Thermal Efficiency of the Phosphate Blast Furnace - Industrial

Thermal Efficiency of the Phosphate Blast Furnace. P. H. Royster, and J. W. Turrentine. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1932, 24 (2), pp 223–226. DOI: 10.1021/ie5...
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Thermal Efficiency of the Phosphate Blast Furnace P. H. ROYSTER AND J. W. TURRENTINE, Fertilizer and Fixed Nitrogen Investigations, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.

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CasPzOs 5C 3Si01 = HEN a blast furnace S M E L T I N G TESTS with a small experi3CaSiOa f Pz 5CO (6) is charged with phosmental blast furnace show that the production phate rock, the charge of phosphoric acid for fertilizers by the blastindicates f o r m a l l y the effect passes downward through the furnace method is economically practicable. of silica. T h i s r e a c t i o n i s furnace shaft, being heated more endothermic to the extent of I n any furnace process more than two-thirds or less rapidly by contact with 4151 B. t. u. per pound of phosthe ascending stream of hot of the cost of the finished product is the cost of phoric acid (3). gases. I t has been found that coke used for fuel. The amount of coke used little in the way of a chemical is inversely proportional to the thermal ejiciency reaction involving the phosphate THERMAL EFFICIENCY OF THE of the furnace operation. Low-cost phosphoric in the rock takes place until the BLASTFURXACE acid means high thermal ejiciency in furnace charge has reached a temperaA pound of carbon generates ture of about 2430' F. Above operation. Factors contributing to high ef14,176 B. t. u. when burned to this temperature reduction takes ficiency are, in order of importance: high blast carbon d i o x i d e (a),and 4033 place, and e l e m e n t a r y phostemperature; large-size furnace unit; and dry B. t. u. when burned to carbon phorus is formed as a product blast. The first (preheating the air to a high m o n o x i d e (6). The gas leavof reaction. This reduction retemperature before its introduction into the ing the combustion zone of the action mag be described by the blast furnace contains more than equation: furnace) is the most important, and the attain34 per cent carbon m o n o x i d e ment of maximum preheat is a problem in Ca3P208 5C = and less than 0.1 per cent car3Ca0 P, 5CO (1) equipment design which is under continued inbon dioxide ( 7 ) . Because from vestigation. I t is shown experimentally that the E q u a t i o n 1 s e e m s to imply the nature of its construction that a chemical reaction takes grade of phosphate rock is unimportant in the and operation it is impossible for p l a c e b e t w e e n t w o solids. a blast furnace t o burn its carrealization of high thermal ejiciency and does Obviously this is n o t w h a t bon to a higher state of oxidanot influence coke consumption. a c t u a l l y occurs. Two suggestion than carbon monoxide, it tions mav be offered to e x ~ l a i n is subiected to a loss of 10.142 the mechgnism of reductio;. It is possible that, a t the tem- B. t. u. per pound of carbon, out "of a possible 14,175; that peratures prevailing in the lower part of the blast furnace, is, in every blast furnace the loss of heat due to incomplete tricalcium phosphate may be subject to thermal dissociation: combustion of the fuel is 72.5 per cent. Therefore the blast furnace as such cannot have a higher thermal efficiency CasP,O* 3Ca0 P20s (2) than 27.5 per cent. The loss of heat by conduction through The phosphoric acid resulting from this dissociation, being a the water-cooled fire-brick lining of the furnace is seldom gas and coming in contact with solid carbon, will be reduced less than 400 B. t. u. per pound of carbon consumed, and according to the equation: the loss of heat in the conversion of blast moisture into hydrogen (an unavoidable reaction) will average 200 B. t. u. per PiOs 5C == PI 5CO (3) The algebraic sum of Equations 2 and 3 is identical with pound of carbon. The net heat will therefore be 3433 B. t. u. Equation 1. It may also be considered possible that tri- out of 14,175, indicating a furnace efficiency of some 24 per calcium phosphate is reduced by the carbon monoxide, that cent. Although the 10,142 B. t. u. per pound of carbon "loss of the resulting carbon dioxide reacts with coke, and that heat due to incomplete combustion of fuel" is lost to the carbon monoxide is regenerated. Thus: furnace, this energy remains in the waste gas emerging from CasPzOs 5CO = 3Ca0 PZ 5Coz (4 1 the furnace top as heat of combustion of the gas. I n every 5C02 5C = 10 CO (5) actual blast-furnace operation some of this waste gas is As before, the sum of Equations 4 and 5 is identical with burned in a set of regenerative stoves, and a part of the Equation 1. Yot enough is known of the properties of waste heat is restored to the furnace in the form of sensible tricalcium phosphate a t high temperatures to choose between heat of the hot blast. For example, if the blast be preheated the two sets of equations, and the facts may be described to 1400" F. (as in fact it frequently is) the sensible heat will for present purposes by Equation 1. be 2000 B. t. u. per pound of carbon (8). The net heat for In a phosphate-furnace process it is necessary riot only to such a hot blast furnace will be 3433 generated by combustion separate and recover phosphorus as a product, hut also to plus 2000 brought in by the blast, that is 5433 B. t. u., inmaintain the furnace in continuous operation. I t is there- dicating an efficiency of 38 per cent. il study of standard fore necessary to remove the lime which appears in the above blast-furnace practice, as it has been carried out in the iron equations as a product of reaction. Silica and alumina and steel industry, leads to the conclusion that it is difficult present in low-grade phosphate rock or added as flux to but not impossible t o operate the better types of modern hothigh-grade rock combine with lime to form a fluid slag. The blast stoves as high as 1700" F. The sensible heat of the equation: blast a t 1700" F. is 2470 B. t. u. per pound of carbon. In this



