Theoretical Analysis of the Diradical Nature of Adenosylcobalamin

Apr 13, 2010 - Detailed theoretical and X-ray based structural analysis has been carried out in order to unmask the role of the tyrosine residue (Y) i...
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J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 5928–5939

Theoretical Analysis of the Diradical Nature of Adenosylcobalamin Cofactor-Tyrosine Complex in B12-Dependent Mutases: Inspiring PCET-Driven Enzymatic Catalysis Pawel M. Kozlowski,*,†,‡ Takashi Kamachi,§ Manoj Kumar,† Tomonori Nakayama,§ and Kazunari Yoshizawa*,§ Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of LouisVille, LouisVille, Kentucky 40292, and Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu UniVersity, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan ReceiVed: January 20, 2010; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: March 3, 2010

Detailed theoretical and X-ray based structural analysis has been carried out in order to unmask the role of the tyrosine residue (Y) in the activation of the Co-C bond in AdoCbl-dependent mutases. In particular, methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MCM) and glutamate mutase (GLM) enzymes have been studied; in the case of MCM, the significance of the Y89 residue has been analyzed extensively. Three different theoretical platforms encompassing the DFT, CASSCF/QDPT2, and QM/MM frameworks have been employed to elucidate the energetics of the AdoCbl-Y- complex while taking into account a varied degree of structural complexity. The diradical state, [AdoCbl]•--Y•, has been found to be the lowest electronic state of the AdoCbl-Ycomplex, providing strong evidence that electron transfer from the Y89 residue to the cofactor is feasible. Crystallographic analysis of the active sites of MCM and GLM enzymes reveals that substrate binding can play a critical role in displacing the hydroxyl proton of the Y residue (Y89 in the case of MCM enzyme and Y181 in the case of GLM enzyme) that will facilitate the electron transfer (ET), hence making the activation process a case of proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET). PCET-inspired enzymatic catalysis implies that the cleavage of the Co-C bond takes place via one-electron reduced form of the AdoCbl cofactor (i.e., [AdoCbl]•-), rather than its neutral analogue, thus providing an efficient mode of cleavage that can help in understanding the origin of the catalytic effect in such enzymes. 1. Introduction Adenosylcobalamin cofactor (AdoCbl or coenzyme B12; Figure 1) catalyzes a variety of chemically difficult transformations involving 1,2-type intramolecular shift of a hydrogen atom with a functional group such as alkyl, hydroxyl, or amino.1 During the catalytic cycle, the Co-C bond of AdoCbl cofactor is cleaved in a homolytic fashion leading to the formation of 5′-deoxyadenosyl (Ado) radical (at least formally) and cob(II)balamin.2 The most remarkable aspect of AdoCbldependent enzymatic catalysis is the ∼1012 rate enhancement observed inside the enzyme.3 Though it has been found that homolysis of the Co-C bond is rapid and is not a rate determining step,4 implying that its strength must be significantly reduced during catalytic turnover in comparison to free AdoCbl in solution,5 the precise underlying mechanism responsible for such a Co-C bond weakening remains elusive. The Co-C bond in AdoCbl-dependent enzymes is not substantially destabilized in the absence of substrate. The most convincing argument supporting this notion comes from resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy where vibrational data show that the Co-C stretching frequency is essentially the same in the case of isolated AdoCbl in solution as well as in the enzymebound AdoCbl.6-8 Upon binding of substrate, the catalytic cycle is initiated with the homolysis of the Co-C bond which is followed by subsequent H-atom abstraction from the substrate. Precisely how the arrival of substrate triggers the enzymatic * Corresponding authors. E-mail: [email protected] (P.M.K.); [email protected] (K.Y.). † University of Louisville. ‡ Visiting professor at Kyushu University from University of Louisville. § Kyushu University.

reaction remains an open question. Available crystallographic data for several AdoCbl-dependent enzymes9-13 reveal that the substrate enters into the active site through a channel positioned on the upper face of the corrin macrocycle.9b,c,10,12,13a It has further been postulated that the presence of substrate induces conformational switch9b or the tight binding of the adenine binding pocket induces a marked distortion of the Co-C bond12b,c that can have implications with reference to the activation of the Co-C bond. However, crystal structures of AdoCbl-dependent enzymes have been determined under the condition that the Ado moiety is either not well-resolved or has been replaced by another group. Furthermore, due to the limited crystalographic resolution of available X-ray structures of B12dependent enzymes, one cannot get an obvious insight into how structural changes observed upon substrate binding can be connected with AdoCbl-based enzymatic activity. On the other hand, closer inspection of crystal structures available for AdoCbl-dependent enzymes9-13 reveals a very significant, common structural motif relating all of these enzymes. In the vicinity of cofactor, a tyrosine residue (Y) is present at an average distance of ∼7.5 Å from the cobalt center (Table 1). The OH group of this motif is either directed toward the cofactor or the substrate (Figure 2) which might be significant from the enzymatic catalysis point of view. Moreover, site-specific mutation of Y89 by phenylalanine (F) in the case of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MCM),14 has resulted in a significant drop (of the order of ∼103-104) in the enzymatic activity. This prompted us to investigate the importance of the Y residue as an internal redox center inside the enzyme, and recently, we have presented a mechanistic scheme accounting for the swift cleavage of the Co-C bond.15 While many issues

