Theoretical Predictions of a New ∼14 kDa Core-Mass Thiolate

Mar 1, 2017 - Correlating the Structure and Optical Absorption Properties of Au76(SR)44 Cluster. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Ma, Wang, Zhou ...
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Theoretical Predictions of a New ∼14 kDa Core-Mass ThiolateProtected Gold Nanoparticle: Au68(SR)36 Pu Wang, Xiangxiang Sun, Xia Liu, Lin Xiong, Zhongyun Ma, and Yong Pei* Department of Chemistry, Key Laboratory of Environmentally Friendly Chemistry and Applications of Ministry of Education, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan Province 411105, China S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: As an important intermediate link between the smaller and larger size thiolateprotected gold nanoparticles (RS-AuNPs), the molecular formula and atomic structure of the ∼14 kDa core-mass RS-AuNP species (containing around 70 core gold atoms) have not been determined unambiguously. In this work, we theoretically predict an unprecedented ∼14 kDa core-mass AuNP species, denoted as Au68(SR)36, which is composed a symmetric, facecentered-cubic (fcc) 68-gold atom framework. The fcc gold kernel in the Au68(SR)36 is made of eight 13-atom Au-cubotahedrons sharing 12 square faces, showing a standard 2 × 2 × 2 magic cube formula. The Au68(SR)36 is thought to be a key intermediate NP bridging the evolution of Au44(SR)28 and Au92(SR)44. The DFT calculations indicate the Au68(SR)36 has a sizable HOMO−LUMO gap of 0.98 eV and relative high thermodynamic stability. The fcc 68-atom gold framework in the Au68(SR)36 also presents a new candidate to address the atomic structure of recently reported water-soluble mercaptobenzoic acid protected Au68NPs.

decahedral (D5h) Au-core. Recently, a water-soluble ∼14 kDa RS-AuNPs species, denoted as Au68(3-MBA)32,26 was also reported. Using the aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy (AC-TEM) technique and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, for the first time a quasi-fcc 68atom gold framework was unraveled, which was composed of a 13-atom cubotahedron and surrounded 55 gold atoms forming a quasi-fcc shell. However, because the electron microscopy cannot determine the ligand atoms, the later theoretical works by Wu et al. further suggested four optimal quasi-fcc structure models by optimizing the configurations of the interfacial thiolate-ligands.27 The Au kernel of the lowest energy structure model was predicted to contain a quasi-fcc 15-atom gold core. In this work, we theoretically predict a new ∼14 kDa coremass RS-AuNP species with a molecular formula of Au68(SR)36. The Au68(SR)36 has a nearly perfect crystalline face-cubiccentered (fcc) gold kernel, different from the Marks decahedral (D5h) and quasi-fcc Au-kernels predicted in the similar core-size NPs such as Au68(SR)32,26,27 Au68(SR)34,25 and Au67(SR)352−.24 By means of DFT calculations, several novel geometrical and electronic structure properties of Au68(SR)36 are unraveled. We find that: (i) The Au68(SR)36 has a sizable HOMO−LUMO gap as large as 0.98 eV. (ii) The Au68(SR)36 is a key small-tomedium size fcc cluster intermediate bridging the structure evolution of fcc RS-AuNPs. (iii) The Au68(SR)36 can be viewed as a unique cubic quantum box in which 14 Au-6s1 valences are confined in a cubic Au-SR network. Besides the novel structure and electronic structure properties, we suggest that the fcc gold


undamental understanding of the evolution of the structure and electronic properties of the metal materials from the nanoclusters to fcc-structured nanocrystals is of paramount importance in nanoscience research.1,2 During the past decade, the structure and properties of a family of sizediscrete, atomically precise thiolate-protected gold nanoparticles (RS-AuNPs) with size typically