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case the total heat is 5903 B. t. u., and the furnace efficiency just over 41 per cent.

EFFICIENCY OF PHOSPHATE REDUCTION The heat absorbed by the endothermic reaction indicated by Equation 6 is 4151 B. t. u. per pound of phosphoric acid when and if the reaction is carried out a t room temperature. As will be seen later, this reaction actually takes place at about 2430" F. To determine the heat absorbed by the reaction a t the higher temperature, it is required to know not only the specific heat of carbon monoxide, carbon, silica, and calcium silicate over the temperature range from room temperature to 2400" F. (thermal quantities which are known well enough), but also the specific heats of tricalcium phosphate and of phosphorus gas, which unfortunately are not known a t all. The reaction heat will therefore be assumed t o be 4151 B. t.'u. a t 2400" F. with the understanding that this figure is undoubtedly incorrect. The gases leaving HOT the reduction zone in CAR!oN HOT GAS the phosphate b l a s t furnace a r e at or above 2430" F. The sensible heat of the furnace gases lost in this way to the reduct i o n zone i s 4400 B. t. u. per pound of c a r b o n . T h e r e is, however, brought into t h e r e d u c t i o n zone by the c a r b o n which enters already preheated by its deFIGURE1. BOSH A N D HEARTHOF scent through the upPHOSPHATE BLASTFURNACE Der Dart of the furnace, 875 B. t. u. per pound as sensible &at of hot carbon (4). The carbon comes into the reduction zone carrying 875 B. t. u. with it, and the hot products of combustion leave the reduction zone carrying away 4400 B. t. u. There is therefore a net loss to the reduction zone of 3525 B. t. u. It will be remembered that the net heat generated by the combustion of carbon is 3433 B. t. u. It is obvious therefore that the heat absorbed in the reduction reaction cannot be supplied by the combustion of carbon. Any heat absorbed by reduction of phosphate must be supplied by the hot blast. There is no obvious reason why all of the sensible heat of the hot blast cannot be thus used in promoting the reduction of phosphoric acid. The evidence which the writers have collected during the operation of the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils experimental blast furnace tends to the conclusion that this is, in fact, true. Stated in other terms, the amount of phosphoric acid which can be reduced in any given phosphate blastfurnace operation depends upon the number of B. t. u. supplied to the reduction zone, and upon this alone. It is implied here that there is always sufficient phosphoric acid present to absorb all of the heat supplied to the reduction zone. The operator may assure himself that the requirement is satisfied by charging more phosphate rock than the furnace can reduce, the excess phosphoric acid leaving the furnace unreduced in the slag. The factor which limits the amount of phosphoric acid that can be reduced in the blast furnace is the amount of heat which is supplied to the reduction zone and absorbed there by the reduction reaction. This is seen to be 100 R. t. u. less than the sensible heat of the hot blast. And formally the efficiency of phosphate reduction is the quotient of the sensible heat of the hot blast, minus 100, divided by 14,175 B. t. u. I n the case of 1400" F.