10.1021/jp100573b  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 04/13/2010

Inspiring PCET-Driven Enzymatic Catalysis

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Figure 2. Close up of the superimposition of the active site in AdoCbldependent enzymes depicting the location of Y residue relative to the corrin ring: 4REQ (Y89, Y213, purple), 1XRS (Y193, yellow), 1DIO (Y226, green), 1MMF (Y227, cyan), and 1I9C (Y181, pink). The corrin ring is shown only for MCM (4REQ). (See Table 1 for details.)

Figure 1. (upper) Molecular structure of coenzyme B12, where R ) Ado (R1 ) CH2CONH2, R2 ) CH2CH2CONH2, R3 ) (CH2)2CONHCH2CH(CH3)OPO3-). (lower) Structural models of coenzyme B12 employed in the present work.

TABLE 1: Co · · · O(Y) Distances (Å) in Selected AdoCbl-Dependent Enzymesa enzymesb


Tyr ID

Co · · · O(Y)




Y89, Y243 Y89, Y243 Y181 Y181 Y181 Y193 Y226 Y226 Y226 Y227 Y227

8.71,8.13 8.08,6.95 7.54 7.43 7.21 6.95 7.20 7.23 7.19 7.36 7.42

9b 9b 10a 10a 10b 11 12a 12b 12b 13a 13b


a Only Y residues lying within a distance of 10 Å from the metal center (Co) have been considered. b MCM ) methylmalonylCoA mutase; GLM ) glutamate mutase; LAM) lysine amino mutase; DDH ) diol dehydratase; GDH ) glycerol dehydratase.

related to this proposal need to be further evaluated in the light of experimental and theoretical studies, it is important to emphasize that involvement of Y has been implicated in many biological processes.16 Examples involve photosystem II,17 prostaglandin H synthase,18 galactose oxidase,19 cytochrome c oxidase,20 cytochrome b5 reductase,21 ribonucleotide reductase,22 or monoamine oxidase,23 and charge transfer between tyrosine and tryptophan residues in proteins.24 Thus, the role of the Y residue acting as a redox center has precedence in bioinorganic chemistry, but in the context of AdoCbl-dependent enzymatic catalysis, it is relatively a new concept. If Y serves as a redox motif, an electron would be transferred to the AdoCbl cofactor, leading to the formation of the corrin-ring based π-radical anion.

Consequently, enzymatic cleavage of the Co-C bond would be more in line with the one-electron reduced form of the AdoCbl cofactor (i.e., [AdoCbl]•-) rather than the neutral analogue. It has been known for a long time that the electrochemical addition of an electron to B12 cofactors leads to significant lowering in the bond dissociation energy (BDE) of the Co-C bond.25,26 Such reduction of the bond strength, according to DFT studies,27 can be attributed to the involvement of two electronic states in the dissociation process. Initially, the addition of an electron to the cofactor leads to the formation of a π*-anion radical, with the extra electron delocalized over the equatorial, i.e., corrin ligand. As the Co-C bond gets stretched, the extra electron relocates into the σ*Co-C state, and the final cleavage involves a three-electron bond (σ)2(σ*)1. Thus, according to this proposal, the main catalytic effect in AdoCbldependent enzymes is due to weakening of the Co-C bond via increased population of the σ*Co-C orbital. The purpose of this study is to further elaborate this proposal by analyzing the properties of tyrosine being in the vicinity of the coenzyme B12 for AdoCbl-dependent mutases assuming a variety of structural models while incorporating a varied degree of complexity associated with electronic structure calculations. 2. Computational Methods and Model Systems Three levels of sophistication with respect to theoretical framework as well as structural models have been applied to elucidate electronic properties of the AdoCbl cofactor-neutral/ deprotonated (Y/Y-) tyrosine complexes, which are denoted as AdoCbl-Y or AdoCbl-Y-, respectively, in the following sections. Specifically, first of all, the complex was investigated at the DFT level of theory using realistic structural complexes based on two B12-dependent mutases, namely, methylmalonylCoA mutase (MCM) and glutamate mutase (GLM) (Scheme 1). Since the diradical state of the complex could only approximately be described at a DFT level of theory, analysis was also performed using the multireference CASSCF wave function followed by second-order multireference perturbation theory (QDPT2). In order to take the enzymatic environment


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SCHEME 1: Reactions Catalyzed by MCM and GLM Mutasesa

a The carboxylic group which interacts with the tyrosine residue has been indicated by a box.

