Thermochromic Ionogel: A New Class of Stimuli Responsive Materials

Jul 17, 2017 - In this work, a new class of polyurethane based ionogels that can respond to external stimulus, e.g., temperature, has been synthesized...
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Thermochromic Ionogel: A New Class of Stimuli Responsive Materials with Super Cyclic Stability for Solar Modulation Heng Yeong Lee,† Yufeng Cai,‡ Sadiye Velioglu,§ Chengzhong Mu,† Chen Jian Chang,† Yi Ling Chen,† Yujie Song,† Jia Wei Chew,§ and Xiao Matthew Hu*,†,‡ †

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore Environmental Chemistry and Materials Centre, Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute, 1 Cleantech Loop, Singapore 637141, Singapore § School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: In this work, a new class of polyurethane based ionogels that can respond to external stimulus, e.g., temperature, has been synthesized. The ionogels are mechanically robust and undergo an LCST-type phase transition with no volume change upon heating accompanied by a switching of optical transmittance. The optical switching temperature is tunable within a wide range between subzero to over 100 °C. Molecular dynamic simulation aided molecular design and provided further mechanistic understanding. Apart from the LCST-type transition, these ionogels are absent of freezing point and volatility and demonstrated unprecedented superhigh optical cyclic stability even after 5000 heating−cooling cycles with no detectable liquid leaching. In addition, these ionogels are chemically compatible with a range of additives such as organic dyes and photothermal plasmonic conducting nanoparticles which endow multifunctionality and versatility in terms of applications. A model mini-house affixed with the ionogel-incorporated glazing demonstrates a reduction of indoor temperature by up to 20 °C far superior to state-of-the-art tungstate coated glazing. This new class of ionogels marks an important milestone in smart materials development for a range of applications including autonomous and climate-adaptable solar modulation window.

INTRODUCTION Cooling for buildings consumes a significant amount of energy globally. Autonomous cooling achieved without consuming electricity is particularly appealing. For example, radiative emission and evaporative cooling strategies have been intensively studied.1−4 Window glazing that can dynamically and reversibly modulate its light transmittance, i.e., solar radiation energy input, upon exposure to an external stimulus, has attracted great attention and was found effective in saving more than 50% of energy consumed in buildings.5 Numerous classes of materials have been and are being attempted which are exemplified by vanadium dioxide,6 poly N-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAm) hydrogels,7,8 tungsten/niobium oxide,9 zincpyrazolate metal−organic framework,10 and liquid crystals.11 Very interesting findings and concepts were also reported from smart chromic materials that need to be driven by continuous input of electricity, magnetic field, mechanical strain, or even acoustic wave.12−17 However, self-contained and autonomous systems triggered by temperature or solar irradiation would be more advantageous for such smart window applications owing to its simplicity and ease of implementation. Paradoxically for © 2017 American Chemical Society

thermochromic materials, the very solar heating itself is being utilized to activate the heat shielding function. The already developed autonomous thermochromic materials, such as inorganic semiconductor oxides and organic dyes, have shown great promise although they tend to have low modulation contrast and limited modulating wavelength range.18−21 In addition, the switch-temperature tuning of these thermochromic materials is achievable but usually not straightforward or effective. On the other hand, polymeric thermochromic composites, which assume high optical contrast and ability to modulate broadband wavelength in the entire solar spectrum, have been explored in many applications including temperature sensors, light valves, and smart windows.7,8,22 These polymeric thermochromic composites are usually multicomponent systems with a unique modulation mechanism. At temperatures lower than the switching point, all components either are mixed homogeneously at molecular level Received: June 10, 2017 Revised: July 17, 2017 Published: July 17, 2017 6947

DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b02402 Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 6947−6955


Chemistry of Materials

Figure 1. Design concept illustrating thermochromic ionogel optical transmittance change in response to temperature. The decrease in transparency above transition temperatures is due to light scattering at interfaces of IL and PU domains.

losing the ionogel’s structural integrity, high optical modulation ability, and thermal-optical stability.