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hot blast, the blast heat is 2000 B. t. u. per pound of carbon, and the efficiency 13.4 per cent [(2000 - 100) - 14,178). With a hot blast a t 1700" F. the blast heat is 2470, and the efficiency of reduction 16.7 per cent [(2470 - 100) - 14,175 1. If the blast were dried before its introduction into the furnace, there would be a further average increase of heat supplied, the reduction zone of 200 B. t. u., making the efficiency of reduction 18.1 per cent [(2470 - 100 200) - 13,1751.





The bosh and hearth of a phosphate blast furnace are shown in Figure 1. Let the surface, M N , be drawn across the bosh a t the location of the 2432' F. isotherm. The temperature a t all points below the surface, M N , are equal to or in excess of 2430" F. It is proposed t o write down a heat balance for so much of the furnace as lies below the surface, MAT. For this purpose Qixheat quantities are defined:

Q1 = Heat brought in by hot blast Q2 = Heat generated by reaction C l/z 0 2 = CO QS = Heat brought in by descending carbon Qa = Heat carried out by ascending furnace gases Q, = Heat carried away by thermal conduction through walls &6 = Heat absorbed by blast moisture by reaction H 2 0 C = Hz CO The units employed are B. t. u. per minute. If QIrepresents the heat available above the temperature of reduction, then Qtis given by the equation:




+ Qz + Qa - Qr

- Q5 - Qs

(7) The heat, Qr, represents the number of B. t. u. supplied t o the reduction zone per minute and absorbed therein by the reduction reaction expressed in Equation 6. The amount of phosphoric acid thermally reducible (in pounds per minute) is obtained by dividing Qr by 4151. It is assumed by the writers that the pounds of phosphoric acid reduced per minute is equal to the amount thermally reducible. The test of the truth of this assumption is the comparison between the observed reduction of phosphoric acid in the experimental furnace and the amount of phosphoric acid which could be theoretically reduced by the heat supplied to the reduction zone. Qr = &I

RESULTSOF BLAST-FURNACE EXPERIMENTS Table I gives the results obtained from eight tests made with an experimental blast furnace. This furnace has already been described (1). It is 80 inches tall with a 19-inch stock line, a 13.5-inch hearth, a 79" bosh angle, and has a total volume of 12 cubic feet. It is blown through one or both of two tuybres. The wind blown was 40 to 60 cubic feet per minute of air which could be heated in a makeshift iron-pipe stove t o a little higher than 1200' F. The temperature of the blast was measured with a calibrated chromelalumel thermocouple. The amount of air blown was measured with a 0.75-inch rounded brass orifice. The bosh and hearth of the furnace were water-cooled. The amount of cooling water and its temperature were measured. Slag was removed from the hearth at half-hour intervals, and samples taken for analysis. The furnace gases carrying the phosphorus were discharged into the air. The amount of phosphoric acid reduced was calculated from the weight and analysis of the material charged into the furnace top, and the weight and analysis of the slag removed from the hearth. The furnace unit in these experiments was quite small and suffered from the handicap that the heat lost by conduction was unduly high. The undue prominence of this heat quantity could be decreased only by carrying out the experiments with a larger experimental blast furnace. I n a fullscale commercial blast furnace the effect of heat loss is of minor importance. The operating quantities measured during the tests are re-


February, 1932



DATAFOR EXPERIMENTAL PHOSPHATE BLAST FURNACE I 62.9 46.7a 58.5 982 666 69.3 6.48 65.1 0.140 58 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Coke charged, Ib. per hour Phosphate rock, Ib. per hour Air blown (60’ F . , $0 in. H g ) , cu. ft. per min. Blast tern erature F. Heat lost g y cond;ction, B . t. u. per min. Slag produced, Ib. per hour PzOs in slag, % PZO6reduced % PzOs reduoed: Ib. per min,. Heat used in Pros reduction. B . t. u. Der min. a Tennessee rock. b Florida rock.