into consideration, computations were also carried out employing a realistic active site replica of MCM enzyme within the QM/MM modeling framework. Finally, the effect of Y89F sitedirected mutation on the electronic structure of the diradical complex was also probed inside the enzyme. 2.1. DFT Calculations. The problem was computationally tackled employing the Becke-Perdew (BP86) functional28 and the 6-31G(d) (5d components) basis set. This level of theory constitutes an appropriate platform for structural and electronic properties analysis of the alkyl-cobalt(III) complexes, as has been documented in the literature.29,30 DFT calculations were carried out using the Gaussian 0331 suite of programs for electronic structure calculations. 2.2. CASSCF/MC-XQDPT2 Calculations. Considering the fact that the diradical electronic state could only approximately be described using a single-deterimantal wave function, CASSCF calculations followed by second-order perturbation theory were also applied to elucidate electronic properties of the AdoCbl-Y- complex. Recently, a modified version of quasidegenerate perturbation theory with multi-configurational selfconsistent field reference function (QDPT2)32 referred to as MCXQDPT2 as implemented in the PC GAMESS/Firefly QC package,33 along with the SV(P) basis set, was applied. In order to reduce the structural complexity of the AdoCbl cofactor, the Ado ligand was further simplified to CH2CH3 starting from structural models previously used in DFT calculations.30 2.3. QM/MM Calculations. The most complex and advanced calculations were carried out by taking into account the actual enzymatic environment of MCM enzyme where AdoCbl cofactor and Y89 residue were considered as a part of the QM domain. Two different types of QM/MM calculations were performed with different QM and MM partitions. To prepare a structurally reasonable model for QM/MM calculations, we did initial model setting on the basis of the crystal structure (PDB ID: 4REQ) of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase substrate complex. Protonation states of titratable residues at pH 7.5 were determined with the generalized-Born method. The enzyme model included ligands, water molecules, and amino acids 38-728 of chain A, resulting in 12 289 atoms in total. The system was heated and equilibrated at the CHARMM level of theory in three steps: (i) steepest descent optimization of the system, (ii) molecular dynamics (MD) for 15 ps heating from 50 to 300 K, and (iii) equilibration for 400 ps at 300 K with a time step of 1 fs. During the MD simulation, the coordinates of the QMregion atoms and of heavy atoms beyond 20 Å from the Co atom were kept fixed. The SHAKE algorithm was used to constrain bonds involving H-atom. Finally, the system was minimized with the adopted basis Newton-Raphson (ABNR)

Kozlowski et al. algorithm for 5000 steps. All calculations were carried out with Discovery Studio 2.0. The electronic structure of the AdoCbl-Y- complex was probed assuming a QM matrix made up of truncated coenzyme B12 with respect to side chains, part of the substrate along with R207, H610, E370, and Y89 residues, while treating the rest of the enzyme at the MM level of theory. The enzyme model, employed in the present investigation, was comprised of residues 38-78 of chain A, the AdoCbl cofactor, the truncated substrate, and the corresponding crystal water molecules closer to chain A, while the remaining flexible residues 3-37 of chain A, lying far from the cofactor and substrate, were excluded from calculations. The effect of Y89F site-directed mutation was studied assuming Ado group, partial substrate along with Y89, R207, H244, and Q197 residues as the constituents of the QM domain. The BP86 functional was used to investigate the electronic properties of the AdoCbl-Y- complex, while B3LYP was employed to analyze the effect of Y89F mutation. All QM/MM calculations were performed with the ChemShell34 interface using TURBOMOLE35 for the DFT calculations along with the CHARMM36 force field. The basis set SV(P) (for all atoms) was used to carry out geometry optimizations. The CHARMM force field running through the DL_POLY program was used for the MM part of the system. A standard electronic embedding scheme was chosen: the fixed MM atomic charges were included in the one-electron Hamiltonian of the QM calculations, and the QM/MM electrostatic interactions were evaluated from the QM electrostatic potential and the MM atomic charges. No cutoffs were applied for the nonbonded MM and QM/MM interactions. We defined a region with 1308 and 1170 atoms to be fully optimized by including all of the residues that have atoms within a distance of 10 Å from the Co atom for the Co-C bond cleavage and from the substrate for the rearrangement process, respectively, while keeping the remaining atoms fixed. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Effect of Substrate Binding. X-ray crystallographic studies have been of immense help to broaden our understanding about AdoCbl-dependent enzymes. For MCM and GLM, reliable crystal structures have been reported.9,10 In the case of MCM, noticeable conformational change between substrate-free and substrate-bound enzymes has been observed9b (so-called closed and open conformations), while, in the case of GLM, conformational changes are rather not significant.10 However, lack of structural differences in GLM need to be interpreted with caution because in substrate-free GLM enzyme tartaric acid has been used as an inhibitor.10a Active sites of MCM and GLM enzymes reveal one common link that substrate and Y motifs lie close to each other (Figure 3). Precisely, Y89 residue lies in the vicinity of substrate (MCA802) and a solvent molecule (HOH170) based on 4REQ crystal structure,9b with tyrosine at a distance of 2.621 and 2.772 Å from the substrate and water molecule, respectively. In 1I9C based crystal structure of GLM,10b the Y181 residue lies at a distance of 3.383 Å from the substrate and at 3.415 Å with reference to the nearby histidine (H150). Thus, there is a very high probability of the phenolic proton of Y being H-bonded with specifically aligned basic groups (Figure 3). When the similar inspection of structures was carried out for substrate-free analogues,9b it is observed that, in the 3REQ crystal structure, the distance between Y89 and the nearby amino acid (H364) is 4.093 Å (Figure 3). This structural insight elucidates that the distance between the Y residue and the nearby