or share similar reflective index (RI) so that high transparency is observed. As temperature increases, phase transition/ separation occurs to initiate RI disparity that results in opacity.23 Among polymeric thermochromic composites, thermally responsive hydrogels based on PNIPAm7 have attracted the most attention due to their best comprehensive thermal-optical performances such as high modulation contrast and negligible hysteresis.24 However, these thermochromic hydrogels being explored for smart windows suffer inherent disadvantages of water freezing or evaporation, severe shrinkage, and liquid expulsion during phase separation as well as poor mechanical strength. As a result, they have issues concerning reversible cyclic stability which is critical for practical application. Ionic liquids (IL) are a vast group of salts with melting temperatures below 100 °C.25 Ionogels, namely “gels containing ionic liquids”, are soft semisolid matters with three-dimensional network percolating throughout IL and can retain IL’s vital properties. What distinctly differentiates ionogel from hydrogels and organogels is the exceptional stability even at high temperatures due to negligible vapor pressure and intrinsic thermal stability of the IL. Ionogels have been hotly pursued in several critically important fields including energy storage and conversion devices, sensors, actuators, and membranes for gas separation.26−28 However, all of these applications of ionogels stem from IL’s intrinsic functionalities while the three-dimensional network provides mechanical integrity. No application of ionogel has been reported hitherto utilizing its thermochromic property that derives from switchable interactions between the IL and network. In this work, the polyurethane (PU) ionogels were prepared by cross-linking poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) via urethane chemistry in the presence of various imidazolium ILs, and the outstanding thermochromic function derives from the intriguing interactions between IL and PPO. The transition temperature can be easily tuned in an unprecedented wide temperature range between subzero and over 100 °C, which is unachievable by any previously reported thermochromic counterparts. Moreover, the switch between highly transparent and opaque states can be cycled for at least 5000 times without


Reagents. The reagents used in this work include hexamethylene diisocyanate trimer (Tolonate HDT-90, Vencorex Chemicals), poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) (diol type, Mn = 4000 Da, SigmaAldrich), dibutylin dilaurate (95%, Sigma-Aldrich), 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C4mim][NTf2], Sigma-Aldrich), 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C4dmim][NTf2], Merck), 1-ethyl-3methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C2mim][NTf 2], Tokyo Chemicals), 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C6mim][NTf2], Tokyo Chemicals), and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK, HPLC grade, Tedia). All the ionic liquids were dried under vacuum at 60 °C prior to using. Brilliant green, rhodamine B, and methyl orange organic dyes were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, while antimony tin oxide (ATO) dispersion in MEK was obtained from NanoMaterials Technology Pte Ltd. Ionogel Synthesis and Characterizations. The ionogels were synthesized by simply cross-linking PPO in the presence of ionic liquids. In a typical example, 0.18 g of Tolonate HDT-90 was mixed with 1.40 g of PPO (mole ratio of NCO/OH = 1.2) and 0.72 g of MEK to obtain transparent homogeneous colorless solution. Then 1.40 g of an ionic liquids mixture consisting of [C4mim][NTf2] and another ionic liquid, e.g., [C4dmim][NTf2], of different weight ratios was then added to the PPO solution, followed by 0.1 g of dibutylin dilaurate solution (10 wt % in MEK) as catalyst. This solution was stirred and degassed for 30 min before pouring into a cavity between two PTFE plates separated by a spacer of known thickness. The curing reaction took place at 40 °C for 24 h with the mold in an airtight container to achieve a homogeneous ionogel. After curing, the ionogel was subject to vacuum to remove MEK. The millimeter scale film thickness (1.7 ± 0.1 mm) in this study is comparable to that of the conventional polyurethane elastomers (nonresponsive) used in safety glass laminates. It was found that the millimeters thick ionogel film provides sufficient mechanical robustness but also adequate solar modulation performance required for smart window applications. The main focus of this study is on intrinsic properties of the thermochromic ionogels. Therefore, detailed study on effects of extrinsic engineering parameters such as thickness is not included. Nevertheless, one might expect an optimal thickness to attain the desired mechanical and optical properties.7,8 The ionogel was either characterized in its freestanding form or sandwiched between glass panels and sealed by epoxy superglue for optical properties testing. 6948

