuss for assistance with gerbil care and Peter Crump, Senior Information Processing Consultant of the University of WisconsinsMadison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Statistical Consulting Service, for providing statistical assistance. LITERATURE CITED (1) Sommer, A.; Davidson, F. R. Assessment and control of vitamin A deficiency: the Annecy Accords. J. Nutr. 2002, 132, 2845S– 2850S. (2) Tanumihardjo, S. A.; Bouis, H.; Hotz, C.; Meenakshi, J. V.; McClafferty, B. Biofortification of staple crops: an emerging strategy to combat hidden hunger. Comp. ReV. Food Sci. Food Sat. 2008, in press. (3) Howe, J. A.; Tanumihardjo, S. A. Evaluation of analytical methods for carotenoid extraction from biofortified maize (Zea mays sp.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 2006, 54, 7992–7997. (4) Kurilich, A. C.; Juvik, J. A. Quantification of carotenoid and tocopherol antioxidants in Zea mays. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1999, 47, 1948–1955. (5) Surles, R. L.; Weng, N.; Simon, P. W.; Tanumihardjo, S. A. Carotenoid profiles and consumer sensory evaluation of specialty carrots (Daucus carota, L.) of various colors. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2004, 52, 3417–3421. (6) Howe, J. A.; Tanumihardjo, S. A. Carotenoid-biofortified maize maintains adequate vitamin A status in Mongolian gerbils. J. Nutr. 2006, 136, 2562–2567.


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