Inspiring PCET-Driven Enzymatic Catalysis

Figure 3. Close up of the active site in AdoCbl-dependent mutases showing the location of Y residue relative to the substrate and the corrin ring: (a) 4REQ-based crystal structure of MCM, (b) 1I9C-based crystal structure of GLM, (c) 3REQ-based crystal structure of substrate-free MCM.

protein residue is significantly large enough to discard the possibility of formation of any H-bond using the phenolic proton of the Y residue. 3.2. Initial Step of AdoCbl-Dependent Enzymatic Catalysis. Taking into account that the pKa of the carboxylic group is ∼4 while that of tyrosine is higher (∼10), it is proposed that displacement of the phenoxyl proton of the Y residue toward the COO- group of the substrate might take place in order to facilitate the ET process (Scheme 2). It is reasonable to further postulate that proton and electron transfer steps are coupled to each other via proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET).37 In a proposed scheme, the Y motif serves as an internal redox center and binding of substrate triggers formation of neutral

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 17, 2010 5931 tyrosine radical, i.e., Y f Y- f Y•, in a manner similar to numerous tyrosine-involving enzymatic processes. Obviously, the key question arises whether formation of the [AdoCbl]•radical is energetically feasible while taking into account very negative redox potentials of B12 cofactors.25,26 In the present contribution, we have only investigated the energetics associated with the ET step (Scheme 2). Precisely, formation of a diradical state, i.e., AdoCbl-Y- f [AdoCbl]•--Y•, will be discussed assuming a deprotonated Y residue. Preliminary DFT calculations have provided a positive answer to this question.15 Herein, the detailed theoretical analysis of the diradical character of the AdoCbl-Y- complex (encompassing a range of quantum methodologies) will be provided in order to illustrate the scope of the feasibility of the PCET concept in B12-dependent enzymatic catalysis. 3.3. DFT Calculations of the Electronic Properties of the AdoCbl-Y- Structural Complex. To investigate the significance of Y being in the immediate vicinity of AdoCbl, first of all, we carried out DFT computations at the BP86/6-31G(d) 5d level of theory considering the structural replica of the active sites of MCM and GLM enzymes extracted from 4REQ and 1I9C structures,9b,10b respectively. The structural replicas were modeled, by optimizing the simplified AdoCbl cofactor (corrin side chains were substituted by H’s, see Figure 1b) and then placing the structural mimics of the tyrosine motif (ArOH and ArO-) in positions consistent with available crystallographic data (Figure 3). DFT calculations were performed considering a singlet electronic state while permitting spin polarization between different motifs via spin unrestricted wave function. In structural models containing neutral phenol ArOH, the spin polarization solution was not observed, while, in the case of deprotonated phenol containing complexes (AdoCbl-ArO-), the spin polarized solution pertained to the lowest energy structure, implying that the complex has a diradical character and should be better described as [AdoCbl]•--ArO•. This finding was further confirmed by using the B3LYP functional, although the numbers were slightly different. The diradical character of the complex was further verified by computing the triplet state and analyzing the spin density pattern. Detailed analysis regarding DFT results will not be presented here, since all the details have already been reported elsewhere.15 However, it is important to point out that the energy difference between the anionic and diradical state is predicted to be 7.0 kcal/mol. 3.4. CASSCF/MC-XQDPT2 Based Theoretical Analysis of a Structural Mimic of the AdoCbl-Y- Complex. DFTbased investigation of electronic properties of the active sites of the two mutases under mention pointed out that the presence of Y- in the vicinity of the AdoCbl cofactor alters its electronic structure by transferring an electron to the cofactor that gets delocalized over the corrin ring. This observation is based on UHF-type spin polarized solution with a noticeable value of 〈S2〉 that could be used for quantifying the extent of the diradical character of a complex. Spin density is found to be evenly distributed between corrin and tyrosine aromatic rings. However, from the electronic structure point of view, a multireference framework is required to describe systems with diradical character as the open-shell singlet electronic configurations are accurately captured using multireference wave functions. Since the Kohn-Sham formalism, which is the basis for all DFTbased methodologies, is restricted to the single-reference framework, we decided to perform CASSCF type analysis of the structural complex which is considered to be a more accurate theoretical way of addressing diradical-based problems.