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Chemistry of Materials

Figure 2. (a) Photos of thermochromic ionogels with reversible performance even after 12 h heating. The laminated ionogel are sealed with epoxy. (b) Optical microscope images of ionogel from below (bi) to above Tt (bii). Insets are the corresponding photos of the ionogel on heating stage. The light spot on ionogel came from microscope. (c) DSC results of neat [C4mim][NTF2], ionogel, and PNIPAm hydrogel between −50 and 150 °C. Inset is the spectra enlargement between 20 and 75 °C. The neat PU film was synthesized by the same method in the absence of ionic liquids. Similarly, the ATO doped ionogels were synthesized by adding ATO solution with known concentration before curing. For the colorful ionogel synthesis, freestanding ionogels were dip coated in respective aqueous organic dyes solutions overnight and dried in vacuum to remove any residual water. The characterization methods of the ionogel are thoroughly described in the Supporting Information.

ionogel compositions was based on the following considerations. First, temperature-sensitive interactions such as hydrogen bonding should exist between polymer and IL. PPO/PU was selected not only for it is commercial availability and application in safety glasses but also the existence of hydrogen bond acceptance sites. Second, the IL selected should have suitable interaction with PPO and the selection of cations was due to existing critical “active” hydrogens in the imidazolium cation that can construct hydrogen bonding with oxygen in PPO segment (Figure S1, Supporting Information). Lastly, the selection of [NTf2] anion is equally important and this anion is tested to form a subtle attraction with cation to balance against the PPO−cation interactions. Other anions with stronger (or weaker) hydrogen bonding tendency would disrupt (or strengthen) hydrogen bonding between cation and PPO and may annihilate the LCST phenomenon. Hence, PPO with suitable Lewis basicity can compete with bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide anion (Lewis base) in attracting imidazolium cations (Lewis acid) to achieve a plausible LCST (Table S1, Supporting Information). Besides hydrogen bonding, other molecular interactions also participate in tuning the ionogel’s unique thermochromic properties and will be discussed later in this work. The PPO-[Cnmim][NTf2] solution becomes turbid when it is heated above the LCST, and this thermal-optical switch also applies for ionogels (Figure 2a) although the transition temperature (Tt) of ionogel may shift from the solution’s LCST. After prolonged heating, ionogel maintained its dimension and opacity while the PPO-IL solution divided by

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Working Principle of Thermochromic Ionogel. As illustrated in Figure 1, the ionogel is highly homogeneous and transparent at room temperature. Increasing temperature switches the subtle interaction balance between IL and PU network in favor of molecular repulsion, resulting in a welldefined phase separation to form IL-rich domains which causes light scattering and reduced optical transmittance. Conversely, decreasing temperature enhances the IL and PU network affinity, resulting in complete phase mixing and high optical transmittance. The light transmittance of ionogel depends on the solvation conditions of the polymeric network in IL. Compared with polymers that show temperature-dependent solubility in water or organic solvents, it was much lower than reported for polymer-IL systems, not to mention with a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) around atmospheric temperature.29,30 It is worth mentioning that the LCST phenomenon should not be taken for granted, and it is generally known that the LCST originates from a subtle and balanced interaction between polymer and solvent. A series of preselection of materials were conducted via literature survey and experimental screening. The selection of thermochromic 6949

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Chemistry of Materials

Figure 3. (a) Influence of binary ionic liquids composition on the ionogel optical transition temperature. Optical transition temperature is defined as the temperature with a transmittance drop of 20% from the highest value at 550 nm. Inset shows the possible hydrogen bonds between cation and PU network; the most probable hydrogen bond between C2 hydrogen and PPO is represented by bright red, while others are pink. Anions are omitted. (b) Hydrogen bond number between cation−PPO, cation−anion, and anion−PPO versus alkyl chain length in cation at 25 °C. (c) Average interaction energy between anion−cation, anion−PPO, and cation−PPO at 25 and 90 °C. The simulations were conducted for 40% PPO solution, and the minus sign represents attraction. (d) Radial distribution functions, g(r), between the C2 hydrogen atom in the cation ring and oxygen atoms in the PPO for different ILs at 25 °C. Snapshot in inset shows the PPO chain is predominantly surrounded by [C4mim] cations (blue cloud) rather than [NTf2] anions (red cloud).

