cellent job in achieving the basic aims of the series. The nonanalytical por- ... tails for application by a trained an- alyst. The majority of the bi...
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ufacturing methods, and a section on commercial grades and specifications. This is followed by the analysis section in which separation, identification, and assay methods are discussed, as well as procedures for the determination of impurities and the analysis of mixtures. A substantial bibliography completes the section. In my opinion, the editors and authors of this volume have done an excellent job in achieving the basic aims of the series. The nonanalytical portions of each section have been kept in proper perspective, and at the same time present a wealth of pertinent, useful information. The analytical sections are well-handled, comprehensive, and generally reflect current emphasis on the use of modern instrumental techniques as well as providing many established wet-chemical methods. The specific procedures are written in a simple, direct style with adequate details for application by a trained analyst. The majority of the bibliographies appear to be pertinent, comprehensive, and up-to-date. In addition, on dull afternoons the analytical chemist can browse through stimulating sections such as "Alcoholic Beverages, Distilled" so that he may approach his pre-dinner cocktail in the proper scientific frame of mind.

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On the more negative side, there is a definite lack of adequate precision and accuracy statements in many of the procedures. In some of the sections, information concerning impurities is quite sparse. A few articles are written partly in review form, and access to a substantial technical library would be required to fully utilize the information. The dust jacket contains an error in that "Alkanolamines" are supposedly included in Volume 4. Fortunately, the error is not repeated on the book cover. Having personally dealt with many problems involving a surprisingly large percentage of the chemicals covered in this volume (including "Alcoholic Beverages, Distilled"), I can only wistfully regret that such a book was not available to me during my formative years.

New Books Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation.

R. Blinc, Editor, xv + ISJ^l pages. North-Holland Publishing Co., P. 0. Box 103, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1967. $50. This book presents the Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation (XlVth Colloque Ampère), which was held at Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, Septem-