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SCHEME 2: PCET-Inspired Mechanistic Scheme for AdoCbl-Dependent Enzymatic Catalysis

In order to reduce structural complexity, the Ado ligand of the AdoCbl-Y- complex was further simplified to the -CH2CH3 group. Different active spaces were tested and analyzed based on initial orbitals generated from B3LYP/SV(P) calculations. Previously reported CASSCF calculations for cob(I)alamin38 and corroles39 have provided important clues regarding how to select an active space for addressing such problems. The final active space selected in such a way consisted of 12 active electrons distributed between 12 active orbitals, as shown in Figure 4. The active space was comprised of two doubly occupied corrin π orbitals, σCo-C, 3dxz, p orbital of tyrosine oxygen, and tyrosine π orbital plus oxygen-centered p orbital. The respective correlating orbitals were three corrin π* orbitals, σ*Co-C, 4dxz, and tyrosine π* orbital. It is important to note that the p orbital of tyrosine oxygen (lone pair) did not have a correlating counterpart and thus the corrin π* orbital was selected. Using an active space made up of π spaces of tyrosine as well as of corrin, our objective was to explore whether formation of the diradical state is energetically feasible considering the close proximity between AdoCbl cofactor and tyrosine motif. However, performing CASSCF calculations that only accounted for nondynamical electron correlation was not enough and in addition dynamical correlation energy needed to be incorporated in order to capture the essence of the problem in hand. That was accomplished by using second-order mutlireference perturbation theory based on the CASSCF wave function32 where the efficient implementation of the MCXQDPT2 scheme to account for dynamical correlations was applied.33 To cover both anionic and diradical states, we performed a series of state-averaged CASSCF calculations testing different number of states. It was concluded that only three states were sufficient to describe the problem. Taking into account the fact that structure was taken from DFT calculation15 and further truncation with respect to the Ado group was applied, we also tested geometrical changes and their influence on the final results. Since it has already been established that the displacement of axial base might have an important influence on corrin anion radical, we probed the energy dependence as a function of Co-Nax distance. As shown in Figure S1 in the Supporting Information, all three states showed monotonic changes and the minima of energy occurred at Co-Nax equal to ∼2.3 Å. The results based on CASSCF/MC-XQDPT2 calculations are fully consistent with conclusions derived from DFT analysis. Indeed, the lowest electronic state of the structural complex is found to be the diradical state, while the anionic state is observed to be energetically 5.3 kcal/mol higher than the diradical (Figure S1, Supporting Information) state. The third electronic state probed in the current analysis also has diradical character, but it is mainly due to excitation from the p orbital of tyrosyl oxygen to the π orbital of corrin. This state lies energetically much

higher than anionic by 19.5 kcal/mol. It should be pointed out that energy differences between anionic and diradical states have only semiquantitative meaning as the calculations were carried out using geometry employed in DFT analysis and none of the electronic states were optimized. Taking into account the fact that neutral charges were not shielded by the surrounding environment, the energy difference is most likely overestimated. However, it serves as a proof of concept because the diradical state is found to be the lowest electronic state of the cofactor-tyrosine complex based on CASSCF/MC-XQDPT2 calculations. 3.5. Theoretical Analysis of the AdoCbl-Y- Complex inside the Enzyme. Up to this point, DFT and CASSCF/MCXQDPT2 calculations were carried out for isolated complexes in the gas phase without explicit inclusion of enzymatic environment. Such models might artificially stabilize the diradical state and could give rise to anionic state due to improperly balanced charges by the surrounding environment. To provide a more realistic description and to elucidate energetics of the AdoCbl-Y- complex inside the enzyme, we performed QM/ MM calculations using the structural model of MCM based on the 4REQ crystal structure. Details regarding the model preparation and calculations setup could be found in the methods section along with the Supporting Information. It is important to recall that truncated coenzyme B12 with respect to side chains (Figure 1b), part of substrate along with R207, H610, E370, and Y89 residues were included in the QM part while the rest of the enzyme was treated at the MM level. Several groups40-43 have applied the QM/MM framework to model the catalytic activity of AdoCbl-dependent enzymes, but Y89 residue has not been considered as a part of the QM region in any of these studies. Morokuma and co-workers43 investigated MCM enzyme in conjunction with enzymatic cleavage of the Co-C bond. They considered several models to mimic the QM domain in terms of structural complexity, but our present QM/MM setup containing Y89 residue is the largest model to be investigated until date. Employing such a large QM region, structural analysis of the AdoCbl-Y complex was first carried out assuming neutral tyrosine (Figure 5a). Of particular interest is the network of H-bonds around the Y residue and substrate with possible interaction exerted by the side chain of the AdoCbl cofactor. Although these chains were treated at the MM level of theory, the interactions involving these chains are nicely captured in the present study. The phenoxyl proton of Y89 is directed toward the COO- group of the substrate, and the YOH · · · -OOCoptimized distance of 1.551 Å is relatively short. In addition, the -OH group of Y89 residue is involved in another H-bond with a solvent molecule (HOH170), present at a distance of 1.935 Å. The solvent molecule is also engaged in H-bond formation with the side chains of the coenzyme lying at 2.118