within the opaque ionogel. Thus, the ionogel can be used as a solid device and exempts IL supplement to maintain responsive properties. When the temperature dropped below Tt, mutual affinity dominates the PU-IL interactions. The phase-separated IL, which is still contained within ionogel, diffuses into the PU network to regain the ionogel’s homogeneity and transparency. The large contact area between the two phases, the low viscosity of IL as well as the entropic elasticity of PPO segments facilitate the diffusion process such that the ionogel’s optical switching could be achieved within a few seconds (Figure S2, Supporting Information). Other characteristics that advantageously distinguish this ionogel from previous thermochromic hydrogels include the thermal and dimensional stability. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests show that, although neat IL has a freezing point (−3 °C) close to that of water, yet interestingly it was depressed to below −50 °C, if not vanished, in ionogel (Figure 2c). The similar confinement effect on the freezing points of ILs had been reported in nanoporous silica matrices and explained by Gibbs−Thomson model.33 We believe the IL-PU physicochemical affinity and large PU fraction in ionogel are indispensable to achieve nanoscale confinement, while microscale confinement preserved the freezing point of bulk IL.34 The undetectable freezing and negligible volatility of IL imparted the ionogel with excellent thermal stability between −50 and 150 °C. In

gravity into two clear layers that deprived the solution of its optical reversibility (Figure S2, Supporting Information). Some prior arts of aqueous solution/colloids thermochromic systems probably also suffer from this problem.31,32 Therefore, the formation of network is imperative to endow kinetic stability that guarantees stable and reversible optical switch in our ionogel. According to our trial experiments, free-standing ionogel can be formed with up to 70 wt % IL and above which only viscous solution might be obtained. On the contrary, the optical contrast is low and switch is sluggish when the ILs account for 30 wt % or less of the ionogel. Therefore, the IL weight in ionogel is fixed to be the same with PPO (47 wt %) throughout this communication to achieve balanced mechanical and optical properties. Thermochromic Ionogel Characteristics. The underlying reason for this performance reversibility was scrutinized by optical microscopy as shown in Figure 2b. As temperature increased above the Tt, isolated domains of IL emerged as a result of microphase separation from PU matrix, and the ionogel became opaque as light scatters at the interfaces. However, the IL domains are always contained by cross-linked and aggregated PU walls in ionogel, which prevented the microphase separation from escalating into macroscopic scale phase separation. In addition, the ionogel has self-storage properties in that the microscale domains serve as IL reservoir 6950

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Chemistry of Materials

Figure 4. (a) The transmittance spectra of ionogel containing 33% [C4dmim][NTf2] and 67% [C4mim][NTf2] as the binary ILs, at various temperatures. The Tt is about 33 °C, and insets show the transparent, translucent, and opaque states of the flexible ionogel. (b) The optical performance reversibility of ionogel during 5000 cycles. One cycle between transparent and opaque states contains heating, holding, cooling, and holding steps. The ionogel for aging test contains 35% [C4dmim][NTf2] and 65% [C4mim][NTf2] for the binary ILs, and the Tt is about 31 °C. Luminous and solar transmittance refers to the integral value from 380−780 and 250−2500 nm, respectively. The modulation is obtained from the difference of transmittance values at 15 and 40 °C.

addition, the ionogel does not thermally degrade until 250 °C (Figure S3, Supporting Information), indicating that besides smart windows, this thermochromic ionogel can also function in harsh conditions such as overheating protector for solar collectors. The ionogel’s dimensional stability may associate with the much lower ΔH than that of PNIPAm hydrogel during phase separation (Figure 2c inset) because a large enthalpy change always implicates a large scale phase separation coinciding with liquid expulsion.35 In fact, the volume reduction is not exclusive for responsive hydrogels and all the shrinkable gels happen to contain a tremendous amount of liquid phase to be functional.36−39 Thus, we believe the large volume fraction of cross-linked PU is also responsible for our ionogel’s negligible volume change during optical switch. According to Flory−Huggins theory, the second derivatives of Helmholtz mixing free energy per lattice site is ∂ 2ΔFmix ∂φ