I1 41.7 23.8b 40.0 682 264 27.8 8.10 70.4 0.0883 368

corded in Table I. Both the Florida and Tennessee rocks indicated in item 2 were fluxed with suitable additions of crushed fire brick t o form a slag easily removable from the hearth. The composition of the two phosphate rocks is given in Table 11. The sulfide and sulfate content of the Tennessee blue rock is perhaps unusual but appeared to have no effect upon the furnace operation. The coke used was a n off-grade non-metallurgical coke with 80.1 per cent fixed carbon and about 16 per cent ash. In item 11, Table 111, in which the coke consumption is given, the fuel is reduced to an “equivalent coke” with the more usual 87 per cent fixed carbon. The physical and chemical properties of the coke, aside from its fixed carbon content, seem to he of little concern in phosphate smelting.

EXPERIXEKT NUXBER I11 41.2 23.57~ 39.3 729 263 26.8 7.26 73.8 0.0912 380

IV 59.9 44.4a 55.0 1133 666 64.0 4.12 78.4



V 67.8 50.2a 62.5 1.190 735 73.0 4.72 75.0 0.179 746

VI 71.0 52.7a 64.6 1219 670 74.1 2.86 85.4 0.207 860

VI1 47.0 36.1s 42.0 1110 260 39.3 2.80 90.6 0.173 718

VI11 44.7 39.9 1245 311 41.4 5.58 80.9 0.162 674

The quantity Qr is calculated by means of six quantities in such a fashion as to magnify the errors involved.

EFFECT OF SLAQ ON PHOSPHATE REDUCTION The phosphate rock used in the experiments recorded in Table I was one of two materials: washed rock from Florida, containing 31.63 per cent phosphoric acid on a dry basis; and blue rock from Tennessee, containing 27.56 per cent phosphoric acid. The Tennessee rock was a donation to the Bureau by the Armour Fertilizer Korks. Both rocks were too high in calcium oxide, and too low in silica and alumina to yield a satisfactory blast-furnace slag, and in each case the phosphate rock was accompanied into the furnace with enough crushed fire brick to give a desired lime-aluminasilica composition to the resultant slag. In the case of the TABLE11. ANALYSISOF PHOSPH.4TE ROCKUSED IN BLAST- Tennessee rock, 100 pounds of phosphate rock with its flux FURNACE EXPERIMENTS and coke ash produced about 145 pounds of slag. With (Dry basis) Florida rock the slag produced was about 110 pounds per FLORIDA ROCK TENNESSEE ROCK 100 pounds of rock. These quantities of slag are about as % % small as would be normally encountered in practice. It is 6.90 8.34 2.13 ... technically of considerable importance, however, to deter1.91 0.17 mine whether with relatively large amounts of slag the ther46.50 40.41 31.63 27.56 mal efficiency of phosphate reduction will be unfavorably ... 10.18 ... 3.20 affected. The assumptions made in this paper have not taken into account the amount of inert slag-forming maIt is obvious that little interest can attach to the results of terials accompanying the phosphate through the furnace. these experiments, except in so far as it may be possible to I n fact, if the mechanism of phosphate reduction as here use them in predicting what, operating results m:ty be ex- described is correct, the amount of phosphoric acid reduced pected from a blast-furnace unit of commercial size. And in a given furnace operation is not dependent upon the grade from a n economic point of view the phrase “operating results” of rock used nor on the amount of slag produced. It is means primarily “coke consumption,’J that is, the tons of understood of course that, if the particular rock used is so coke required t o reduce a ton of phosphoric acid. highly siliceous that the slag becomes unmanageable, nie.-i heat balance for so much o f the furnace as will include the chanical operation of the furnace may become impossible. zone of phosphate reduction for each of the eight experi- If the low-grade rock, however, contains sufficient tricalcium ments is given in Table 111. The first six items give the value phosphate to produce a workable slag, it vi11 be economically of the six thermal quantities (QI, Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6) appearing as satisfactory a material as c. P. tricalcium phosphate. in Equation 7. Item 7 gives the value of Q, calculated by It was felt that the technical importance of this conclusion Equation 7 . Item 8 shows the observed value of Qr and is justified its submission to a particularly severe test. Therecopied from item 10 of Table I. The difference between fore a run (IX) was made in which a n extremely low-grade the observed and the calculated value of Q? is shonn in item charge was smelted. This charge was made up of thirty9 in B. t. u. per minute, and again in item 10, expressed in per three parts Florida rock, ten parts crushed fire brick, and cent, with Qr (calculated) taken as 100 per cent. The mean fifty-seven parts of normal pig-iron blast-furnace slag. This difference is 7 per cent, and the maximum difference 15. artificial mixture, containing only 10.55 per cent phosphoric TABLE 111. HEAT-BALAKCE FOR BOSHAND HEARTH OF