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Figure 4. Orbitals in the active space for the Ψdirad and Ψanionic wave functions.

and 2.154 Å distances, respectively. Thus, the local environment around the tyrosine motif (Y89) shows a network of H-bonds which might be important for efficient proton transfer in order to facilitate the ET process. Since the objective of the present study is to explore the feasibility of tyrosine residue being oxidized, Y- f Y•, and of the AdoCbl cofactor being reduced (Scheme 2), we optimized the anionic state, AdoCbl-Y-, assuming deprotonated Y residue. The deprotonation of tyrosine did not lead to structural alternations, as shown in Figure 5b. Using anionic wave function, triplet state calculation on AdoCbl-Y- was performed in order to generate an initial guess for probing the diradical state of the complex. On the basis of the triplet MOs, the singlet state calculations on AdoCbl-Y-

were performed while allowing spin polarization that could be used to describe the diradical character of a given system. It was found that the optimized structure had a wave function with 〈S2〉 ) 0.302 and the identity of the diradical state was further verified by inspection of spin profiles. The spin density distribution of [AdoCbl]•--Y• inside the enzyme is very similar to that previously reported15 for the structural replica of the active site of MCM in the gas phase; in particular, spin density on the tyrosine motif is distributed in an odd-alternant pattern which is a typical characteristic of neutral tyrosyl radicals. Figure 5 displays the QM/MM optimized structure of the neutral, anionic, and diradical states, showing that no significant differences in terms of key structural parameters was noticed


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Figure 6. Energetics of the anionic and diradical states as a function of the Co-Nax(H610) bond distance in the structural model of AdoCbl-Y complex inside MCM enzyme.

Figure 5. Active site view of the reactant complex in three different states showing selected bond distances: (a) neutral tyrosine, (b) deprotonated tyrosine, (c) diradical state.

among them. In particular, the length of the Co-C bond is found to be 2.016 Å, while the Co-N(H610) axial coordinate is 2.214 Å long. However, it is important to notice that the distance between Y89 and the side chain of the AdoCbl cofactor in the case of the diradical complex is short enough (2.731 Å) to allow the efficient overlap required for the electron transfer. The QM/ MM optimized Co-N(H610) distance is observed to be noticeably shorter than that (2.47 Å) reported for the 4REQ structure.9b Thus, we performed two additional series of calculations where both the anionic and diradical states were optimized with energy being evaluated along the Co-N(H610) coordinate. The minimum energy of the anionic state was used as a reference, and energetic changes were plotted as a function of the Co-N(H610) distance (Figure 6). The energetic difference between two states, corresponding to the energy minimum, is

found to be 0.53 kcal/mol, implying that the energy gap between the two states is significantly reduced when the enzymatic environment is taken into consideration; however, the diradical state still remains the lowest electronic state of the system. Thus, the results of QM/MM analysis are in agreement with what is previously concluded for isolated complexes based on gas phase calculations. 3.6. Site-Directed Mutation of the Tyrosine Residue. There have been several reports documented in the literature where the effect of mutation of Y89 residue14 as well as a few others44,45 near the corrin of MCM enzyme has been investigated. In particular, Y89 residue has been mutated by phenylalanine (Y89F) and a crystal structure has been reported for the mutant (PDB ID: 5REQ)46 that is found to be essentially superimposable with that of wild-type, implying that the loss of the phenolic hydroxyl group has a minor impact on structural properties, in particular on the active site environment of the coenzyme B12. Interestingly, however, when the effect of mutation on the homolysis of the Co-C bond was studied, it was found that ∼103-104 of the total 1012-fold acceleration of the homolysis rate might be derived from the contribution of a single Y89 residue.14 That is a quite surprising outcome taking into account that the OH group of Y89 was replaced by H via this mutation. There are several possible explanations why the Y89F mutation might lead to a drop in enzymatic activity. In the light of the present work, Y89 plays a critical role in the activation of the Co-C bond because the tyrosine motif serves as an internal redox center and mutation alters its redox ability. Similar types of mutation studies have also been reported in the case of flavin enzymes47 where it has been found that the mutation of the Y98 by F causes the midpoint potential of the redox couple to increase due to the relatively lesser electron donating ability of the F residue. We think that a similar situation is being encountered in the AdoCbl case where the electron transfer from the F (in the mutant enzyme) to the cofactor becomes comparatively difficult, resulting in the rate reduction of 4 orders of magnitude. In the case of human monoamine oxidase,48 the site-specific mutational analysis has been used to probe the functional implications of the tyrosine motif that also presents a quite similar picture: upon replacement of Y435 by F, the catalytic activity is hampered by one-fourth of its actual value

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Figure 7. Key species involved in methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA radical rearrangement (as catalyzed by MCM enzyme) corresponding to wild-type (a-c) and Y89F mutant (d-f), respectively. (The Ado group was not shown here for the sake of clarity.)