⎛ 1 1 ⎞ = kT ⎜ −2χ + + ⎟ 1−φ Nφ ⎠ ⎝

IL into ionogel to form a binary IL system with [C4mim][NTf2]. For instance, Tt can be shifted within a wide range between 20 °C and over 100 °C by doping [C2mim][NTf2] or [C6mim][NTf2] (Figure 3a). [C4dmim][NTf2], which has the C2 proton in cation replaced by methyl group, is able to reduce Tt even to subzero degrees (when ≥50% in binary IL). It is known that LCST-type phase separation happens only when both ΔSmix and ΔHmix are negative and hydrogen bond is often a predominant factor. In our thermochromic ionogel, hydrogen bonds between PPO and IL makes the mixing an exothermic process, and the molecular orientation required by hydrogen bonds contributes to a negative ΔSmix (Figure 3a, inset). The reduced hydrogen bond capacity in [C4dmim][NTf2] may explain its immiscibility with PPO and ability to lower Tt. Molecular dynamic simulation reveals that a longer alkyl group in 3-methylimidazolium cation results in more hydrogen bonds (Figure 3b), which is counterintuitive when considering the shielding effect of long alkyl chain. We speculate that hydrogen bonds and Coulomb interactions are considered “defects” in each other’s network. A longer electron-donating alkyl chain results in less localized positive charge in cation due to superconjugating effect and consequently suppressed Coulomb interactions to boost hydrogen bonds.43−45 Nevertheless, the mere factor of hydrogen bond is insufficient to elucidate the ionogel’s increasing Tt with longer alkyl group in cation, because the hydrogen bond increment between cation and anion is more pronounced than between cation and PPO. We believe other interactions including Coulomb force and dispersive force also involves in Tt tuning, which is evidenced by the different developing trends of interaction energy (Figure 3c) and hydrogen bond (Figure 3b) between cation and anion at temperatures below Tt. More contributions to anion−cation interaction originate from hydrogen bond and dispersive force as the alkyl chain length in cation increases. The stronger anion−cation interaction with a longer alkyl chain (n > 4) in cation backs up the argument that IL tends to organize into more ordered structures or networks, and the reduced entropy in neat IL results in a smaller decrease in entropy of mixing and consequently higher Tt (Tt = ΔHmix/ ΔSmix).46,47 The simulation of radial distribution function


where ϕ is the PU volume fraction, k is Boltzmann constant, T is Kelvin temperature, N is repeating unit number of PU, and χ is the Flory interaction parameter.40 The third item in bracket is insignificant because N is very large. When temperature is below Tt, IL is good solvent for PPO and χ < 0.5 makes ∂ 2ΔFmix ∂φ2

> 0 regardless of polymer fraction, thus ionogel is stable

and homogeneous. However, when ionogel undergoes phase separation (χ > 0.5 and

∂ 2ΔFmix ∂φ2

< 0), a larger polymer fraction

can minimize the absolute value of

∂ 2ΔFmix ∂φ2

and diminish the

released free energy used for liquid expulsion, thus restraining the extent of unfavorable phase separation.41 Transition Temperature Tunability and Reversible Solar Modulation Performance. Optical transition temperature for ionogel containing neat [C4mim][NTf2] is about 68 °C, which is high for smart window applications. Modifying the network composition by copolymerization is possible but tedious for tuning Tt.42 Alternatively, the on demand tuning of Tt can be realized easily and precisely by introducing a second 6951

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Chemistry of Materials

Figure 5. (a) Photographs show the optical transition of ionogels doped with different organic dyes. The ionogels were located a few centimeters from the background pictures. Author C.Y.F. holds the copyright to the above background pictures. (b) The transmittance of ionogel with 0.1 wt % antimony tin oxide (ATO) before and after 1 sun solar irradiation mapping with the solar irradiance spectrum. It shows the ionogel can be triggered by solar irradiation. Insets are the photos of neat ionogel and composite ionogel before and after irradiation taken by infrared camera. The Tt of ionogel is about 33 °C. (c) (left) Schematic illustration of the experimental setup for monitoring indoor temperature of model house equipped with windows made of various materials. The photographs show the model house (front view) equipped with smart window of 0.15 wt % ATO composite ionogel before and after solar irradiation, respectively. The “NTU logo” in the mini model house is used for visual check of window transparency. The inner dimension of the model house is 0.22 m × 0.22 m × 0.19 m, and wall thickness is 0.03 m. The energy distribution for the solar source is 5%, 45%, and 50% in UV, visible, and NIR ranges, respectively. (right) The temperature profiles of an indoor sensor behind windows under solar irradiation. The Tt of ionogel is about 24 °C.

