Thermodynamic Functions of Congruently Melting Compounds

Potassium bromide (KBr) was a Merck Suprapur reagent (min 99.9 %). Prior to use, it was progressively heated to fusion under a gaseous HBr atmosphere...
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J. Chem. Eng. Data 2007, 52, 1209-1212


Thermodynamic Functions of Congruently Melting Compounds Formed in the CeBr3-KBr Binary System L. Rycerz,† E. Ingier-Stocka,† M. Berkani,‡ and M. Gaune-Escard*,§ Chemical Metallurgy Group, Faculty of Chemistry, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland, Laboratoire des Proce´de´s Catalytiques et Thermodynamique des Mate´riaux, De´partement de Ge´nie des Proce´de´s, Faculte´ des Sciences et des Sciences de l’Inge´nieur, Universite´ A. Mira de Be´jaı¨a, 06000 Be´jaı¨a, Alge´rie, and Ecole Polytechnique, Mecanique Energetique, Technopole de Chateau-Gombert, 5 rue Enrico Fermi, 13453 Marseille Cedex 13, France

The heat capacity of the congruently melting compounds K2CeBr5 and K3CeBr6 was measured by differential scanning calorimetry in the temperature range from 400 K up to 1100 K. A linear heat capacity dependence on temperature was used to fit the experimental data. Through combination of these results with the entropy at 298.15 K, and enthalpies of phase transitions, the thermodynamic functions of K2CeBr5 and K3CeBr6 were calculated up to T ) 1100 K.


Table 1. Chemical Analysis of Cerium Bromide

Phase equilibria in lanthanide halide-alkali metal halide systems are generally complex and characterized by the existence of several stoichiometric compounds. The stability of these compounds depends on the nature both of the cations (lanthanide, Ln; alkali, M) and of the halide X.1-3 Two congruently melting compounds, namely, K3CeBr6 and K2CeBr5, have been observed in the CeBr3-KBr system.4 The present work reports thermodynamic properties (temperatures and enthalpies) of phase transitions as well as the heat capacity (C0p,m) of these compounds.

Experimental Chemicals. Cerium(III) bromide was synthesized from cerium(III) carbonate hydrate (Aldrich 99.9 %). Ce2(CO3)3·xH2O was dissolved in hot concentrated HBr acid. The solution was evaporated, and CeBr3·xH2O was crystallized. Ammonium bromide was then added, and this wet mixture of hydrated CeBr3 and NH4Br was first slowly heated to 450 and then to 570 K to remove the water. The resulting mixture was subsequently heated to 650 K for sublimation of NH4Br. Finally, the salt was melted at 1100 K. Crude CeBr3 was purified by distillation under reduced pressure (∼0.1 Pa) in a quartz ampoule at 1150 K. CeBr3 prepared in this way was of a high purity, min 99.9 % (sum of impurities determined by AAS less than 0.1 %). The chemical analysis of cerium was performed by a complexometric titration with standard EDTA. Bromide was determined by an argentometric titration with standard AgNO3 solution. The analytical results are given in Table 1. Potassium bromide (KBr) was a Merck Suprapur reagent (min 99.9 %). Prior to use, it was progressively heated to fusion under a gaseous HBr atmosphere. HBr in excess was then removed from the melt by argon bubbling. * Corresponding author. Tel: +33 491 106882. Fax: +33 491 117439. E-mail: [email protected]. † Wroclaw University of Technology. ‡ Universite ´ A. Mira de Be´jaı¨a. § Technopole de Chateau-Gombert.

mass % Brtheor





63.09 ( 0.02


36.91 ( 0.03

The stoichiometric compounds were prepared from CeBr3 and KBr, which were weighed in the molar ratio 3:1 (K3CeBr6) or 2:1 (K2CeBr5). All the mixtures were prepared in a glovebox filled with purified and water-free argon. Although only a small amount of each sample was used for the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) experiments (300 to 500 mg), several grams of each compound was synthesized to avoid deviation from stoichiometry. Stoichiometric mixtures of bromides were melted in vacuum-sealed quartz ampoules in an electric furnace. Melts were homogenized by shaking and solidified. These samples were ground in an agate mortar in a glovebox. All chemicals were handled in an argon glovebox with a measured volume fraction of water of about 2‚10-6 and continuous gas purification by forced recirculation through external molecular sieves. Measurements. The temperatures and enthalpies of the phase transitions of K2CeBr5 and K3CeBr6 compounds were measured with a Setaram DSC 121 differential scanning calorimeter. The apparatus and the measurement procedure have been described in detail previously.5-6 Samples of 300 to 500 mg were contained in quartz ampoules (about 6 mm diameter, 15 mm length) sealed under a reduced pressure of argon. The sidewalls of the ampoules were grounded to fit the cells snugly into the heat flow detector. Experiments were conducted at heating and cooling rates of 5 K‚min-1. Heat capacity was measured with the same Setaram DSC 121 operated in a stepwise mode. This so-called “step method” has already been described.3,6-9 The heat capacity of the sample was determined over an extended temperature range from two experimental runs in an identical stepwise mode. The first one was registered with two empty cells (containers) of identical mass and the second with one of these cells loaded with the sample. For each heating step, the difference of heat flux between the two series is proportional to the amount of heat (Qi) necessary to increase the sample temperature by a small