(in the case of wild-type enzyme) with no structural alterations being noticed in the active site architecture. Similarly, Y430F substitution of one of the components of the aromatic cage in murine polyamine oxidase49 results in reduced catalytic activity as compared to the wild-type. However, there are some other possibilities that might cause reduction in the enzymatic activity upon Y89F mutation. Some of them have been related to the Co-C post cleavage intermediates as well as the substrate radical rearrangement step,14,46 i.e., a catalytic step where the substrate radical (SR), i.e., cob(II)alamin + AdoCH3 + Sub•, has already been formed. To provide a deeper understanding of tyrosine mutation, we

performed QM/MM calculations in which the energy/structure relationship between the substrate radical of MCM and the corresponding TS was performed for wild-type as well as for the Y89F mutant. The QM/MM setup was different than that in previous calculations. The QM part in addition to the Y89 includes the AdoCH3, part of substrate along with R207, H244, and Q197 residues. Taking into account that only reactions between organic residues were analyzed, the B3LYP functional was used to describe the energetics of the transition state, as this hybrid functional is considered to be the most appropriate for modeling the organic reactions. Figure 7 summarized the main results of Y89F QM/MM calculations. Overall, the Y89F


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Figure 8. Close-up showing the location of the Y89 residue relative to the Ado moiety (a) before the Co-C bond cleavage and (b) after the Co-C bond cleavage and H-abstraction.

mutation did not lead to noticeable structural changes, as could be judged from the QM/MM optimized structural parameters. The energy of radical rearrangement is predicted to be at 6.0 kcal/mol for wild-type and slightly higher (9.6 kcal/mol) for the Y89F mutant. The results of the present investigation are in good agreement with those previously published by Loferer et al.,50 though some minor differences are worth noting. For example, in our optimized structure, the H244 residue shares an H-bond between Q197 and the substrate, thus supporting partial protonation of the CdO group (Figure 7). Several important observations could be drawn from current QM/MM calculations regarding involvement of Y89

in the enzymatic process. Overall, the Y89F mutation has a minor influence on the radical rearrangement from energetic and structural viewpoint. Any significant extent of H-bond between TyrOH and substrate has been found to have a small influence on the radical rearrangement step. For example, before rearrangement could actually take place, the H-bond between the OH group of the Y89 residue and the substrate is 1.624 Å long, while, in TS, this bond length changes to 1.620 Å. Computational study predicts that the Y89F mutation has hardly any impact on the flexibility of the bound substrate. Loss of the hydrogen bond does not change the orientation of the substrate because the COO- group of the

Inspiring PCET-Driven Enzymatic Catalysis substrate is engaged in additional electrostatic interaction via a two-pronged hydrogen-bonding contact with R207. Upon mutation, these anchor type H-bond distances change from 1.734 and 1.913 Å to 1.688 and 1.808 Å, respectively. Loss of the hydrogen-bonding interaction is predicted to increase the isomerization barrier from methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA only by 3.6 kcal/mol. The interaction between the Y89 residue and Ado moiety is essentially negligible, as could be judged from QM/MM optimized structure (Figure 8), and therefore, any implications that Y might have in stabilizing the deoxyadenosyl radical14 have no structural justification. This is against the hypothesis that Y89 could function as a molecular wedge labilizing the Co-C bond.46 This argument was derived from crystallographic data, which revealed that substrate-driven barrel closure results in a large translational motion of this residue leading to steric crowding above the corrin ring and hence the rupture of the adenine moeity. This is very hard to reconcile considering the fact that the Ado ligand has not been accurately resolved in the case of MCM enzyme. In summary, the tyrosine motif (Y89) has a minor influence on the cleavage step or in stabilizing the Ado radical which implies that this motif must be involved in the activation step via some different mechanism. 4. Summary and Conclusions In the present theoretical study, the energetics of the AdoCbl-Y- complex has been extensively investigated at various levels of theory (DFT, CASSCF/QDPT2, and QM/ MM) incorporating a varied degree of structural complexity. The QM/MM computations have been employed utilizing realistic active site models of MCM enzyme with tyrosine (Y89) considered in the QM domain, thereby making it the very first study where the role of the tyrosine motif has been rigorously discussed in the context of AdoCbl-dependent enzymatic catalysis. According to computational results obtained (irrespective of the theoretical approach used), the diradical state, i.e., [AdoCbl]•--Y• instead of AdoCbl-Y-, has been found to be the lowest electronic state of the complex providing convincing evidence that ET can take place from the tyrosine residue to the AdoCbl cofactor. This finding can be used to enhance our understanding about the AdoCbl-dependent enzymatic catalysis. The involvement of [AdoCbl]•- may have an important consequence with regard to the cleavage of the Co-C bond in the AdoCbl-dependent enzymes. It has been found that the electrochemical addition of an electron to the B12 cofactors leads to significant lowering in the BDE of the Co-C bond.25,26 However, it has been argued that species like [AdoCbl]•- cannot be involved in the AdoCbl-dependent enzymatic catalysis,51,52 due to the very negative redox potentials of B12 cofactors. It was further noted that even the presence of a relatively strong reducing agent, such as an Fe-S cluster, cannot facilitate the outer-sphere ET for reducing the B12 cofactors. However, in the light of the present study as well as our increased understanding of redox processes inside enzymes, several arguments can be presented that speak against conclusions made during the earlier studies.51,52 First of all, redox potentials are usually computed employing solution-based electrochemistry where two relevant redox components are considered to be infinitely separated. Certainly, this is not the situation being encountered inside the enzymes where several types of interactions are taking place among various entities, thereby invalidating

