Theory of the propagation of finite concentration ... - ACS Publications

energy) for glasses of highest Agl contents may arise then from this liquidlike behavior of the mobile Ag+ cations. The data can be (and possibly shou...
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J . Phys. Chem. 1985, 89, 2076-2082

energy) for glasses of highest AgI contents may arise then from this liquidlike behavior of the mobile Ag’ cations. The data can be (and possibly should be) interpreted as a continuously changing (decreasing) activation energy with increasing temperature describable as a VTF (liquidlike) behavior. An additional measure of this liquidlike sublattice of AgI could be gathered from complex modulus studies (not reported here). Here a temperature-dependent full-width at half-maximum in the electrical modulus loss peak27-29would give an indication to the extent of the liquidlike nature of the mobile cation sublattice by giving information on the temperature dependence of the spectrum of conductivity relaxation times for this sublattice. We envision this temperature dependence in the spectrum of relaxation times to occur from thermally induced structural changes in the liquidlike mobile Ag’ sublattice. This study is currently being planned for these glasses and to the present authors knowledge remain as yet unpublished. In very diluted glasses, however, viz. for N