Theoretical Studies on the CH3CO+ Cl Reaction: Hydrogen

The thermodynamically most stable products, CH3Cl + CO, should preferably be formed via direct displacement of CO from CH3CO by Cl; this reaction proc...
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J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102, 8150-8156

Theoretical Studies on the CH3CO + Cl Reaction: Hydrogen Abstraction versus CO Displacement Raman Sumathi* and Minh Tho Nguyen* Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of LeuVen, Celestijnenlaan 200F, B-3001 LeuVen, Belgium ReceiVed: February 26, 1998; In Final Form: June 23, 1998

The geometries, energies, and vibrational frequencies of the reactants, transition structures, intermediates, and products of the reaction of the acetyl radical with atomic chlorine have been determined by ab initio molecular orbital theory at the second-order Møller Plesset perturbation (MP2) level. Energies have been recalculated at the quadratic configuration interaction QCISD(T) level by using geometries obtained at MP2 level. The energy of the initial acetyl chloride adduct CH3COCl (1), formed by barrier-free combination, lies 78 kcal/mol below the reactants. Two major reaction routes are open to the chemically activated adduct 1: molecular dissociation to H2CdCdO + HCl (3), and the secondary formation of ketene via 1-chlorovinyl alcohol (2). Both these processes are energetically feasible to the thermal reactants and should hence lead to a spontaneous emission of a vibrationally hot HCl molecule as observed by Maricq et al. (Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 1997, 29, 421). The thermodynamically most stable products, CH3Cl + CO, should preferably be formed via direct displacement of CO from CH3CO by Cl; this reaction proceeds via a loose complex between Clδ- and CH3COδ+, which explains the delayed emission of CO in the diode laser study of the Cl + CH3CO reaction. The energy barrier for decarbonylation of the adduct 1 is quite high and thereby is not accessible to the thermal reactants. The present potential energy surface reveals this reaction to be a capture-limited association-elimination reaction with a very high and pressure-independent rate coefficient.

Introduction Photolysis of molecular chlorine in the presence of a hydrocarbon readily leads to the formation of the chainpropagating organic hydrocarbon radicals via the following reaction:

Cl + RH f R‚ + HCl whose properties and chemistry are of importance in combusion, atmospheric, and interstellar processes. Consequently, there is a growing literature of studies on the kinetics of the reactions of chlorine atoms with hydrocarbon molecules and other propagating reactions in a radical chain mechanism.1,2 Equally important are the chain-terminating reactions below, which measure the efficiency of a chain reaction.

R + R f products R + Cl f products Recently Maricq et al.1 reported the real-time kinetic measurements for one such chain-terminating reaction, namely, Cl + CH3CO. They investigated the reaction over a pressure range of 10-200 Torr and a temperature range of 215-353 K and reported its rate constant value to be (1.8 ( 0.5) × 10-10 cm3 s-1. From their experiments, the authors identified ketene H2CCO as a product but could not differentiate between an addition-elimination mechanism, viz., CH3COCl formation followed by the four-centered elimination of HCl, and a direct * Author for correspondence. [email protected].




abstraction of hydrogen by Cl from CH3CO. Three of their observations deserve more attention: (1). There was no pressure dependence on the ketene H2CCO formation rate constant in the range 10-200 Torr, which is consistent with an additionelimination mechanism. In our earlier work3 on acetyl chloride at the Møller Plesset perturbation (MP2)/6-31G*//HF/6-31G* level, we found the energy for the four-membered transition state for the 1,2-elimination of HCl was ∼33 kcal/mol below the reactant limit, Cl+ CH3CO. Hence, the acetyl chloride adduct, once formed, is expected to undergo a rapid unimolecular dissociation to HCl and ketene. (2) The distinct delay in CO formation relative to that of the ketene limited the reaction producing CH3Cl + CO to