Theoretical Study of the Absorption Spectrum of a Photoisomerizable

Nov 16, 2012 - theory study of the absorption spectrum of an iron complex exhibiting .... experimental absorption spectrum range (between 80 and 120...
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Theoretical Study of the Absorption Spectrum of a Photoisomerizable Iron Complex Nicola Zanna,† Antonio Monari,*,‡,§ and Xavier Assfeld‡,§ †

Dipartimento di Chimica Organica A. Mangini, Università di Bologna, Viale Risorgimento 4, 40136 Bologna, Italy Université de Lorraine Nancy, Théorie Modélisation Simulations, Photosens Laboratoire SRSMC, Boulevard des Aiguillettes, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France § CNRS, Théorie Modélisation Simulations, Photosens Laboratoire SRSMC, Boulevard des Aiguillettes, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France ‡

ABSTRACT: We report the time-dependent density functional theory study of the absorption spectrum of an iron complex exhibiting photoisomerization properties. The role of the exchangecorrelation functionals and, in particular, the effects of the inclusion of long-range corrections have been considered. The vertical transitions have been analyzed in terms of natural transition orbitals and have shown that the spectrum is dominated by ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transitions, an occurrence that could be promising for future applications of these complexes.

1. INTRODUCTION Transition metal organometallic complexes are ubiquitous in nature1−3 and in man-made synthetic devices or materials,4−6 due to their inherent flexibility, efficient exploitation of light, and the possibility to easily tune their properties. Over the past decades, such complexes have attracted a considerable interest as promising and cost-effective building blocks for advanced materials, and consequently, many experimental and theoretical studies have been devoted to the subject.7−16 One particular fascinating area of research is the one devoted to the study of the interaction between organometallic complexes and UV/vis light, i.e., to the understanding of excited state nature and properties.17−25 The interest devoted to such an area of research can be understood first of all by the extremely varied properties exhibited by such compounds, for instance, one can think to the extreme sensibility to the environment shown by many organometallic complexes, an occurrence that can lead to the possibility of qualitatively altering the photophysical and photochemical properties of a system simply by coupling it to macromolecular systems.26,27 Examples of such behavior include, for instance, the so-called light-switch effect, where the luminescence of Ru complexes is quenched or strongly enhanced, simply by interaction with water or DNA.28 The extreme flexibility of such compounds, as well as their large spectral coverage, is largely exploited by natural systems that commonly use transition metals to favor and catalyze (photo)reactions, to improve electron transfer phenomena or to exploit sun-light to produce glucose in green-plant photosynthesis,1 but the large span of different reactions of transition-metal © 2012 American Chemical Society

based compounds is also widely exploited in artificial smart materials, going from photoswitchable devices to isomerizable molecular machines or to light emitting devices (LED).29 One should also cite the important role played by organometallic systems as modern therapeutic agents, the role of cis-platinum being extremely well documented in cancer therapy.30 A related but much more modern field is also the one of phototherapy, where a drug is capable of producing cellular apoptosis only upon activation by UV/vis light. This fact can lead to a much more important selectivity of the drug reducing unwanted sideeffects and toxicity. As an example, one can cite porphyrin systems able to photoactivate the high reactive singlet oxygen or Ru complexes able to produce irreversible DNA lesion upon excited-state electron-transfer.31,32 The possibility to directly tune the light-responses and functions of transition-metal complexes is, therefore, an active area of research and usually relies on the modification of ligands to enhance some wanted properties and functions. In such a context, the contribution of simulation and modeling, and particularly of quantum chemistry, becomes crucial since it provides a description of the wave functions and of electronic density redistribution in the excited states, allowing for a sounding and rational molecular design. Recently, the possible use of iron in the production of advanced materials was, for instance, evidenced by the works of Ferrere et al. that have synthesized and tested iron complexes Received: October 15, 2012 Revised: November 16, 2012 Published: November 16, 2012 11905 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 11905−11912

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bearing bipyridyl ligands.33 Welter and co-workers also synthesized two iron complexes with salicyloylhydrazono dithiolane ligand (Figure 1), which show interesting properties such as photoisomerization34−36 following a rather complex mechanism.