(Thermal quantities in B. t. u. per minute)



1 2 3 4 5

Heat in the blast (&I) Reaction C 11~0~ = CO (Qz) Heat in carbon (Q3) Heat in furnace gases (Q?) Heat lost by conduction (Qd 6 Reaction H20 C = Hr CO ( Q 6 ) Heat available for P?Osreduction: 7 &I (calcd.) 8 &, (obsvd.) 9 Difference, B. t. u. 10 Difference, % 11 Coke (87’% F. C.),tons per ton PzOs reduced (calcd.) 12 Coke, tons per ton PeOa reduced (obsvd.) Thermal efficiency of reduction: 13 Calculated, yo 14 Observed, % ’






I 1024 3027 654 3313 772 113

I1 467 2059 447 2255 306 35

I11 496 2023 438 2219 305 34

IV 1130 2835 614 3103 770 117

V 1341 3220 697 3523 853 12 1

1423 3333 723 3646 777 125

VI1 838 2165 469 2372 302 86

VI11 917 2062 449 2258 36 1

507 581 +74 +14.6 7.60 6.93

377 368 -9 -2.4 7.00 7.24

399 380 -19 -4.8 6.56 6.91

589 665 4-76 $12.9 6.22 5.72

761 746 -15 -2.0 5.55 5.80

931 870 -61 -6.6 4.77 5.25

738 718 -20 -2.7 4.01 4.16

624 674 +50 8.0 4.45 4.23

4.76 5.45

5.10 4.97

5.62 5.35

5.91 6.67

6.50 6.36

7.96 7.44

9.71 9.43






acid, is comparable with the lowest grades of run-of-mine phosphate rock occurring in Florida. The data on the test (run IX) were as follows:

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search in itself and is one which promises to yield striking results if its solution can be approached.