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 17, 2010 5937 the use of solution-based electrochemistry with reference to enzymatic processes. Thus, redox potentials derived from electrochemistry can provide some clue but cannot be taken literally to model enzymatic reaction. For example, in the case of superoxide dismutases (SODs), it has been found that a single residue (second coordination sphere Q residue) plays the critical role of a redox switch by inducing a redox tuning of ∼1 V range.53 Even certain enzymatic processes cannot take place if the redox potentials (from in Vitro data) are taken into consideration. The best example is PS II where involvement of tyrosine in the charge separation process is generally accepted.17 However, the detailed thermodynamic studies showed that the redox potential of the tyrosine/tyrosyl radical was far above that of P680,54a thereby negating the possibility of electron transfer from Tyrz to the P680 motif, but indeed the charge transfer occurs inside the enzyme where electrostatic interactions such as the dielectric effect and H-bond network play a key role of redox switch, thereby altering the redox potentials of Tyrz and P680 in order to make this charge separation process feasible. These theoretical studies reflect that the redox potentials of active site residues are drastically modified when enzymatic interactions are taken into consideration, highlighting the existence as well as significance of strong communication prevalent among various motifs.54 Moreover, a strong reducing agent is not always required to facilitate the outer-sphere ET, as the active site residues can also induce such ET especially when coupled with proton transfer via PCET. PCET is thermochemically more favorable than processes involving stepwise ET and proton transfer, often by g1 eV. In the present study as well as in our earlier work,15 it was proposed that the presence of the tyrosine motif near the active site plays a critical role of redox center and can facilitate ET to the cofactor via PCET. Further studies are in progress to understand the critical role of the tyrosine motif in the B12-dependent enzymatic catalysis particularly in the context of the Co-C bond cleavage inside the enzyme, and special efforts are being devoted to compute the redox potentials of AdoCbl cofactor and tyrosine motif while taking enzymatic interactions into account. Acknowledgment. We acknowledge Grants-in-Aid (nos. 18066013 and 18GS0207) for Scientific Research from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Ministry of Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT), the Nanotechnology Support Project of MEXT, and the Joint Project of Chemical Synthesis Core Research Institutions of MEXT for their support of this work. Supporting Information Available: Figure showing the energetics of the diradical and anionic states and and tables containing the coordinates of various complexes involved in the present study. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at References and Notes (1) (a) Marzilli, L. G. In Bioinorganic Catalysis; Reedijk, J., Ed.; Marcel Dekker: New York, 1993; pp 227-259. (b) Vitamin B12 and B12 Proteins; Kra¨utler, B., Arigoni, D., Golding, B. T., Eds.; Wiley-VCH: New York, 1998 (Lectures Presented at the 4th European Symposium on Vitamin B12 and B12 Proteins). (c) Banerjee, R. Chemistry and Biochemistry of B12; Wiley: New York, 1999. (d) Toraya, T. Chem. ReV. 2003, 103, 2095–2127. (e) Toraya, T. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 2000, 57, 106–127. (f) Banerjee, R. Chem. ReV. 2003, 103, 2083–2094. (g) Brown, K. L. Chem. ReV. 2005, 105, 2075– 2149. (h) Randaccio, L.; Geremia, S.; Nardin, G.; Wuerges, J. Coord. Chem. ReV. 2006, 250, 1332–1350. (i) Randaccio, L.; Geremia, S.; Wuerges, J. J. Organomet. Chem. 2007, 692, 1198–1215. (2) Halpern, J. Science 1985, 227, 869–875.


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