Theory and Operation of Cartesian Diver Type of Manostat

generally known today as the Cartesian diver. More recently, the idea was modified to yield the low-pressure Dubrovin gage. (2), thetheory of which is...
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Theory and Operation OF a Cartesian Diver Type of Manostat ROGER GILMONT, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn,


idea of using a float, consisting of an inverted tube with entrapped ' air, for vastly increasing the sensitivity of pressure measurements dates as far back as 1704, when Caswell published the details of a baroscope embodying this principle ( I ) , which is generally known today as the Cartesian diver. More recently, the idea was modified to yield thg low-pressure Dubrovin gage ( 2 ) , the theory of which is described in a recent paper (3). An adaptation of the Cartesian diver to control the pressure in a closed system has been available for purchase for the past few years from the Emil Greiner Co., New York, N. Y., where the manostat was developed. This device has proved useful in adequately maintaining constant pressures in vapor-liquid equilibrium measurements and vacuum distillations ranging from a moderate vacuum of a few millimeters of mercury to atmospheric pressure. OPERATION

Mercury is introduced into the container of Figure 1 until the disk of the float just makes contact with the orifice, when the pressure is equalized inside and outside the float. The device is connected to the vacuum pump, and to the system by way of a large reservoir and a suitable manometer. With the stopcock open, the pressure in the system is reduced by way of a by-pass between the pump and system until the desired value as read on the manometer is reached, then both the stopcock and by-pass are closed; the device will automatically maintain the desired

N. Y .

pressure within limits determined by the dimensions of the constituent parts of the device. If the system is vacuum-tight, the pressure will maintain itself; however, a slight leak, which may be introduced intentionally, will cause the pressure to rise slightly. This will produce a displacement of the mercury level downward outside the float and a corresponding displacement upward inside the float; the buoyant force on the float is consequently diminished and when the reduction in buoyancy becomes sufficient to overcome the suction force a t the orifice due to the pressure differential, the disk will break away from the orifice and permit the pump to evacuate sufficient gas from the system to restore the original pressure. When the original pressure is restored, the disk will return to its former position and seal off the orifice. The cycle is repeated indefinitely, if the size of the leak in the system does not exceed the capacity of gas flow that is possible through the orifice, and the pump is of sufficient rating to carry the load. THEORY

In designing a Cartesian diver manostat, it is desirable to know the relationship between its sensitivity and physical dimensions, so that the particular requirements for its use may be met. Such a relationship is readily derived using the symbols of Figure 1. By means of the stopcock, S, and the by-pass, the system is brought to the desirable pressure, PO, as described above. The initial pressure inside the float, PO, will be equal to that initially in and the level of mercury inside and outside the the system, PO, float will be the same-i.e., h1 and hz are initially 0. As the pressure increases in t.he system, owing to slight leaks, the liquid level is depressed outside the float and is correspondingly elevated inside the float, so that the buoyant force on the float is decreased. When the pressure in the system reaches a sufficiently high value, P, so that the buoyant force is diminished enough to counteract the force a t the opening, a, due to the pressure differential, the float breaks away from the opening and the vacuum can restore the initial pressure. As soon as the initial pressure, Po,is restored, the float cuts off the vacuum and t h e cycle is repeated indefinitely. The maximum variation in pressure, P - Po, is a reciprocal measure of the sensitivity of the instrument and can be expressed quant.itatively by setting up the following eqiiations: PRESSURE EQUALITIES. P =p hl hz and Po = PO (pressure expressed as a height of mercury)

+ +


P - Po=p-po+hi+hz AP = P

and letting Therefore,

- Poand A p





+ hi + hz




( 2)


P L - POL= POLO- POL= pu(L,i - L )



L Ap = ( L o- hz)Ap = Pohz (remembering that PO = p u )



=& ,A






CRoss -


Lo Ap = h2( A p

+ pu)

( 3)

EQUILIBRIUM OF BUOYANT FORCES.Assuming pressure in vacuum line is zero and neglecting buoyant forces due to gas,







+ Az(mo + hz)d = (A2 + A 3 ) d + aPtl, and W = Aamod Asmod + Azrnad + A?hzd = A m d + A m d + aPd


6ETW€€N f L O A T TV6.C



A =A,tA,+AS


+ A3) + hzAz = aP

Substituting Equation 2, and making use of AP = P

hiA = a( A P

Figure 1


+ Po)

- PO ( 4)