complexes (Figure 1). The absorption spectrum, in the framework of the Franck−Condon approximation, has been considered to evidence the possibility to reproduce experimental results for this kind of complicated systems. The complex nature of the excited states has also been considered and tackled using the natural transition orbitals (NTO) formalism.37−39 The complex interplay between different phenomena taking place in the photoisomerization and reduction process34−36 will instead make the object of a future contribution. Iron, in both +2 and +3 oxidation states, has a partially filled d shell and can therefore exhibit different multiplicities, often depending on the strength of the ligands field. For this reasons, even if experimentally the two complex have been found to have the maximum spin, all the possible spin multiplicities have been considered in the present work. Because of the rather peculiar spectroscopic properties of this class of complexes, an analysis of the performance of different exchange-correlation functionals is presented. In particular, we will focus on the role of long-range corrected functionals since we are mostly interested in charge transfer transitions that dominate the visible part of the spectrum and are crucial for the charge injection process. Moreover, we will also analyze the subtle interplay between the exchange-correlation functional used to obtain the equilibrium geometry and the one used to compute vertical transitions. The present contribution is organized as follows: first, computational details will be provided in section 2; in section 3, the UV/vis spectra is presented; in section 4, the most important excited states are analyzed; and finally, conclusive remarks are drawn in section 5.

Figure 1. Iron(III) and iron(II) complexes molecular structures; note the different coordination between the two oxidation states.

The two complexes both show a distorted octahedral coordination environment around iron, and they differ for the formal oxidation state of the metal cation, namely, Fe(III) and Fe(II). In both cases, two salicyloylhydrazono dithiolane are coordinating the metal via a bidentate chelating mode. In the case of Fe(III), the two remaining coordination sites are occupied by one chlorine anion and by dimethylformamide (DMF); in the case of Fe(II) complex, the DMF molecule is substituted by a chlorine anion. Note also that, in the case of iron(III) complex, the two monodentate ligands are in cis position, while in the reduced form, the two chlorine anions are in trans position. From a theoretical point of view, the fine understanding of complex systems represent in many cases a real challenge due to the necessity to use methods whose computational cost allows the treatment of medium- to large-size molecules but still able to provide a balanced description of the different excited states. These tasks becoming even more challenging when the coupling with the environment, and its degree of freedom, has to be taken into account. For instance, in the framework of density functional theory (DFT) and timedependent (TD-DFT) methods, the choice and use of the appropriate exchange-correlation functional becomes crucial, and it represent a less established task than it is for organic systems. Optimization and validation of established methods and protocols is therefore extremely important. A better understanding of the complex photophysical phenomena taking place in such systems can be achieved only by a careful analysis of the electron density reorganization from the ground to excited state. The analysis of the electron density reorganization can also provide useful methodological information,14,24−27 particularly concerning the performance of long-range corrected functionals in the case of different types of charge-transfer excitations. Indeed, the previously described iron complexes represents ideal candidates to test and optimize quantum chemistry methods, in particular, concerning their ability to correctly reproduce an absorption spectrum, i.e., to correctly describe excited states energies and oscillator strengths. In this work, we studied at DFT and at TD-DFT levels of theory the properties of the original iron(II) and iron(III)

2. COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS All computations have been performed using Gaussian09 code40 at the DFT and TD-DFT levels. Environment effects have been taken into account using PCM model41 both for geometry optimization and for excited states calculations. Coherently with experimental procedure, n,n-dimethylformamide parameters have been used to simulate the solvent. Transition state energies and oscillator strengths (intensities) have been computed in the framework of the Franck−Condon principle from the optimized ground state geometry. In order to incorporate in a trivial way vibrational and other experimental effects, vertical transitions have been convoluted with Gaussian functions of fixed half-length width of 0.3 eV. Geometry optimization have been performed using the LANL2DZ basis set as developed by Hay et al.,42 the latter includes electron core pseudopotentials (ECP) for the heaviest atoms such as iron. Geometries of all the possible spin states have been optimized, in order to verify the relative stability. Equilibrium structures have been obtained using the B3LYP43 exchange correlation functionals and the long-range corrected CAM-B3LYP.44 Excited states have been computed at the TD-DFT level using the LANL2DZ basis. To assess for the quality of the basis, some tests have been performed using an augmented triple-ζ basis. Since the difference between the spectra obtained with the two basis sets is negligible, in particular, for the visible region of the spectrum where the difference is not bigger than 15 nm, in the following, we will present results obtained with the smaller double-ζ basis set only. Excited states have been computed as vertical excitations using the TD-DFT approach. The number of the calculated 11906 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 11905−11912