10.1021/je600517u CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 05/11/2007


Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2007

C0p,m. The maximal deviations of individual series from mean values did not exceed ( 3 % and ( 5 % in the case of K2CeBr5 and K3CeBr6, respectively. The linear heat capacity dependence on temperature C0p,m/J‚mol-1‚K-1 ) A + B‚(T/K)

Figure 1. Molar heat capacity C0p,m of K2CeBr5: O, mean values from experimental results; solid lines, linear fitting of experimental results.

was fitted to experimental data for both K2CeBr5 and K3CeBr6. However, because of the strong Cp increase when approaching phase transition or melting, only those data corresponding to a smooth heat capacity dependence on temperature were used. The C0p,m ) f(T) equation was then used to calculate enthalpy increments H0m(T) - H0m(298.15 K) in J‚mol-1, entropy S0m(T), and Gibbs energy functions (G0m(T) - H0m(298.15))/T in J‚mol-1‚K-1, for both the solid and the liquid phase of the compounds under investigation H ) H298 +

∫ C dT p

H - H298 ) AT + 0.5BT2 + C S ) S298 +

Figure 2. Molar heat capacity C0p,m of K3CeBr6: O, mean values from experimental results; solid lines, linear fitting of experimental results.

temperature increment ∆Ti. Therefore, in the absence of any phase transition, the heat capacity of the sample is equal to Cp,m ) (Qi‚Ms)/(∆Ti‚ms)


where ms is the mass of the sample and Ms is the molar mass of the sample. The same operating conditions (i.e., initial and final temperatures, temperature increment, isothermal delay, and heating rate) were used in the two experimental series. Experimental monitoring, data acquisition, and processing were performed with the Setaram Setsys software. The DSC 121 apparatus was calibrated by the Joule effect, and some test measurements were performed separately with NIST 720 R-Al2O3 Standard Reference material prior to investigation. These tests resulted in Cp,m values consistent with standard data for Al2O3 (difference less than 1.5 %), with an exception in the temperature range 300 to 400 K, in which the measured values were significantly larger. The vaporization of the moisture from air condensed on grounded sidewalls of ampoules used in measurements can be given as a tentative explanation of these phenomena. Results of measurements in this temperature range were not taken into account in the polynomial fitting of experimental results. In the present heat capacity experiments, each 5 K heating step was followed by a 400 s isothermal delay. The heating rate was 1.5 K‚min-1. All experiments were performed in the 400 to 1100 K temperature range. The mass difference of the quartz cells in any individual experiment did not exceed 1 mg (cell mass 400 to 500 mg). To establish the repeatability and uncertainty of the results, three different samples of each compound, prepared from different batches, were used in measurements. All these results were used in calculations of coefficients in the equation describing the dependence of heat capacity on temperature as well as the standard deviation on



∫ T dT

(3) (4) (5)

S ) A ln T + BT + D


-(G - H298)/T ) A ln T + 0.5BT - CT-1 + E


The parameters C, D, and E in the above equations were calculated by introduction of T ) 298.15 K into eqs 4, 6, and 7. The values of entropy at 298.15 K also necessary in the calculation were obtained by Latimer’s method.10

Results and Discussion Enthalpy of Fusion and Heat Capacity of K2CeBr5. It was found previously4 that fusion of K2CeBr5 occurs at 874 K with the corresponding enthalpy of 82.4 ( 0.5 kJ‚mol-1. Our experimental heat capacity values (mean values from measurements performed on three different samples) of K2CeBr5 are plotted against temperature in Figure 1. They were obtained for the first time in this work. The standard deviation of the fitting was 5.24 J‚mol-1‚K-1. A constant heat capacity value C0p,m ) 315.01 J‚mol-1‚K-1, with a standard deviation 3.61 J‚mol-1‚K-1, was found for liquid K2CeBr5. Thermodynamic Functions of K2CeBr5. The thermodynamic functions of K2CeBr5 were calculated up to 1100 K using our experimental melting temperature and enthalpy together with the heat capacity data. We determined the C0p,m(K2CeBr5, s, 298.15 K) ) 222.66 J‚mol-1‚K-1 by extrapolation of our results to 298.15 K. The standard entropy S0m(K2CeBr5, s, 298.15 K) ) 378.20 J‚K-1‚mol-1 was obtained by Latimer’s method from the empirically found values for the anion and cation contributions.10 The C0p,m ) f(T) equation was then used to calculate enthalpy increments H0m(T) - H0m(298.15 K) in J‚mol-1, entropy S0m(T), and Gibbs energy functions (G0m(T) - H0m(298.15))/T in J‚mol-1‚K-1 for both solid and liquid K2CeBr5. The coefficients in corresponding equations and standard errors of their estimation are given in Table 2. The results of these calculations for selected temperatures are presented in Table 3. Enthalpy of Fusion and Heat Capacity of K3CeBr6. K3CeBr6 forms at 775 K from KBr and K2CeBr5 and melts congruently at 879 K with the related enthalpies 54.5 ( 0.5 and 41.7 ( 0.3 kJ‚mol-1, respectively.4 Our experimental heat capacity data on K3CeBr6, obtained for the first time, are plotted against