Vol. 18, No. 10

Equations 1 to 4 may be solved simultaneously for AP in terms of PO,LO,a , A , A i , and A2 by eliminating hl, hz, and Ap: Combining 2 and 4 to eliminate hl and letting k , = -a- Ai A Az


hz = k i ( A P

As a further approximation, if kl is sufficiently small,

+ Po)

(5 )

Combining 3 and 5 to eliminate hp and simplifying, Ap(Lo - ki A P - kiPo)

hPo( Ap 4- Po)


Combining 1, 2, and 4 so as to eliminate h, and hz and letting ks=:


a as small as A possible-Le., by using a small opening and a large container. The Ai sensitivity is also improved by making ratio - smaller or Lo that high sensitivity is obtained by making ratio


AP(1 - kz) - kzPo

Equation 8 expresses the sensitivity as a fractional deviation which is a linear function of the pressure when the above approximations are valid. From the definitions of h : and kz: it is obvious



Combining 6 and 7 to eliminate Ap and simplifying,

Now k , and ks should be made very small to give high sensitivity, so that the square term may be neglected and (1 - k2) may' be taken as unity; therefore as a close approximation,


larger. It is significant to note that the sensitivity is independent of the cross-sectional area of the float, A S . Since the fractional deviation in the pressure to be maintained increases with the pressure, it is desirable t o use a smaller opening, a, for larger pressures. Fortunately, this is in the desirable direction, because at higher pressures leakage is smaller and a higher pressure diffp



October, 1946

entia1 exists across the opening, so that more rapid evacuation is possible. To maintain very low pressures, a larger opening is required to take care of leaks and to give more rapid evacuation; since the last term in Equation 8 becomes negligible, the fractional deviation may then be conveniently approximated by:

and then vertically t o the value of d / D , then a t 45" to the axis corresponding to L = 1, and finally horizontally to give the value of Eo. The total per cent error in the pressure is the sum of Eo and

E,: E = Eo

+ Ep = 0.28 + 0.22 = 0.50%

Hence the pressure of 178 mm. of mercury will then fluctuate

To enable one rapidly t o compute the sensitivity as given by Equation 8, the chart in Figure 2 was constructed. In this chart the symbols have the same meaning as before with the following addition:

E = %error in P



PO x 100


The per cent error in P is divided into two terms-namely, one which is independent of pressure, E,,, and one proportional to the pressure, E,>. The values of d / D , $,/A?. and L are determined by the dimensions of the device-e.g., 0.047, 0.23, and 43 mm., respectively-and P is arbitrarily chosen-e.g., 175 mm. of mercury. On the chart,, the initial point of this representative example is marked by 0 on the A l / A z axis; this is continued vertically downward to meet the value of d / D projected across horizontally. The point of intersection determines one of the 45' Lines, which is intersected by the value of L projected upward vertically. From this second point of intersection a horizontal Line is projected to meet the vertical line projected down from the P axis corresponding to the desired pressure. The intersect'ion of these lines determines a 45" line which is projected to the E axis and dekrmines the value of E , in per cent. The abo\re path is shown by the dotted line. To determine E , the path indicated by the short and long dashed line is obtained as follows: From the point marked 0 on the A1/Azaxis, the path proceeds horizontally t,o,the value of (A1/A2) 1by adding unity to the value of Ai/A?,




by 0.9 mm. of mercury. Higher sensitivity is possible by decreasing the ratio d / D , say, by decreasing the size of the orifice. However, the size of the orifice limits the capacity of gas removal from the system, so that increased sensitivity by decreasing the size of the orifice is obtained a t the expense of decreased capacity. In Figure 3, the rate of gas flow is plotted from a suitable orifice flow equation (Fliegner’s equation) modified to include the molecular weight of the gas, although otherwise based on air flow.