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optimized geometry, we obtain an absorption maximum in better agreement with experimental results whatever functional is used for the calculation of the excited states, with a deviation of about 25 nm for B3LYP. However, when using B3LYP for geometry optimization, the value of the absorption maximum is significantly red-shifted, with deviations going from 70 to 100 nm. The worst result is the one obtained using CAM-B3LYP for vertical excitations and B3LYP for geometry optimization. Note anyway that long-range corrected functional over perform the hybrid one in giving a much broader absorption band, coherently with experimental evidence. As far as the near UV region is considered, none of the methods is able to correctly reproduce the broad absorption spectrum. In that case, the influence of the optimized geometry appears less important than in the previous one with the role of the functional used for TD-DFT calculation being the dominant one. Indeed B3LYP gives an absorption maximum at about 330 nm, whatever functional used for geometry optimization, while CAM-B3LYP maximum appears at about 280 nm. The somehow worse agreement shown in the UV region can also be due to the limited size of the basis set used as well as to the necessity to compute more excited states. These results show that the choice of the functional for the geometry optimization, that is sometimes not sufficiently addressed, can bring important differences on the final calculated absorption spectrum, even when the deviations between the optimized geometries are quite small. This effect may be due to the internal π conjugation of salicyloylhydrazono dithiolane ligands as well as to the interaction of the ligands with iron, that necessitate the long-range corrected functionals to recover the long-range 1/R behavior. Such a large dependence of the absorption spectrum on the level of geometry optimization could also be a signature of the importance of vibronic effects in determining the shape of absorption bands. Indeed, taking into account vibrational effects can induce quite large deviations on the position of absorption maxima, deviations that can go up to 0.3 eV. Considering the previous results, we decided to assess for the performance of different functionals in computing the absorption spectrum starting from CAM-B3LYP optimized geometries. As described in the computational details section, we want to consider functionals built using different strategies and including different effects, such as long-range corrections, in order to understand how taking into account these contributions can improve the accuracy in reproducing the experimental spectrum. In Figure 3, we report the TD-DFT absorption spectrum computed with all the different functionals. If we analyze more in details the visible region of the spectrum, we can see that the M06-2X and LC-ωPBE functionals perfectly fit the absorption maximum. Moreover, M06-2X give a pretty broad absorption band with a general shape and intensity that are in reasonable agreement with the experimental one. However, PBE0 functional shows a blue shift of about 50 nm, while B3LYP, ωB97XD, and CAM-B3LYP experience a significant red shift going up to 50 nm. Notice, as already underlined, that B3LYP experiences a less pronounced deviation (about 25 nm) from the experimental maximum than long-range corrected functionals, even if the band shape and intensities are less well reproduced. Again, none of the used functionals is able to correctly reproduce the large and intense experimental band in the near

excited states is chosen for every functional in order to span the experimental absorption spectrum range (between 80 and 120 singlet states). A benchmark of different functionals checking their reliability in reproducing absorption spectra was also performed; in particular, we considered B3LYP, PBE0,45 and M06-2X46 hybrid functionals, the long-range corrected CAMB3LYP and LC-ωPBE,47 and the long-range and dispersion corrected functional ω-B97X-D.48 The nature of the main excitations has been analyzed with the help of the natural transition orbitals (NTOs),37−39 in which a transition is represented, most of the time, by a simple couple of orbitals: the occupied orbital, i.e., the orbital left empty from the electron upon excitation, and the virtual orbital, i.e., the orbital that describes the electron in the excited state. NTOs have been obtained by a proper postprocessing of the Gaussian output files using Nancy-EX (http://nancyex., a GPL code developed in our laboratory.

3. UV/VIS SPECTRA As previously cited, a benchmark was performed to evaluate the performance of the different classes of functionals on the calculation of the UV/vis spectra. Moreover, the effect of the functional chosen for the geometry optimization and therefore of the different equilibrium geometries on the final absorption spectrum was also considered. Since the experimental spectrum of the iron(II) complex is missing, we performed this benchmark on the iron(III) complex only to compare the computed spectrum with the experimental one. Starting from the geometry obtained by Xray diffraction analysis,34−36 we optimized the structure of the complex at B3LYP and CAM-B3LYP levels of theory for the three possible spin states. As shown in Table 1, both functionals Table 1. Relative Energies (eV) of Iron(III) Complex for Different Multiplicity States with Respect to the Sextuplet Ground State Obtained with Different Functionals doublet quartet sextuplet