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2007 1211 Table 2. Thermodynamic Functions of K2CeBr5 and K3CeBr6: Values of A, B, C, D, and E Parameters in Equations 2, 4, 6, and 7 temp range













K2CeBr5(s) K2CeBr5(l)

298-874 874-1100

201.51 ( 2.27 315.01 ( 3.61

70.954 ( 3.561 -

-62230 ( 831 -52930 ( 649

-791.08 ( 13.99 -1403.53 ( 19.96

-989.22 ( 16.25 -1716.32 ( 23.56

K3CeBr6(s) K3CeBr6(s) K3CeBr6(l)

298-775 775-879 879-1100

272.74 ( 5.20 361.90 ( 15.33 387.57 ( 15.05

73.644 ( 8.752 -

-87860 ( 2330 -58230 ( 4920 -39090 ( 4680

-1106.62 ( 32.24 -1572.40 ( 92.85 -1698.97 ( 90.95

-1390.32 ( 38.75 -1916.72 ( 106.09 -2068.96 ( 103.92

Table 3. Thermodynamic Functions of K2CeBr5 at Selected Temperatures (from 298.15 to 1100 K) T



-(G0m(T) - H0m(298.15 K))/T

H0m(T) - H0m(298.15 K)






298.15 300 400 500 600 700 800 874

222.66 222.80 229.89 236.99 244.08 251.18 258.27 263.52

378.20 379.58 444.64 496.70 540.54 578.70 612.70 635.78

378.20 378.23 387.89 405.28 424.83 444.62 463.97 477.83

0.00 0.42 23.05 46.39 70.45 95.21 120.68 139.99

315.01 315.01 315.01 315.01

730.06 739.29 772.48 802.51

477.83 485.31 512.62 537.83

222.39 230.58 262.08 293.58

874 900 1000 1100

Table 4. Thermodynamic Functions of K3CeBr6 at Selected Temperatures (from 298.15 to 1100 K) T



-(G0m(T) - H0m(298.15 K))/T

H0m(T) - H0m(298.15 K)






298.15 300 400 500 600 700 775

294.70 294.83 302.20 309.56 316.93 324.29 329.81

469.30 471.12 556.95 625.17 682.26 731.67 764.96

469.30 469.24 478.17 498.78 522.91 547.71 566.09

0.00 0.59 33.02 66.92 102.30 139.14 167.75

775 800 879

361.90 361.90 361.90

835.27 846.76 880.84

566.09 575.23 602.77

222.24 231.29 259.88

879 900 1000 1100

387.57 387.57 387.57 387.57

928.57 937.72 978.56 1015.50

602.77 610.89 647.38 680.76

301.58 309.72 348.48 387.24

temperature in Figure 2. The linear heat capacity dependence on temperature (2) was used to fit the experimental data for solid K3CeBr6 in the temperature range 400 to 775 K, with standard deviations 14.12 J‚mol-1‚K-1. In this temperature range, solid K3CeBr6 is actually a mixture of solid KBr and K2CeBr5 and is denoted “K3CeBr6” hereafter. However, because of the strong Cp increase when approaching transitions, only those data corresponding to a smooth heat capacity dependence on temperature were used. Constant heat capacity values, C0p,m ) 361.90 ( 15.33 J‚mol-1‚K-1 and 387.57 ( 15.05 J‚mol-1‚K-1, were found for solid and liquid K3CeBr6 in the temperature ranges 775 to 879 K and 879 to 1100 K, respectively. Thermodynamic Functions of K3CeBr6. The thermodynamic functions of K3CeBr6 were calculated up to 1100 K using our experimental melting temperature and enthalpy together with the heat capacity data. The value of C0p,m(K3CeBr6, s, 298.15 K) ) 294.70 J‚mol-1‚K-1, also necessary in these calculations, was obtained by extrapolation of our results to 298.15 K. The standard entropy S0m(K3CeBr6, s, 298.15 K) ) 469.30 J‚K-1‚mol-1 was evaluated by Latimer’s method.10 The parameters in equations for C0p,m in J‚mol-1‚K-1, H0m(T) - H0m(298.15 K) in J‚mol-1, entropy (S0m), and Gibbs energy functions {-(G0m(T) - H0m(298.15))/T} in J‚mol-1‚K-1 dependences on temperature for both solid and liquid K3CeBr6

are given in Table 2. The values of thermodynamic functions for selected temperatures are presented in Table 4.

Summary The heat capacity dependence on temperature was determined for both solid and liquid K2CeBr5 and K3CeBr6 compounds. These data were used to calculate the whole set of thermodynamic functions up to 1100 K for solid and liquid compounds under investigation.

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Received for review November 14, 2006. Accepted April 2, 2007.