A representative example is shown by the dotted lines on the chart for:

P = 120 mm. of mercury, d = 1.25 mm. for air flow

(IN= 29)

Starting a t the value of P, the path proceeds vertically to the 45 a line corresponding to the molecular weight of the gas ( air is shown by the hcavy line), then horizontally to the d = 0.1-mm. axis. From here the path follows an oblique line until it intersects the vertical line corresponding to the value of d , and finally horizontally to give the rate of gas flow of 1.3 liters per minute a t standard temp,.rature and pressure (S.T.P. = 0’ C. and 760 mm. of mercury pressure). Thus, by means of these charts, the dimensions of the device may be chosen to give desired characteristics within very wide ranges. These charts do not extend below a pressure of 1 mm. of mercury, because for lower pressures new factors controlling both the sensitivity and rate of gas flow are introduced. Thus, the rate of gas flow equation has to be modified by lower discharge orifice coefficients due to change-over from turbulent to viscous flox. Moreover, the sensitivity of the device becomes dependent upon the relative motion of the float, which is adequate a t pres-


Vol. 18, No. 10

sures above about 1 mm. of mercury; below this pressure, modifications in design are needed to magnify the displacement of the float. CONCLUSIONS

The simplicity of this type of manostat and the ease v,Tith which it may be designed t o meet a wide range of requirements make it ideal for practically all laboratory needs in place of complicated electrical hookups. Built of heavy glass or metal, the unit may be easily adapted for superatmospheric pressures. Furthermore, by suitable design, the device may be used for large industrial applications IT-henever constant-pressure conditions must be maintained automatically. Certain modifications of the device may also be made, so that it is more suitable for very low pressure, and in which it is also a direct-reading semivacuum gage. These modifications are still in the process of development and will be discussed in a subsequent paper. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Thanks are due J. P. Bader of the Emil Greiner Co. for his valuable suggestions in preparing the charts, and for permission to publish them. The helpful suggestions of D. F. Othmer of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn are deeply appreciated. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Caswell,Phil.Trans., 24,1597 (1704).

(2) Dubrovin, J.,Instruments, 6, 194 (1933). (3) Gerrnann, F. E. E., and Gagos. K. A , , IND.ENQ.CHEM.,ANAL.ED. 15, 285 (1943).


Some Aromatic Amines and Substituted Ureas in Smokeless Powder Improved Volumetric Bromination Procedure

THOMAS D. WAUGH, GARMAN HARBOTTLE, AND RICHARD M. NOYES, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. The volumetric bromination procedure which is in general use for the estimation of stabilizers in smokeless powder has been modified b y the use of glacial acetic acid as a solvent for the sample to be brominated. The modified procedure is more convenient than the standard procedure in which carbon tetrachloride iP’ used in a two-phase system, and less dependent on conditions of bromination than the standard procedure in which alcohol i s used as the solvent.


OR the quantitative determination of stabilizers in smokeless

powders a volumetric bromination procedure has been widely used in preference to gravimetric procedures, which are generally more time-consuming. The volumetric bromination procedure involves treatment of a solution of a powder extract with a known amount of standard bromate-bromide solution, acidification to liberate bromine, addition of iodide in excess a t the end of the bromination period, and titration of the free iodine with standard thiosulfate solution with the use of starch as indicator. This procedure has been used in the determination of diphenylamine, ethyl centralite (A-,A-’diethyl-N,N’-diphenylurea), and acardite (N,Ndiphenylurea). Under the conditions of the procedure 1 molecule of diphenylamine reacts with 4 molecules of bromine, and 1molecule of ethyl centralite or acardite reacts with 2. In the procedure as developed fur centralite by Levenson (g), the bromination and titration are carried out in a one-phase solution in the presence of ethyl alcohol to keep the stabilizer in solu-

tion, under carefully controlled conditions of temperature and time in order to obtain quantitative bromination of the stabilizer without accompanying side reactions between the bromine and the alcohol. In order to eliminate the necessity for such precise control a procedure employing carbon tetrachloride as a solvent for the stabilizer was developed by Ellington and Beard (1). Carbon tetrachloride is nonreactive to bromine, so that conditions of bromination are much less critical than in the alcohol procedure. The manipulations are somewhat cumbersome, however, because the two-phase system must be shaken frequently during bromination and titration. Both the alcohol procedure and the carbon tetrachloride procedure are in common use for the estimation of diphenylamine and centralite in smokeless powders. The authors have found that the advantages of both procedures may be obtained in a procedure in which glacial acetic acid is used as the solvent for the substances to be brominated. Acetic acid is nonreactive to bromine; moreover, its use permits the bromination and titration to be carried out in a single phase. Accordingly, they have developed a procedure involving the use of acetic acid and have tested this procedure by determinations of ethyl centralite, diphenylamine, and acardite. Most procedures for the estimation of stabilizers in smokeless powder involve extracting the powder sample directly with ether or else decomposing the sample with alkali, distilling the stabilizer with steam, and extracting the distillate with ether; the re-