around Tt within 1 °C. It is desirable for a smart window to gradually control light transmittance with temperature otherwise only fully transparent or totally opaque states are available.48 We believe this intrinsic ability of our thermochromic ionogel originates from the constrained phase separation, which interestingly corresponds with the wider endothermic peaks in DSC (Figure 2c, inset). The ionogel finally turns opaque if the temperature is far above Tt. For an ionogel with Tt of 33 °C, which is a typical transition temperature for a smart window, the solar transmittance decreased from 77.7% at 25 °C to 10.9% at 60 °C, demonstrating excellent solar modulation ability (Table S2, Supporting Information). Besides thermooptical performance, it is also worthwhile to mention the thermo-mechanical properties of the ionogel. Detailed mechanical properties are given in (Figures S5 and S6, Supporting Information). Dynamic mechanical data between 25 and 65 °C in Figure S5, Supporting Information, show that the ionogels are indeed in the gel state with G′ > G″. G′ values remains largely unchanged within the temperature range exhibiting a typical rubber plateau like behavior of an elastomeric material. No distinct change of G′ was detected below and above the LCST (Figure S5, Supporting Information). Interestingly, the ionogel’s thermochromic properties are retained during bending (inset of Figure 4a) and stretching (Figure S6, Supporting Information). Such

(Figure 3d) demonstrates that solvation shell of cation with a longer alkyl chain is statistically closer to PPO at below Tt, indicating a stronger interaction and more completed solvation shell that needs higher temperature (Tt) to break. This is also corroborated by interaction energy simulation that the PPO− cation interaction strengthens with a longer alkyl chain in cation (Figure 3c). When temperature rose above Tt, PPO’s preference for cation and the solvation shell are vanished due to breakage of hydrogen bonds (Figure S4c, Supporting Information). However, the remaining IL-PPO attractive interactions, such as dipolar force and dispersive force, would help constrain the scale and speed of phase separation and contribute to absence of liquid expulsion in ionogel. Of course, it is conceivable that when the alkyl chain is long enough (n > 8), the cation−PPO interaction is so strong that it cannot be broken by kinetic energy from high temperature. Thus, the PU network is “permanently” wrapped by cation shell and thermochromic properties disappear. Figure 4a shows the transmittance spectra of ionogel at various temperatures below and above Tt. The transmittances change quite gradually with temperature in visible and infrared ranges, and the ionogel is still “hazy” or translucent at temperatures a few degrees above Tt. In contrast, a smart window composed of PNIPAm hydrogel with the same thickness (1.7 mm) would witness a large optical contrast 6952

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Chemistry of Materials

achieve an indoor temperature reduction of about 7 °C compared with normal float glass. However, this widely used nonsmart material is not able to modulate the energy carried by visible light, which accounts for roughly half of sunlight energy. On the other hand, our thermochromic ionogel achieved a 17 °C temperature deduction due to the ability to modulate in both NIR and visible range. The synergic effects from ATO and ionogel help the composite achieve the largest temperature reduction of about 20 °C compared to float glass. Therefore, these thermochromic ionogels successfully proved to adapt dynamically to outdoor environment and achieve better indoor cooling performance than current state of the arts.