0.38 0.45 0.00

0.38 0.49 0.00

give the same energy order for the different multiplicities. In agreement with experimental data, the sextuplet is always the ground state. The doublet and the quartet are between 0.4 and 0.5 eV higher in energy than the sextuplet. Note that the energy difference between doublet and quartet is much less important and close to 0.1 eV. In Figure 2, we report the experimental spectrum together with the TD-DFT calculated ones. Different combinations of functionals were used to compute optimized geometry and vertical transitions, as a convention, in the following, we will indicate first the functional used for TD calculations followed by the one used for geometry optimization. Notice that the experimental spectrum presents an intense and broad maximum in the UV region of the spectrum extending from 250 to 350 nm. Moreover, a much lesser intense absorption band is present in the visible region centered at about 520 nm (see the zoom panel in Figure 2). If we concentrate on the visible part of the spectrum, one can see that the choice of the functional used for geometry optimization is much more important than the choice of the functional used for the TD calculations. Indeed, when using the CAM-B3LYP 11907 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 11905−11912

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Figure 2. Absorption spectrum of iron(III) complex calculated with different functionals vs the experimental one. See text for details on the nomenclature used for the level of theory (wavelenght in nm, intensities in arbitrary units).

Figure 3. Comparison between absorption spectrum of iron(III) complex calculated with different functionals vs the experimental one. In the inset, an expansion of the visible region (wavelenght in nm; intensities in arbitrary units).

UV, with again hybrid functionals (B3LYP and PBE0) presenting maxima at shorter wavelengths than the others, while long-range-corrected as well as M06-2X fail in reproducing the absorption at about 350 nm, showing slightly blue-shifted maxima. This functionals benchmarked for TD calculation show that, although M06-2X and LC-ωPBE represent very well the visible part of the absorption spectrum, their performance is worse in the near UV part. However, in applications, the visible region, constituted of charge-transfer type transitions, will be the most important and therefore the one to which we will pay most attention. Moreover, one has to consider that our methodology, even if reliable enough, especially considering the large number of states computed, is not able to exactly discriminate between

a systematic shift of all of the excitations or a shift affecting only some type of transitions. As previously stated, the present iron complex undergoes a photoisomerization and photoreduction; therefore, it is quite interesting to compute the spectrum of the iron(II) complex even if the latter has not been reported experimentally. UV/vis spectrum has again been calculated using the optimized CAMB3LYP geometry of the most stable isomer for these oxidation states. Note that, like in the case of iron(III), the reduced species is a high spin complex, the maximum multiplicity state being the most stable one. DFT calculations again correctly reproduce the energy order of the different spin states, with the quintet state being the ground state; triplet and singlet are quasi-degenerate among them and lay at about 1 eV higher 11908 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 11905−11912

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Figure 4. Expansion of the visible region of the spectrum of iron(II) complex calculated with different functionals (wavelenght in nm; intensities in arbitrary units).

energy. The convoluted spectrum is reported in Figure 4 for the visible region only, and again, one can see a slight important variation of the absorption maximum with the functional used, the latter assuming values comprised between 370 and 410 nm. Hybrid functionals experience an important red-shift, while M06-2X appears the most blue-shifted. Note also that intensity (oscillator strengths) is much lower than in the case of iron(III) and varies quite a lot between functionals with ωB97XD giving the lowest and B3LYP the highest ones. In the work by Welter et al.,34−36 the absorption spectrum of the iron(II) complex is not reported because of its air-sensitive behavior leading to oxidation, even though they were able to isolate it as yellow crystals. The computed low intensity peaks are coherent with such observation, and moreover, the small values of the oscillator strengths are also coherent with the fact that the crystal and the solution are only very weakly colored.

Table 2. Main Electronic Transition of Iron(III) Complex with B3LYP; the Transition Index Indicates the Excited State Involved in the Transition

4. EXCITED STATES ANALYSIS One important possibility offered by quantum chemistry is to have a direct access to the analysis of the individual electronic transitions composing the experimental spectrum and to their electron density rearrangement. Hence, it can be extremely helpful to show the role of the different ligand in the physical process and to orient the synthesis of optimized systems. This analysis has been conducted by means of NTO formalism and allows to graphically visualize the topology of the orbital involved in the transition and the nature of excitations that can be classified as metal-to-ligand (MLCT), ligand-to-ligand (LLCT), or ligand-to-metal (LMCT) charge transfer. We decided to present NTO obtained from the TD-B3LYP calculation since the latter functional shows a good overall performance, compared with the experimental iron(III) spectrum, in all the spectral regions. However, NTO obtained with the other functionals show the same qualitative behavior. In Table 2, the wavelengths of the most important vertical transitions in terms of oscillator strength are reported, and in Figure 5, some NTO for the iron(III) complex are shown.


wavelength (nm)


