Theoretical Modeling of Viscoelastic Phases - American Chemical

Theoretical Modeling of Viscoelastic Phases - American Chemical molecular weight, L...
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Chapter 2

Theoretical Modeling of Viscoelastic Phases M . E. Cates

Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on December 10, 2015 | Publication Date: December 9, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0578.ch002

Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OHE, England

Viscoelastic surfactant phases usually contain long, semiflexible mi­ cellar aggregates; these behave as reversibly breakable polymers. A "reptation-reaction" model, which couples the diffusive disentangle­ ment of the micelles to the kinetic equations describing their reversible breakdown, explains many recent experimental observations. Work on the linear viscoelastic spectrum is reviewed, with an emphasis on ex­ tracting quantitative structural and kinetic data from rheological exper­ iments. This can be done by analysing small departures from Maxwell behavior in the spectrum. A rheological theory of nonlinear response in steady shear is also described. The microscopic constitutive equation displays a flow instability, which leads to a plateau in the shear stress under increasing shear rate, and large normal stresses.

Wormlike micelles In many aqueous surfactant solutions, very long, semiflexible micellar aggre­ gates are formed (1-4)- Typical systems involve ionic surfactants in the pres­ ence of added salt, though some nonionic surfactants show similar phases. The overlap threshold of the micelles can be very low (a few percent by volume); at higher concentrations the resulting phase is viscoelastic, and strongly resem­ bles a semidilute polymer solution. For example, the osmotic pressure Π and high-frequency shear modulus (plateau modulus) G


fraction φ approximately as