mechanical robustness would be desirable for the intended applications. In addition, the ionogel’s thermochromic properties are highly repeatable. As shown in Figure 4b, the ionogel’s optical parameters including luminous transmittance (Tlum), luminous transmittance modulation (ΔTlum), and solar transmittance modulation (ΔTsol) varied within 5% after 5000 heating−cooling cycles. To the best of our knowledge, no thermochromic material with phase-separation mechanism has been reported with such impressive performance reversibility. The aging test is still undergoing, and we strongly believe our thermochromic ionogel’s light modulation ability is reliable and stable in an actual field application for an extended period of time. Ionogel Versatility and Energy Saving Performance. Besides tunability of transition temperature and stability of thermochromic properties, the ionogel also shows great potential for versatility. Unlike conventional reflective coatings/films that are always dark blue, the ionogels can be easily dyed to different colors due to good affinity between ILs and organic dyes, which have been extensively exploited in dyesensitized solar cells and wastewater treatment.49,50 The ionogel’s aesthetic superiority does not compromise the thermochromic properties (Figure 5a). The optical switch can also be electrically triggered by joule-heating (Figure S7, Supporting Information), and the implementation is much easier than the thermoresponsive hydrogel counterparts51 owing to the absence of liquid expulsion in ionogel and IL’s physicochemical stability. Further, we introduced antimony tin oxide (ATO) nanoparticles into thermochromic ionogel to impart dual responsivity, which enable the ionogel smart window to adjust its transparency in accordance with a complex outdoor climate, especially low temperature but high solar luminance intensity. The surface temperature increment of neat ionogel under 1 sun irradiation was proved insufficient to trigger the optical transition (Figure S8, Supporting Information); however, the composite ionogel temperature could rise by 15 °C within 30 min to realize autonomous antiglaring properties (Figure 5b) owing to ATO’s plasmonic resonance heating.52,53 When solar irradiation is off, ATO-ionogel compatibility preserves a rather high luminous transmittance for smart window. In fact, ATO perfectly matches with this thermochromic ionogel in that neat ionogel modulates more remarkably in visible range while ATO predominantly absorbs near-infrared (NIR) light. Therefore, the presence of ATO in ionogel not only facilitates and accelerates the dimming control but always shield the NIR irradiation to alleviate indoor airconditioning burden. To quantitatively evaluate our ionogel’s performance for autonomous solar energy blocking in real situation, we built a heat-insulating Styrofoam model house and for the first time used an artificial sunlight source for smart window, which mimics the real application better than IR lamp or halogen lamp.32,54 As shown in Figure 5c, thermochromic ionogels and nonsmart materials show different temperature profiles under irradiation. For nonsmart windows, the indoor temperature would rapidly increase monotonously before reaching a plateau, while for smart ionogels the indoor temperature would decrease before slowly increasing to saturation. This is because the optical switch of ionogel makes the indoor sensor’s energy collection rate suddenly lower than the rate of energy dissipation to air. After that, indoor temperature increases much more slowly due to the slashed energy input. The stateof-the-art tungstate based coating for NIR shielding can help

CONCLUSIONS In summary, we demonstrated a new class of polyurethane based thermochromic ionogel with highly stable, reversible, and tunable temperature-dependent optical performances. The constrained reversible phase separation within the ionogel is responsible for transparency-opacity switching without liquid expulsion. By variation of ionic liquid compositions, an ionogel’s optical transition temperature could be tuned between subzero to over 100 °C for various application scenarios, and the underlying mechanism was extensively elucidated by molecular dynamic simulations. The ionogels showed high transparency (Tlum = 87%) and luminous modulation (ΔTlum = 80%) below and above the transition temperature, respectively, and these performances decayed negligibly even after 5000 heating−cooling cycles. Because of the modulation ability in both visible and NIR range, the ionogels can reduce indoor temperature by up to 20 °C compared with float glass. In addition, ionogel’s versatility was illustrated by incorporation of plasmonic nanoparticles that endowed thermochromic ionogels with dual responsivity. We strongly envisage that such a promising approach of harnessing tunable IL−polymer interactions will be a powerful tool in creation of next generation flexible optical switching materials used in wearable electronics and micro-optical sensors.


S Supporting Information *

Further characterization and demonstration of the ionogel system. The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/ acs.chemmater.7b02402. (PDF)


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Heng Yeong Lee: 0000-0002-6380-9363 Jia Wei Chew: 0000-0002-6603-1649 Author Contributions

Heng Yeong Lee and Yufeng Cai contributed equally to this work. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the research fund of Economic Development Board and Nanyang Technological University 6953

DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b02402 Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 6947−6955


Chemistry of Materials

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under grant M4061513. The authors would also like to acknowledge the samples of ATO nanoparticles dispersion generously provided by NanoMaterials Technology Pte. Ltd. In addition, the authors would like to thank Jacob Lim Song Kiat for valuable insights and discussion.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b02402 Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 6947−6955