Thermo Jarrell Ash Corporation

Our new AA comes with the NEC Pow- ermate 286 Plus and ThermoSPEC® soft- ware, a package which enables chemists to enter methods, quickly and easily,...
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How our new automatic AA analyzes mixed runs of samples for up to 8 elements and does it up to 4x faster man our competitors. On each sample, readings are taken for up to 4 elements at once (i.e. one bank of hollow cathode lamps). That enables our AA to perform 4x as many determinations as other AAs. Theirs

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The lamp housing contains 8 hollow cathode lamps in 2 banks of 4 each. That arrangement permits the determination of up to 8 elements without changing lamps.

Our new AA comes with the NEC Powermate 286 Plus and ThermoSPEC® software, a package which enables chemists to enter methods, quickly and easily, but also permits personnel with little technical training to run routine analyses.

With computer control and our run specification screen, sets of up to 150 samples may be run in unattended operation and these sets may be mixed, i.e. contain different analytes and call for different standards and dilutions.

Our AA is fully automatic. It has no dials or knobs. Wavelength and PMT adjustments are made by the instrument and not by you.

Our new Smith-Hieftje 8000 Flame/ Furnace AA spectrophotometer offers the highest productivity by far of any AA on the market today. And that translates into lower per test costs for analytical service laboratories and higher profits for private contract laboratories. For literature or a demonstration, call (508)520-1880. Or write Thermo Jarrell Ash Corporation, 8E Forge Parkway, Franklin, MA 02038

In flame or furnace operation, accurate background corrections are made with the patented Smith-Hieftje technique. For furnace, vapor and solid phase matrix interferences are eliminated by our Delay Atomization Cuvette, platform and aerosol sampling device.

Thermo Jarrell Ash


A Division Of Thermo Instrument Systems, Inc. CIRCLE 135 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 22, NOVEMBER 15, 1990 · 1135 A