Analyzer and Processor. Ulver Model 2834 analyzer and processor is desigied by Axler Asso- ciates, Inc. for determination of oil and phenols in refine...
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Polyethylene Bottle


FOR THERMAL SHOCK RESISTANCE, CHEMICAL INERTNESS IN TUBING Sand-surfaced, glazed or satin-surfaced and trans­ parent . . . in all normal lengths a n d d i a m e t e r s . Homogeneous, transpar­ ent, free from chemical impurities. Useful to 1000°C. FOR GUARDING THE REAL PURITY OF YOUR COMPOUNDS IN CRUCIBLES, RE­ TORTS, MUFFLES, DISHES, TANKS, POTS, TRAYS Non-absorbent, non-cata­ lytic, non-porous, immune to e x t r e m e e l e c t r i c a l , thermal and chemical c o n d i t i o n s . M a n y sizes a n d t y p e s in s t o c k . Prompt delivery for spe­ cial sizes.

FOR OUTSTANDING ELECTRICAL PROP­ ERTIES, STRENGTH, IMPERMEABILITY IN ELECTRIC IMMERSION HEATERS, BALL & SOCKET JOINTS, STANDARD TAPER JOINTS, GRADED SEALS Corrosion resistant, im­ pervious to all organic and inorganic chemicals a t high temperature re­ gardless of concentration (except strong caustics and hydrofluoric acids.) Immediate delivery on stock sizes. Custom items to order. Write for our information bulletins. See our ad in Chemical Engineering Catalog. THERMAL AMERICAN FUSED QUARTZ CO., INC. 18-20 Salem Street, Dover New Jersey Please send technical data on

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A new two-gallon polyethylene bot­ tle is announcec1 by the Nalge Com­ pany, Inc. It is a standard-weight wide-mouth bottle fitted with a 100mm. closure. The mouth opening is 3 1 / 4 inches, featuring a carrying handle, the two-pound bottle is safe for handling chemicals, liquids, and pow­ ders, according to the company. P-24

/*22*f'AGIU Polypropylene (High Temperatures)


Phosphating Analysis Kit Development of a phosphating analysis kit has been announced by Turco Products, Inc. Offered free of charge to any 'iianufacturer in the metalworking field, it enables him to determine whether the phosphating process and its paint-adhesion advan­ tages can be used on his products. Turco's phosphating line has been broadened and no κ offers processes that can be tailored to fit any production or cost requirement, according to the com­ pany. Processes currently in use range from small, three-tank setups to elabo­ rate eleven-stage spray washing sys­ tems. P-25 Transistorized Jtl-Ray Thickness Gagt; The Raymike 600 transistorized x-ray thickness gage is introduced by General Electric Co. The instrument is said to be capable of gaging steel up to 600 mils thick. Designed for hot and cold strip rol ing mills, it features transistorized plug-in electronic panels, and use of a balanced or dual beam x-ray system. G.3 says the accuracy of this gage allows continuous toler­ ance control of strip to better than 1% of thickness being measured. P-26 Analyzer and Processor Ulver Model 2834 analyzer and processor is desigied by Axler Asso­ ciates, Inc. for determination of oil and phenols in refinery effluents by API methods 733 and 717. The analyzer, a portable unit, uses a selected grating vith f/4.5 optics, and fixed slits yield an 8-millimicron band width. Wave lenglh is adjusted at 2.82 or 3.43 microns for analysis of phenols or oil, respectively. Analysis may be made with cells liaving path length from .01 to 5 cm. A thermocouple is used with its associated narrow band, low frequency, higr gain amplifier. An electronically regulated power supply ensures stable performance of the am­ plifier and metering circuitry. Power requirerr ents are 100-120 volts, 60 cycles, current 140 watts. Sen­ sitivity is 1 p.p.m. oil in carbon tetra­ chloride, using a i-cm. cell. P-27

. . . permits sterilization by autoclaving . . . allows boiling of liquids . . . is chemically inert and unbreakable • Molded from high density, translucent polypropylene, Agile's new line of laboratory ware will withstand tempera­ tures to 240 °F. The lab ware is non-contaminating, easily cleaned and chemically inert to practically all solvents, acids and alkalis. See page 95 Chemical Engineering Catalog, or write for detailed literature.

AMERICAN AGILE Corp. 5461 Dunham Rd. · Maple Heights, Ohio SYMBOL OF Q U A L I T Y

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