9 11 12 13 17 20 22 42 43 44 74 75 76 78 80 94

550 544 542 516 480 451 444 390 387 384 323 322 319 317 312 288

0.0026 0.0082 0.0032 0.0021 0.0056 0.0081 0.0099 0.0155 0.0113 0.0207 0.0599 0.2134 0.1214 0.2374 0.1034 0.3950

By analyzing these selected NTO (Figure 5), one can notice the presence of LMCT transitions in the visible part of the spectrum (transitions 9, 11, 17, and 22). In particular, the lowest lying transitions involve the creation of a hole on the salycilic ligands, while higher energy transitions draw electron density from the chlorine. Notice that some transitions appearing at relatively high energy (transition 75, 322 nm) can still be qualified as LMCT. The other most important transitions in Figure 5 can be classified whether as LLCT (transition 80, 95) or as strongly delocalized π−π type (transition 78). Note that no MLCT transitions appear to have significant intensity. In Table 3, the main vertical transitions of iron(II) complex are reported, while in Figure 6, some representative selected NTO for the same system are shown. Again, one can clearly see that the visible part of the spectrum is dominated by LMCT transitions (8, 9, and 16); notice also the more important role 11909 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 11905−11912

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Figure 5. Occupied (left) and virtual (right) NTO for iron(III) complex selected transitions.

5. CONCLUSIONS The study of the electronic excitation spectrum of an iron complex known to experience photoisomerization has been performed at the TD-DFT level for both +3 and +2 oxidation states. The performance of different functionals has been accounted for, and in particular, the dependence over the functional used for geometry optimization has been particularly evidenced. B3LYP appears unable to provide equilibrium geometries from which one can safely extract vertical excitation energies. However, the use of long-range corrected CAMB3LYP for geometry optimization allows to reliably reproduce the absorption spectrum. New generation M06-2X functional as well as LC-ωPBE appears to be the ones better reproducing the visible region of the spectrum, although their performance is less good in the near UV. Quite surprisingly, B3LYP performs better for vertical excitation calculations than some of the longrange corrected functionals, namely, CAM-B3LYP. This occurrence, even in the case of charge-transfer states, can be related to the limited size of the complex and therefore to the presence of a small charge separation. It is known that, in such conditions, CAM-B3LYP may experience important deviations from experience and, in general, has a worse performance than B3LYP in reproducing excitation energies.49,50 This evidence has also already been pointed out, for instance, by Ruud et al.51 in the calculation of circular dichroism as well as by some of us in computing absorption spectra of ruthenium organometallic complexes.27,28 The topological analysis of the transition has clearly shown that the absorption spectrum is dominated by LMCT transition type. This occurrence is confirmed for both iron(III) and iron(II) complexes; moreover, an important participation of the ancillary chlorine ligands has been evidenced. The necessity to modify the ligands in order to enhance the absorption intensities and to favor transitions potentially leading to efficient electron transfer has been also

Table 3. Main Electronic Transition of Iron(II) Complex with B3LYP; the Transition Index Indicates the Excited State Involved in the Transition transition

wavelength (nm)


6 8 9 11 12 16 22 27 38 50 56

431 406 364 362 354 330 319 311 296 284 275

0.0007 0.0022 0.0013 0.0004 0.0009 0.0752 0.2189 0.2270 0.0229 0.0775 0.1785

played by the chlorine atoms in the low energy transitions, and notice the presence of a chlorine-to-metal charge-transfer transition at quite high energy values (transition 56, 275 nm). All the other transitions are of LLCT type and always show an extremely important role of the chlorine atom in the occupied NTO, i.e., chlorine definitively acts as the principal electron donor group. The presence of LMCT that leaves holes on the ligand can be extremely beneficial for some possible applications since the presence of an important electron deficiency on the ligands can favor electron injection into the complex following an excitation. However, the weak absorption intensities, as well as the important role played by the chlorine atom, can limit the overall performance of the system. The introduction of more delocalized chelating ligands can help in overcoming such limitations. 11910 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 11905−11912

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Figure 6. Occupied (left) and virtual (right) NTO for iron(II) complex selected transitions.

evidenced. In particular, the use of more π-delocalized ligands and a substitution of the chlorine, for instance, by NCS, should be considered. In the future, we plan to perform a systematic computational study on possible candidates in order to optimize the ligand choice in a molecular design approach.

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Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Support from Université de Lorraine et CNRS is gratefully acknowledged. A.M. thanks CNRS for the funding of the “chaire d’excellence”.


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