THERMO ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (2), pp 138A–138A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60158a839. Publication Date: February 1960...
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NEW PRODUCTS space; temperature control said to be within 1° C. International Radiant Corp. P-16

stir and heat liquids this better way


Low-Pressure Transducer. Electro­ mechanical Compu-tran comes in six ranges from 0-1.5 p.s.i. to 0-60 p.s.i.; delivers output up to 1.5 volts a.c, or up to 100 mv. d.c. with accessory de­ modulator. International Resistance Co. P-17 Ultrasonic Disintegrator. MSE-Mul lard produces and uses sound energy for mechanical disintegration of cells and bacteria, and for other biological appli­ cations. Instrumentation Associates, Inc. P-18 Leak Detector. M-60 mass spectrom­ eter model locates leaks as small as 10 -10 cc. of air per second; redesigned for more simplified maintenance. Gen­ eral Electric Co. P-19 Color Difference Meter. Model AC-2a indicates on any of four tristimulus scales based on luminosity or reflect­ ance; rapidly compares two or more colors quantitatively in terms of a three-number designation. Gardner Laboratory, Inc. P-20



Differential Pressure Gage. Electri­ cal instrument has full scale range from 0 to 0.01 in. H 2 0 ; sensitivity to differ­ ences as small as 0.0001 in. H 2 0 ; models with 8 other full scale ranges available. Hastings-Raydist, Inc. P-21 Voltage/Current Amplifier. Model 154A, designed for use with company's Model 150A/AR oscilloscope, permits direct observation of current and volt­ age waveforms. Hewlett-Packard Co. P-22

Combines α continuously variable magnetic stirrer and a stepless, precision-controlled hot plate. Lets you stir and heat liquids simultaneously . . . or do either independently. Magnetic stirring action stirs liquids in closed or vacuum-sealed systems, o d d shaped, narrow-necked, and other flat or curved-bottom con­ tainers. 7Vs" square hot plate thermostatically controlled over entire range to 700°F. Price complete with two stirring magnets and 5 ' cord, $ 8 4 . 5 0 . W r i t e for literature and name of nearest dealer. THERMO ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. 4-78 H u f f St., D u b u q u e , I o w a Circle No. 83 on Readers' Service Card 138 A



Digital Clock. Model DY-2508A 24hour instrument gives time data through multiple relay contacts which can be wired to produce several stair­ case or decimal outputs simultaneously; has 1-sec. resolution. Dymec Division. P-27

Power Supply. Transistorized d.c. modules provide power over ranges in­ cluding 5 to 32 volts at up to 6 am­ peres : series hook-up increases range to 64 volts; input, 105 to 125 volts, 60 cycles. Dressen-Barnes Corp. P-28 Sterilizing Pipet Boxes. Cylindrical containers measure 2V 2 in. in diameter by 16 3 / s in. long, with special lengths made to order; close-fit lid is 4 V 2 in. long. George D. Ellis & Co. P-29 Humidity Cabinets. Counter-Flow models have automatic control in dry bulb range from 35° to 185° F. and humidity range from 40 to 98%. Blue M Electric Co. P-30 Incubators. Gravity convection dry type Budget bacteriological line allows incubation at 3 7 y 2 0 C , inactivation at 57° C , and paraffin embedding at 47° to 60° C. Blue M Electric Co. P-31 Hydroion Meter. Model 72734, bat­ tery operated, reads from zero to 105 p.p.m. in saline or other solutions in in­ crements down to 0.5 p.p.m. Carma Manufacturing Co. P-32 Thermocouples. Mineral insulated Con-O-Clad line has magnesium oxide or other preformed mineral insulators sheathed in various metals; range to 3000° F.; 0.040- to 0.375-in. o.d. sheath. Conax Corp. P-33

Interference Filter. Colorless, multi­ layer No. 6143 transmits 90% in the visible from 425 to 700 m^ and reflects the longer wave lengths starting at 700 πΐμ. Fish-Schurman Corp. P-23

Oscillograph Magazine. Type 5-047 Datante, enabling quick look at data while tests are in operation, is inter­ changeable with standard magazine for Type 5-114 recording oscillograph; comes with 18 or 26 channels. Con­ solidated Electrodynamics Corp. P-34

Pressure-Vacuum Pump. Originally designed for air sampling; free air ca­ pacity 0.3 c.f.m.; weight, 5 lb. with motor; aluminum piston; produces 17-in. vacuum, 20 p.s.i. pressure. Gelman Instrument Co. P-24

Magnifier. New 5-power model has universal Lab-Base, which permits set­ ting the magnifier in any desired plane or angle. S. B. Logan & Co. P-35


Temperature Controller. Electronic PC Chromatrol is said to control with­ in 1° F. at temperatures up to 600° F.; handles loads to 10 kw.; can be used on 120, 208, or 240 volts, 60 cycles. Edwin L. Wiegand Co. P-36

Static Voltage Regulator. Sta-VoTrol has no tubes or moving parts; rated at 1 kva., single phase, 0 to 8.5 amperes," bandwidth accuracy said to be ±0.25% for constant power factor load. General Electric Co. P-26

NMR Fluorine Analyzer. Model 105 can detect fluorine in liquids down to 3 mg. in any sample size from 0.2 to 40 c c ; claimed precision, normally 1% of signal. Schlumberger Well Survey­ ing Corp. P-37

Air Sampler. High volume model col­ lects aerosols from air at 100 c.f.m. on special filters; has 0.5-h.p. motor; weight, 9 lb. Gelman Instrument Co.