CONCLUSIONS It has been found by experiment with the small-scale blast furnace that the phosphoric acid of phosphate rock is separated from the mineral gangue by reduction to elementary phosphorus which, emerging from the furnace in the gas stream, may be assumed to be removable from the blastP20s recoverable, % PzOr reduced per min., lb. furnace gas, after condensation by electrical precipitation or other means. The natural phosphatic minerals of commerThe heat available for phosphate reduction is: cial deposits are suitable for direct smelting, as they occur without preliminary treatment. The lowest grades of siliceous Florida mine-run material require fluxing with some B . t. u 467 &I sensible heat in hot blast basic mineral-e. g., a partially washed rock or a less siliceous &z: heat of reaction C + 1/zOz 1911 mine-run material. The higher grades of Florida or Ten&a, sensible heat of hot carbon 319 Q4, sensible heat of hot gsses 2047 nessee rock require addition of sand or siliceous material as a &a heat lost by conduction 288 0s:heat of reaction Hz0 + C 69 flux. The cost of the phosphatic charge with its flux as Qv, heat available for reduction charged into the furnace will in any probable commercial 293 development be a small item in the cost of the product. The problem of major interest from a metallurgical, and also Since 4151 B. t. u. are required to reduce a pound of phosphoric acid, the 293 B. t. u. per minute available for phos- from the engineering and economic point of view, is the coke phate reduction are sufficient to reduce 0.0707 pound phos- consumption, that is, the number of tons of coke required phorus pentoxide per minute. The actual observed rate of to reduce a ton of phosphoric acid. The first four experireduction was 0.0765 pound per minute, or 8 per cent more ments recorded in Table I1 (experiments I, 11, 111, and IV) than is expected from the heat balance. The amount of may arbitrarily be called “low” blast-temperature runs, and slag produced was large. Errors in sampling, in analysis, and the last four experiments (V, VI, VII, VIII) “high” blastin determining the weight of the slag could easily cause temperature. The average for the first group was 882” F. a 10 per cent probable error. More evidence is required to blast temperature, and the average coke consumption 6.70 give a final answer to the problem. It is possible, however, to tons. For the second group the blast temperature was 1191’ say that the evidence a t hand tends to justify the assumption F., and the average coke consumption 4.81 tons. The involved in the smelting theory-namely, that in phosphate over-all fact that an increase of 309’ F. in blast temperature reduction the coke consumption is governed solely by the caused a drop of 28 per cent in coke consumption gives a heat required by that reaction, and that the question of how correct impression of the influence of blast temperature on much or how little slag is to be melted has no effect one way coke consumption. In both groups, of course, the coke consumptions are higher than would be found in the operation or the other. of a full-scale furnace because of the abnormally high heatconduction losses in the small experimental unit, but the relaFACTORS INFLUENCING COKE CONSUMPTION tive effect is substantially the same as it would be with a If the validity of Equation 7 be accepted, it is possible larger furnace. Using $8.25 as the cost of coke delivered to a to write down a number of conclusions that are of importance blast furnace located in Florida, the two coke consumptions, to the phosphate furnace designer and operator. Since the 6.70 and 4.81, can be written $55.25 and $39.75 per ton of coke consumption is a function of one variable, Q,, and since phosphoric acid for the cost of coke. The increase of 309” E’. in blast temperature results in a saving of $15.50. Really the value of &, depends upon the six heat quantities, QI, low-cost furnace phosphates will be realized in practice from &2, &a, &4, &j, &6, it is those six &’sthat are alone of importance. One of them, Qz (the second largest), can be left out of con- an elevation in blast temperature. Without a more elaborate means for preheating the blast, the writers have been unable to sideration immediately because it is a chemical constantthe heat generated by the oxidation of carbon to carbon mon- realize a coke consumption of less than 4 tons of coke per ton oxide. The quantity, Q6, which is normally rather small can of phosphoric acid reduced. be reduced to insignificance by drying the air before introLITERATURE CITED ducing it into the furnace. The heat loss, Q6, which is quite large in the experimental unit, can be decreased to zero by Hignett and Royster, IND.ENG.CHEM.,23, 84 (1931). International Critical Tables, Vol. 5, p. 181, column 1; item 21. making the size of the furnace infinite. In actual practice Ibid., Vol. 5, p. 196, column 2, item 45; p. 197, column 1, item the heat loss becomes less than 10 per cent of Qr in furnaces 19: p. 182, column 2, items 12 and 13; p. 181, column 1, item burning more than 50 tons of coke per day. A large im20. Lewis and Randall, “Thermodynamics,” p. 569, McGraw-Hill, provement in thermal efficiency could be made by reducing 1923. the magnitude of &4, the heat carried out of the phosphate EWG.CHEM., 22, 344 (1930). Pike, IWD. reduction zone by the ascending furnace gases. This may Rossini, B u r . Standards J. Research, 6, 37 (1931). be done by decreasing the nitrogen that normally accomRoyster, Joseph, and Kinney, Blast Furnace Steel PZunl, 12, 200 (1924); Kinney, Royster, and Joseph, Bur. Mines, panies the oxygen used to burn the carbon a t the tuy8res. Tech. P a p e r 391, p. 20 (1927). Since this means adding oxygen to the blast (j),the expense Swann, Proc. R o y . SOC.(London),882, 147 (1909); Scheel and of which is considerable a t present, and since it also means Heuse, Ann. P h y s i k , 37, 79 (1921); Holburn and Henning, decreasing the value of Q1, which in some measure neutralizes Ibid., 23, 809 (1907); Lewis and Randall, “Thermodynamics,” p. 80, McGraw-Hill, 1923; Partington and Shilling, “Specific the benefit derived from decreasing the value of Q4, the Heat of Gases,” p, 145, Benn, 1924. economy of such a procedure must await the production of cheaper oxygen than is a t present available. There remains RECEIVEDJune 1, 1931. Presented before the Division of Fertilizer Chemthe quantity, Q1,the sensible heat brought into the furnace istry a t the 82nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Buffalo, X. Y., by the hot blast. The problem of heating the blast is a re- August 31 to September 4, 1931. Coke charged lb. per hour Phos hate rodk lb. per hour Fire trick and :lap.. lb. Der hour

39.6 23.7 47.6 37.0 716 288 66.9 4.35 61.2 0.0765